


Swimming Pools

Want to take a dip the pool on a hot day? Have it ready! Questions in this category are about swimming pool sanitation and equipment. Some things you can ask about are automatic pool cleaners, skimmers, filters, brushes, chemicals, tests, technical questions on filtration equipment and more.

500 Questions

Do fluids take up space and why?

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Yes, fluids take up space because their molecules are in constant motion and have volume. This is due to intermolecular forces that cause the molecules to be closely packed together, resulting in the fluid occupying a specific volume.

What if alkalinity is too high?

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If alkalinity is too high, it can lead to cloudy water, scale buildup on pool surfaces, and can make it difficult to keep chlorine levels balanced. To lower alkalinity, you can use a pH reducer or muriatic acid according to the manufacturer's instructions or seek help from a pool professional for guidance. Regular testing and maintenance will help prevent alkalinity levels from becoming too high.

Density for pool water?

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The density of pool water can vary depending on factors such as temperature, salinity, and the presence of chemicals like chlorine. On average, pool water has a density of about 1.0 g/cm3, which is slightly denser than pure water due to the dissolved minerals and chemicals. It is always important to test and maintain the proper balance of chemicals in pool water to ensure safe and comfortable swimming conditions.

How many feet is 42 inches?

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42 inches is equal to 3.5 feet. To convert inches to feet, you divide the number of inches by 12 (since 1 foot = 12 inches).

What is the chemical ALK in a swimming pool?

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ALK stands for Alkalinity in a swimming pool. It measures the pool's ability to resist changes in pH, which is important for maintaining proper water balance and preventing fluctuations in acidity. Proper alkalinity levels help to ensure that pool water stays clear and comfortable for swimmers.

What happens to the amount of the hypochlorous acid in a swimming poolas the pH increases?

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As the pH of a swimming pool increases, hypochlorous acid converts to hypochlorite ion, which is less effective as a disinfectant. This leads to a decrease in the amount of hypochlorous acid available to sanitize the pool water. Maintaining the pH within the recommended range helps optimize the effectiveness of hypochlorous acid for disinfection.

How many gallons of water are in a 1799.5 feet cubed pool?

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There are 7,985.76 gallons of water in a 1799.5 cubic feet pool.

How many chemicals should you use in your pool?

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It is recommended to use the appropriate amount of chemicals in your pool based on water volume, pH levels, and other factors. It is best to follow the manufacturer's instructions and consult with a professional to ensure the proper balance of chemicals for safe and effective pool maintenance. Overuse or underuse of chemicals can lead to water quality issues and potential health risks.

What drug has little black pebbles?

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It is difficult to identify a drug based on the description of little black pebbles alone. It could potentially be illicit drugs like heroin or methamphetamine, but without proper testing it is not possible to definitively identify the substance. If you find unidentified pills or substances, it is safest to contact a professional for proper disposal and guidance.

How can you figure out what is making your pools pH balance high?

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You can test the water using a pH test kit, which will give you a numerical value of the pH level. To lower high pH levels, you can use pH decreaser chemicals or add acid, following the manufacturer's instructions. You should also make sure there are no other factors contributing to the high pH, such as high alkalinity or hard water.

How much do pebbles cost?

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The cost of pebbles can vary depending on the type, size, and quantity you are looking to purchase. In general, prices can range from a few cents per pound to a couple of dollars per pound. It is best to check with local garden centers or suppliers for specific pricing.

What Chemical is used to kill germs in swimming pools?

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Chlorine, because of it's pH level. Some pools use salt, but Cl is most common. Home pool owners may occasionally just dump household bleach into their pools to "shock" it. This kills culturing algae and other lichens

Is swim team dangerous?

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Swim team can be a safe physical activity when proper supervision and training are provided. However, like any sport, there are inherent risks such as drowning, muscle strain, and overuse injuries. It is important for swimmers to receive proper instruction, follow safety guidelines, and be aware of their own limitations to minimize these risks.

12500 liter of water in how many cubic meter of water?

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12500 liters of water is equivalent to 12.5 cubic meters. To convert liters to cubic meters, you divide the number of liters by 1000.

How often should you check pool chemicals?

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Pool chemicals should be checked at least once a week during the swimming season. It's also a good idea to check the pool chemicals after heavy rainfall, after a large number of people have used the pool, or if you notice any changes in water clarity or quality.

Is it more difficult to swim in a shallow pool or a deep pool?

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Swimming in a shallow pool can be more challenging because there is less water to work with, making it easier to hit the bottom or sides. a deep pool can provide more space to swim without those obstacles.

Is algae good?

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Yes, algae play a crucial role in the ecosystem by producing oxygen through photosynthesis and serving as a food source for various organisms. Some types of algae are also used in biotechnology, biofuels, and water treatment processes. However, excessive algal growth in water bodies can lead to harmful algal blooms, which have negative impacts on water quality and aquatic life.

Is used in swimming pools to keep out bacteria?

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Chlorine is used in swimming pools to kill bacteria and other microorganisms that could cause infections or illnesses. It acts as a disinfectant by breaking down biological contaminants in the water.

What are safe hydrogen sulfide levels in chlorine swimming pools?

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Safe hydrogen sulfide levels are typically not detectable in chlorine swimming pools. If hydrogen sulfide is present, it may indicate an underlying issue such as the presence of sulfur-reducing bacteria or poor water quality. It's important to address the source of hydrogen sulfide and maintain proper pool maintenance to ensure a safe swimming environment.

How many solar panels amps volt to run a 110v pool pump?

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The number of solar panels needed depends on the power consumption of the pool pump. You'll need to know the wattage of the pump to determine the amperage and number of panels required. A rough estimation is that a 1-2 horsepower (HP) pool pump typically requires around 1500-2000 watts or 12-17 amps, so you'll need enough solar panels to produce this much power consistently.

What solids can sink in mercury?

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What would be the effect when the solvent pool in a developing jar is too deep in TLC technique?

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If the solvent pool in a TLC developing jar is too deep, it can cause the sample spots to become diffused or spread out. This can lead to poor resolution and overlapping of the compounds being separated on the TLC plate. It may also make it difficult to accurately analyze and interpret the results.

How much soda ash would you add to a 125000 gallon pool to raise pH from 6.8 to 7.2?

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To raise the pH of a 125,000-gallon pool from 6.8 to 7.2, you would need to add around 24 pounds of soda ash. It's recommended to start by adding half of the calculated amount, retest the pH after a few hours, and then add the rest if necessary.

Do you have to add chemicals to your pool?

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Yes, you may need to add chemicals to your pool to maintain proper water balance and sanitation. Common pool chemicals include chlorine for disinfection, pH adjusters to balance acidity levels, and algaecides to prevent algae growth. Regular testing and proper chemical treatment help keep your pool water safe and clean for swimming.

Why is pH low but alkalinity high?

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A low pH and high alkalinity can occur when there are high levels of bicarbonates and carbonates in the water, which act as buffering agents. This can cause the water to resist changes in pH despite having a high alkalinity. It is important to address the root cause of the high alkalinity to effectively balance the pH levels in the water.