

Sun Tanning

Sun tanning refers to the process by which the skin color is tanned or darkened. The most common method of tanning the skin is through sun bathing (exposure to the sun), but there are also artificial tanning methods available.

500 Questions

What's a good after-sun lotion that prevents you from peeling if you get sunburned?

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I've found using a nice 99 cent can of Barbasol works pretty well. Yup, that's right...shaving cream.

Can self tanning lotion prevent you from tanning?

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Nothing will completely block all UV light and stop you from tanning. An SPF will simply delay the amount of time it takes for you to receive MED's (minimal erythemal dosage). So in theory, a SPF 30 vs an SPF 8 will allow you to spend more time in the sun and delay the tanning process(by minimizing the penetration of UV light)

What are the pros and cons of sunbathing?

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The answer to this question is ............. it makes you look good and it gives people confidence ok if you are a tanorexic then you need help unless you want cancer but if you use it sensibilly then its fine (Y)

How many tanning salons are in the US?

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According to the U.S. Census Bureau's 2002 Economic Census, which is the most up-to-date data available to the public, there are:-- 85,492 establishments in the category "Barber Shops", of which81,432 are non-employers and 4,060 are employers.-- 474,367 establishments in the category "Beauty Salons", of which400,414 are non-employers and 73,953 are employers.

How does a tanning mist work?

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I am an airbrush artist in New Jersey for Beach Bum tanning, a chain on the East Coast. Airbrushing is a form of tanning that is used instead of using tanning beds that are seen as unhealthy. We use solution, provided by our company where we evaluate your skin tone when you come in, and you tell us the look you are looking for and we make that happen. We use all organic/healthy solution which is good for you skin and comes out of clothes. I begin with your back, turning your body as you go getting into places a spray machine (that usually comes out orange) can't get to. This also gives you a choice in color instead of just one that would spray out at you. It never globs or gets smudged either because we are using air as we go along. Also unlike the machine, airbrushing is more browning unlike the machines or self tanners. I usually reccomend this for people who have important events, want a healthy solution or have such fair skin that they don't want to risk orange color from self-tanning or the machine. It usually can last two weeks if taken care of by moisterizing and washing with lotion/soap that has no sulfates - so always check your ingrediants.

Can you tan on rainny day?

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yes it is possible, but why would you want to.

What is the best type of oil to tan with?

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Banana Boat tanning oil works really well. But if your looking for a cheaper alternative. You can mix 1/2 cup of baby oil. 1/4 of spf 4 or 10, 1/4 cup regular lotion and mix. Be careful with baby oil it can deffinately cause premature aging. Make sure if you tan you use lotion after, if your skin is not hydrated the tan will look dull and uneven.

Where was suntan lotion invented?

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The first formula for suntan lotion was invented by a man named Eugene Schueller in 1936.

How do you remove spray tan?

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Removing spray tan Isn't easy so try not to go over the top with unwanted orange-ness!!

Yeah you can buy a fake tan remover from shops but if you dont have time sometimes shaving, or nail polish remover can remove the top layer of fake tan.

If this doesnt work for your skin then try scrubbing with soap or just leave it to let your skin deal with it.

Please note that sometimes people can get reactions with 'nail polish remover' on their skin!

New Answer: ^^ although these are good ideas, as an airbrush artist I have seen some awful spray tans/self tanner issues. First, before you put on anymore, you always want to exfoliate the last off before putting a new layer on- or it willl turn orange. Second, try just exfoliating with a LOT of sulfates. For example Dove, which carrys a lot that lessen the tan quick. When that doesn't work, try sugar, lemon & water -- exfoliate this for a few days with a loofa, circular motions. But this will take time to truely clean your skin & poors. Nail Polish remover works really well on your hands but can dry our your skin quickly, so try these first.

How do you get tan not at the beach?

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Get a Tan Extender Lotion. Bath and Body Works has one. "After Sun Tan Extending Lotion" It will make sure your tan wont fade! Try a tanning lotion or spray. But be careful how much you much you use or you might turn orange.

Is baby oil with iodine safe?

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No! My mother used it all her life for tanning, and it worked great. But it does not contain SPF...not safe for the sun. Obviously, the correct answer is used sunscreen and avoid tanning too much.

Is it safe to sunbathe?

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No. With the sun today it will damage your skin even with a high factor sunscreen. You are better off staying out of the sun. The tanning booths are worse so don't use them as well. These put direct UV rays on your skin and will damage it. No matter your skin tone you can get melanoma as you age.

How thick is rhino skin?

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1.5-5 cm thick

How do you use tanning spray?

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When using tanning lotion, it is important to choose a brand that you have used before. If you have never used such lotion before, you should know that these products are not designed for those with sensitive skin. Using a new brand with different ingredients or trying the lotion for the first time can put you at risk for a rash. Try to use the lotion sparingly at first. You can look online to find out which tanning products are thought to be more mild than others.

Where can you buy tanning lotion?

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You can more than likely purchase them at the indoor tanning salon of your choice.

Can you get a suntan in a greenhouse?

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since a greenhouse is made from glass you have to it directly in the sun and stay there for a few hours but if your not careful your going to get a sunburn so make sure you were ALOT of sunblock!

What animal produces its own sun tan lotion?

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Seals, walruses, and a few other species or pinnepeds. To a degree, humans do also. The natural oils in our sweat help protect us.

Can you get a tan while swimming?

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Sometimes. It really all depends on your skin type-a lot of people tan faster in the water, but some people (usually with fairer skin) just burn right away. Then when their burn heals, they aren't much darker than they started out. No matter what your skin type is though, you should always use some kind of sunblock.

Does microdermabrasion stop your skin from getting dark from being in the sun?

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No. Microdermabrasion can be used to make your skin look better if it's already been damaged from the sun, but it doesnt stop your skin from getting darker because of sun exposure. In fact, microdermabrasion makes your skin more sensitive immediately after treatment, so you have to avoid the sun. Going under the sun immediately after microdermabrasion treatment will burn your skin, but that's only if you are exposed to the skin on the same day as treatment, otherwise it makes no difference.

Can indoor tanning tanning beds cause your nipples to darken?

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Yes, just like the rest of your body.

How can a pale person get a tan?

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Yes. Stay out of the sun. If you go into the sun for any reason at all try to cover up; wear long sleeves and a hat. Put sunscreen on. Use SPF 50 at least.but, you have to go in the sun sometimes. you need the vitamin d if you don't have it then you can get sick and you will get some type of blood disease.

What kind of tanning lotion will get you the darkest the fastest?

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Look for something with a lot of bronzers. And make sure you buy from a salon! Don't trust eBay or amazon sellers. I work at a tanning salon and have been personally tanning for years and I'm partial to designer skin products like black, obsidian and 14k gold. The main thing is buy from a trusted salon and spend a little extra on a really good product! You get what you pay for.