


There are two main types of seizure, epileptic seizures and non-epileptic seizures. There are many causes, including fever, medications, injury, disease, parasites, and more.

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Can poisoning cause a seizure?

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It can, though it would likely not be common or an initial symptom.

  • A high fever from Shigella can cause seizures in young children.
  • One of the symptoms of Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning is seizures.
  • Someone who is severely affected by E. coli O157:H7 could develop Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome which can have lifelong effects - including seizures.

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How does lack of oxygen to the brain cause seizures?

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When the brain is deprived of oxygen, it cannot function properly, leading to an imbalance in the electrical activity of the brain. This can trigger abnormal neuronal firing, resulting in seizures. Seizures are a sign of brain dysfunction and can occur as a response to the stress caused by lack of oxygen.

Can cats have seizures?

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During the seizure, don't touch the cat - if the cat is flailing about, move sharp objects out of the way so the cat doesn't hurt himself on it. If you can, get a video of the seizure - your smartphone should have video recording capabilities if you have one. Otherwise, wait it out, then once your cat goes quiet (this is the post-seizure phase) carefully and gently place your cat into his carrier and take him to a veterinarian for examination. The video of the seizure can help your vet figure out what is going on.

Do cigarettes cause seizures?

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I can't give you a definite yes or no answer all I can tell you is I am a 24 year old smoker who just got released for the hospital for seizures that they cannot tell me why I am getting them. They released me after two days still seizing. I have noticed my seizing decreases when I do not smoke and increases when I do. I am ammusiinmint that is because smolking dcreases the amout of oxygen your blood carries throughought your body including your brain. One casuse of a seizure is lack of oxygen to then brain.....

Can chickens have seizures?

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Only if it is in the company of a tall, dark stranger with close cropped hair and a button down jacket. If this occurs, please call this number


Does coconut oil help prevent seizures?

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you're so dumb for even asking this question. my great great grandfather passed away from a seizure and i take this offensively. how does one even begin to think coconut oil will help prevent a seizure??

but if you were in the middle of having a seizure while you asked this selfish question, yes you should rub coconut oil on your belly.

What is tonic-clonic?

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This type of seizure many people think of when they hear the word epilepsy. Marked by loss of consciousness and stiffening and/or jerking of the muscles throughout the body, including arms and legs, these seizures are often referred to as grand mal seizures. The term tonic-clonic refers to certain kinds of body movements that appear during the seizures. Tonic means sudden stiffening of the limbs; clonic refers to rhythmic jerking.

Can a budgie have seizures?

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Can budgies have seizures? Yes, budgies can have seizures. If they stay down at the bottom of the cage with their food and water you know that your budgie is about to have a seizure. It is a unusual behaviour for a pet budgie to stay down at the bottom of the cage. If it happens quickly give your pet budgie a cold bath!!! PS: hope your budgie lives a happy life!

Can you have a seizure and not know?

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Yes, they are called by various names: absence seizures or silent seizures.

What is the best medicine for seizures?

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You can not get rid of seizure's most of the time. You can not treat them by your self. You will have to go to the doctor's and tell then exactly what's going on and they will proscribe you with medicine for it. I take Keppra. I'm epileptic and i have grand mall seizures. It's the worse kinda seizures a person can have. If you have a seizure where your sweating and really can't remember what happens then you better call 911 because you can bite your tongue off or even worse.

Can a fall injury cause seizures?

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Seizures are caused by unusual electrical activity in the brain. A back injury would not directly cause that to happen. It is possible that someone with a back injury could also happen to have seizures. If seizures started around the same time as the back injury, then it would be important to know how the back injury was caused and if something else could have happened at the time which led to the start of seizures. Only a doctor that could examine the person could establish if there is any connection.

What does a seizure symptom look like?

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Epilepsy is scaring to the onlooker, in the old days when science had not advanced like today , people just said the epileptic person was possessed by the devil. Which was not true. Only the most severe seizures are like that. For many people having a seizure you would not see anything all as many seizures are very mild. Between those two extremes there are different levels. So for some you might see some shaking or brief activity, or the person may be talking to themselves, but very little else.

Can worms in cats cause seizures?

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i dont think so when a worm went in my cat nothing happen

What are symptoms of dog seizures?

