

Shrub Varieties

A cardinal rule in gardening and landscaping is the proper placement of the proper plant in the proper environment. The proof of this rule clearly is seen in a shrub that grows poorly or looks out of place in the wrong setting. Typical questions relate to the different adaptations, habitat needs, landscape functions, problem pests, and survival threats of the many different varieties of shrubs.

500 Questions

Are Pyracantha bushes poisonous?

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Yes, Pyracantha bushes produce berries that are mildly toxic if ingested. The berries can cause stomach upset and skin irritation if they come into contact with the skin. It's best to avoid ingesting the berries and take care when handling the plant.

Why does sea water kill plants?

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Sea water is harmful to most plants because of its high salt content. Plants are not adapted to handle such high levels of salt, which can disrupt the delicate balance of water and nutrients within the plant's cells. This disruption can lead to dehydration, damage to the plant's tissues, and eventually death.

What is the name of the fruit of the blackthorn?

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Sloe is the name of the fruit of the blackthorn.

Specifically, blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) produces a fruit which is called "sloe" and categorized as "drupe". Drupes have fleshy exteriors surrounding a pit, pyrene, or stone and a seed. Sloes have plum-like appearances.

You are moving and want to take a rose bush with to your new home how can you do this in the winter?

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Asked by Wiki User

To safely move a rose bush in winter, start by digging around the plant to loosen the roots. Then, carefully lift the root ball out of the ground and wrap it in burlap to protect it during transportation. Make sure to replant the rose bush in a suitable location at your new home as soon as possible.

What is an Russian olive?

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Russian olive is a small tree native to southern Europe and western Asia. It is known for its silvery-gray leaves and tiny yellow flowers that bloom in spring. The tree produces small olive-like fruits that are commonly used to make jams and jellies.

What is the scientific name for bougainvillea?

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The genus (or first part of the scientific name) for bougainvillea is actually "bougainvillea." There are several species, including Bougainvillea glabra, which if you are in the southern United States, this is most likely the horticultural species you will find.

If in South America, there are species called Bougainvillea peruviana and Bougainvillea spinosa.
Bougainvillea glabra

What does a juniper bush look like?

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A juniper bush typically has needle-like leaves that are green or bluish in color. They also produce small berries that can be blue, black, or brownish in color. The overall appearance can vary depending on the specific type of juniper bush.

What is the name for the seed of the leguminous shrub Cajanus cajan?

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Legume is the name for the seed of the leguminous shrub Cajanus cajan, which also is called green, no-eye and pigeon pea.

Specifically, such a seed is sheltered within a pod. The pod opens into two valves. The seed will be found on the valve edges.

What is juniper bush?

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Juniper bush is a type of evergreen shrub or small tree that belongs to the cypress family. It is known for its distinctive blue-green needle-like leaves and small berries called juniper berries. Juniper bushes are commonly used in landscaping for their ornamental value and as a source of aromatic oils.

Scientific name for euphorbia?

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Asking the scientific name of Euphorbia is like asking the present US president for his name. Euphorbia is a scientific name for a plant from a large family. The family is well described in Wikipedia. The trouble is that if a plants name in CBL (civilized botanical Latin is widely used, the common name is forgotten. One is likely to presume that the most used name must be a common name. In many English spoken countries this is common place. I can give you numerous examples, but it will take to far. Euphorbia can be a Spurge family representative. Look it up: it's there for reading.

What is the scientific name for shrubs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Woody plant is one of many possible scientific names for shrubs.

Specifically, shrubs generally are trees whose maximum heights matures to less than 30 feet (9.14 meters). It is considered woody -- likes lianas and trees -- because of the composition of its structural tissue. The binomial name will depend upon the shrub's family membership.

What is the scientific classification of euphorbia neriifolia linn?

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A flowering, herbal shrub or small tree in the euphorbia family is the scientific classification of the Euphorbia neriifolia(Linnaeus). The plant in question receives the common name of milk hedge.

What is a small shrub with strong mint like odour small leaves and white pink or red flowers?

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I have a plannt like that. It has purple flowers though. I havnt really found out for sure what it is. But from what I was told its probably purple sage. I think the sage bushes give off an odor like that.. just giving you a place to start

How do you propagate a spice bush?

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The best way to be sure you get the same as the parent is to take a cutting or a graft. If you grow from seed you wont know what you will get unless it is a true species.

What kind of deciduous shrub has red berries?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't know its botanical name, but Winterberry is a type of deciduous holly that has red or orange berries, depending on the type. You will need a male Winterberry if you want your female Winterberry to produce berries. The type with orange berries is one of my favorite shrubs for winter interest. They grow well in my USDA zone 8b area.

What animals eat holly?

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Holly is eaten by pigs and wild boar, sheep, deer and a variety of birds. Most herbivores will have a go at holly but the holly will fight back and you will find that holly trees grazed by cattle will produce needlelike thorns at the lower end that will deter grazers.

Why is your face white?

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If your lips are white, this can mean a variety of things. It might mean that you are dehydrated. It could also mean that your circulation is not good.

What is the best fertilizer for Fothergilla gardenii shrubs?

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An acidifying fertilizer or compost are the best fertilizers for gardenia shrubs (Gardenia spp).

Specifically, gardenias appreciate soils that are more acidic than neutral. They therefore benefit from acidifying fertilizers that keep the soil pH below the neutral range of 6.5-7.0 on the 1-14 scale. They get the same benefits when compost is applied at fertilizer along the drip line or as mulch. Additionally, compost as mulch controls weedy competitors, favors drainage, increases soil fertility and keeps temperatures even.

How do you remove umbrella tree?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cut the stem close to the ground, then allow bush to turn brown before composting Lift root ball in increments, allow soil to fall off root ball in small amounts before composting roots Incorporate soil in other containers or garden or compost

Is the poinsettia a shrub?

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Yes, the poinsettia is a flower. It's sometimes called the Christmas flower because it's seen so widely in Christmas displays. But, the dominant red display is not the flower, it's modified leaves below the small yellow flowers.

Click on the Related Link below for pictures of poinsettias

What are deer resistant flowers?

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Asked by Wiki User

First: the caveat. With the possible exception of spiny Barberries (Berberis) there are no absolutely deer-proof plants. If the herd is large enough, and food is scarce enough, deer have been known to eat almost anything. That said, there are plants that are much less palatable to deer.
Please see related link below.

poison plants, they might still eat them but they will never come back

What is a container grown shrub?

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A woody plant that grows healthily within the confinements of a container is what a container-grown shrub is. A shrub may look as thick and wide as a bush or as branch- and trunk-defined as a small tree. Either way, some realize their life cycles in bare ground whereas others will tolerate the restrictions of such containers as barrels and pots.

A container grown shrub is a shrub grown in a container for all year round sale.