


Sony Playstation 2

This category is for questions concerning the second installment of the PlayStation console.

500 Questions

How do you fix your ps2 when the disc will spin then just stop spinning and it is not a disc read error?

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it sounds to that were you put the is is either brok or it is out of line. it is mostly like broke

Will star wars battle front 3 be available for playstation two?

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Yes- you can play split screen on the PS2, I believe. My friend has the game on PS2, although he rarely uses it. Split screen is lots of fun though, especially on a large screen.

What do you do after saving Aladdin in Kingdom Hearts?

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(I may be wrong, but im pretty sure... havent played in a while....) you take him back to the old man and Riku shows up. You then play a little game of hid and seek with them until Riku and Sora get in a fight. You battle him. I hope that helped....

Does Call of Duty World at War PS2 have online?

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Yes you can. I have before and prestiged twice while playing.

How do you sneak out of your house with a security alarm and two story?

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all you will need is:

a knife

some tape (dosent matter what type, as long as it sticks well)

there are 2 parts to any window alarm, a sensor which isn't connected to the window (the part that moves) and a little bar thing that is stuck to the window, the little bar is magnetic and when it moves away from the sensor (i.e. opening your window) it triggers the alarm so the idea is to be able to open the window without moving the bar

all you do is very carefully put the tape on the sensor so that it is also stuck to the magnetic bar, then use the knife to pry the bar off the window (or unscrew it, but its usually attached with double sided tape) without getting it unstuck from the tape that connects it to the sensor, when done the magnetic bar should hang from the tape attached to the sensor, then open the window and presto, freedom!!!, i sudjest then carefully without moving the bar away from the sensor, moving it closer is fine, reinforce it so that your sure it wont come off, i did this to the window in my room and have done it to sevral friends windows aswell, it works like a charm just becareful while doing it, i have heard you can also put a magnet there but personally i prefere this way because its gaurenteed to work, just be careful to keep the bar the same distance if not closer to the sensor than it was in the first place and the alarm wont sound, the beauty of this trick is you can leave it like this so you don't hafto do it again

as far as the 2 story part goes i sudjest finding a tree to climb onto or if there isn't one buying one of those rope fire escape latters, they work perfectly (probably because that's what their designed for lol) if you cant find one or cant buy one just build one, if u cant do that use a rope or somthing, but i highly sudject buying a rope fire escape latter or somthing

and that's pretty much it,

have fun sneaking out

Anyone who tells someone else how to bypass an alarm is an idiot. That person has no idea what the age or purpose for someone asking such a question. Obviously the alarm was placed there for a reason. Do you think you are going to pull the wool over your parents eyes? You also have to be quite unstable to even want to sneak out in the middle of the night. Sooner or later you will get caught and any trust and stability your family had in you will be gone. Can you REALLY live with that for some cheap thrill?

How do you get item fusion numbers in dbzbt2?

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Is Spider-Man shattered dimensions for the ps2?

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No the PS3 Xbox 360 Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS only

How do you get the Jak skin in Ratchet and clank deadlocked?

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You buy it with stars.To get stars you complets levels and challenges on different game difficulties. (p.s. only player 2 can use the jak skin though)

Where to find a helicopter?

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Toy helicopters can be a fun and exciting toy for all age groups. You can buy a toy helicopter from Radioshack. Alternatively, you can look to ebay and see a larger selection and find the best price.

How do you be the dog on call of duty world at war?

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you cant, that's in Call of duty 5, World at war for getting a 7 kill streak; and the new Call of Duty 7, Black ops for getting an 11 kill streak

What ps2 game is the longest to play?

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Not sure of the actual longest game but I guess it depends on how you play it. I would say Resident Evil 4.

Can you get a ps2 games on PS3?

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Yes and No depending what ps3 model you have!

If it has 2 usb ports it can only play ps1 games.

If you have the ps3 slim it can't play any ps2 games no matter how many GB it has.

Any ps3 can play ps1 games!

ps1 and ps2 games can be saved on to the ps3

As long as you have the memory card adapter.

You can only save ps2 games on the 20gb and 60gb and 80gb which have 4 usb ports!

You can save ps1 games on any ps3 even on the slim.

Is Devil May Cry 3 PlayStation 2 game data work with Devil May Cry 3 special edition?

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Apparently, the special edition of Devil May Cry 3 has a new playable character plus a couple of new extras added in.

Where can you find a manual for sims 2 ps2?

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Sometimes you can purchase just the manuals for games on Ebay. If one is not available when you first look try setting up a search to send you an Email when one is listed. You can also purchase a used game that includes the manual in the listing description. Some sellers having a great number of games may add the manual when you purchase other Game titles as a bonus if you send them a message.

How do you enter reichstag on call of duty world at war?

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Fight your way to the very front of the Reichstag. (there will be barriers separating you from the stairs) Keep fighting until you eliminate most of the Nazis. Then, one of the columns will fall and crash into the barriers making a free space. Then you have entrance to the Reichstag.

How do you catch a whitetip shark in Sims 2 Castaway for PS2?

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The best place to catch a shark is Crystal island. Once you have performed the ceremonial cliff dive keep swimming and eventually you will get a new island. Crystal island, it is a small island but great for cathing sharks! Make sure you fish with a bamboo fishing pole, otherwise you will not be able to catch one! Keep trying and eventually you will catch a shark! Note: I caught my shark on my first attempt! Good luck! Actually, I found the shark in the Tidal Pools (after you do a Ceremonial Cliff Dive from Ancient Theater). The first shark I caught was the Tiger Shark that has the 1/2 of the map piece. I caught a few fish, then 3 sharks, then stopped fishing and checked my goal before the pop-up displayed that I had completed the Fish a Shark goal. BTW, I used the wooden fishing pole...

How much would someone pay for a playststion 2?

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If the ps2 is used, then it depends on the condition. If you were to buy it new, then a good price would be around $100, which started on April 1, 2009.

How much does a CD cost?

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That depends on a lot of things though?

I say that it cost between $6.99-$19.99 in US Dollars.

How do you find the rifle in the first level of resident evil 4?

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To do this puzzle, you need to rotate the dial in this order:


What is the invisible cheat for gta vice city ps2?

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There is no cheat code listed for an invisible car in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for the PSP platform. The code for the PS2 platform is triangle, L1, triangle, R2, square, L1, L1.

How do you pin in smackdown just bring it PS2 game?

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Press O and down (on the keypad) simultaneously while your opponent is grounded.

How do you play internet multiplayer with PS2?

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You can't play online with the ps2. It's online the ps3 that you can hook up to the internet and use the network.

Is everyone stupid you can play ps2 games online you connect an ethernet cable to the back of your ps2 and your online, hope this helped better than the one above

Are there any cheat codes for madden 09 on ps2?

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No cheats except for a few codes for cards.

Can you play facebook games on PC tablet?

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In the app store search for the game you want to play like farmville and dowload it, its free so you might as well