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A medical condition known as canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) causes disorientation, confusion, memory loss and personality changes that are very similar to Alzheimer's disease in humans. Canine Cognitive Dysfunction is sometimes referred to as "old dog syndrome", "brain aging", "doggie dementia" or "senility". Like Alzheimer's disease, the cause of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction is unknown, but physical evidence, found only in autopsies, reveals the same sort of degenerative brain lesions. With age, dogs, like humans, naturally accumulate deposits of beta amyloid, a nerve-damaging protein, in the brain. This starch-like protein builds up, becomes waxy, and forms plaque. As plaque builds up, it clogs the brain and inhibits the transmission of signals from the brain. In both Alzheimer's and Canine Cognitive Dysfunction, excessive senile plaque leads to more severe cognitive impairment. Some age-related changes, like a graying muzzle, are inevitable. Older dogs are more sensitive to temperature extremes and they move a bit slower. Dogs with Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome, however, experience changes in behavior which, like Alzheimer's, are not a normal part of aging. The main symptoms of CDS are summarized by the acronym DISH... Disorientation - Interaction changes - Sleep changes - and House soiling. These changes in behavior could be signs of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction.... Sometimes a disoriented dog....

* Stops responding to his name.

* Forgets once familiar tricks

May stop responding to even basic commands

* No longer remembers routines

* Stares blankly into space or at walls

* Gets stuck in corners, under furniture or behind furniture

* Engages in repetitive and compulsive disorders

* Paces or wanders aimlessly * Compulsively walks in circles... around a table or from room to room

* Appears lost or confused, even in familiar surroundings

* Dogs who knew exactly where their yard ended and never crossed the line, wander past the normal boundaries, becoming lost and confused.

* Easily agitated and/or barks for no reason.

For about the last two years of her life, Gretchen, who passed away 5 years ago, walked round and round the dining room table - carrying her "baby" in her mouth. She did this at least 2 or 3 times a day - doing 100 or more laps each time. Gretchen forgot how to do all the wonderful tricks she once loved to perform. Dogs who experience decreased interaction with people....

* No longer greet visitors or even family members

* No longer try to get attention

* No longer care about being petted

They walk away even when being petted and receiving affection. Dogs who experience changes in sleep patterns...

* Sleep more during the day

* Sleep less at night

* May wander around instead of sleeping Dogs with CDS sometimes forget housetraining...

* They have "accidents" indoors... even soon after being outside

* They stop "asking" to go out

* They seem to forget the reason for going outdoors

What is a metabolic cause of a seizure?

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i get abdominal quaking when i sing and feel like im going to fall down and general tremor starts what can i do?

What does doctor give you for seizures?

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Since seizures are a function of some condition in a patient's brain, a neurologist can first diagnose the source and type of seizures the patient has. There are several causes of seizures and it is vital to determine the exact cause. From there the neurologist will know how to treat the exact condition diagnosed whether by medication or surgery. The doctor will be able to prescribe the best medication or combination of medications available and tolerable by the patient. Not every anti-convulsant medication works in every situation. Sometimes more than one is needed and it takes some trial and error to determine the most effective treatment.

Can marfans syndrome cause seizures?

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I'm not a doctor...but my husband has marfans and TLE (temporal lobe epilepsy). I get the impression its not very common though.

How do you give someone a seizure?

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Show them a flashy video

Are Beagles prone to seizures?

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Yes. Beagles are prone to epilepsy. Although it is a minor concern, Beagles are prone to many other health problems including intervertebral disc disease, CHD, joint problems, deafness, hemophilia A, cataracts, glaucoma, etc. Hip and eye test are highly recommended, and it is important to get your heatlh-tested Beagle from good lines.

What part of the brain causes seizures?

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There is no specific region. If there is any kind of damage, it could be in different places for different people. Not everyone that has epilepsy has brain damage and equally, not everyone that has brain damage has epilepsy.

Can complex partial seizures become generalized seizures?

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Spreading of the epileptiform (seizure)discharge during complex partial seizures can result in secondary generalization(which means a partial seizure may spread within the brain-a process known as secondary generalization )with a tonic-clonic convulsion(generalized seizures).

so yes,complex partial seizures can become generalized.

The mechanism of how this happens is not fully understood in medicine but there are various explanations !!!

What is epilepticus?

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epilepticus, a life-threatening condition characterized by continuous seizures, sustained loss of consciousness, and respiratory distress