

The Difference Between

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500 Questions

What is the difference between 18 and -4?

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Asked by Wiki User

Using the number line

Start at '18' and move to the left, until you reach '-4' . You have made '22' steps ; the difference.

Arithmetically 18 - - 4 = 18 + 4 = 22 The difference. Note the double negative.

What is The difference between the 3 regions?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Atlantic region is on the East Coast of Canada and is known for its maritime culture. The Prairie region is in the central part of Canada and is known for its vast plains and agriculture. The Pacific region is located on the West Coast and is known for its mountains, forests, and coastal scenery.

What is one major different between region and a period?

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Asked by Wiki User

A region is a geographical area with specific characteristics, such as climate or culture, while a period refers to a specific point in time or era within history. Regions are defined by their spatial boundaries, while periods are defined by their temporal boundaries.

What are the differences between map and aerial photo?

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Asked by Wiki User

Maps are representational drawings that show the physical features of an area, including boundaries, roads, and landmarks. Aerial photos are images taken from above the Earth's surface that provide a visual representation of the landscape. Aerial photos are more detailed and can show actual features and conditions on the ground, while maps often include additional information such as scale and legend.

What are the differences between map aerial photo and satellite imagery?

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Asked by Wiki User

A map aerial photo is a photograph taken from an aircraft that provides a detailed view of the Earth's surface, while satellite imagery is captured by satellites orbiting the Earth. Satellite imagery covers larger areas and can be updated more frequently, while aerial photos offer higher resolution and detail. Additionally, satellite imagery can be used for real-time monitoring and tracking, while aerial photos are often used for localized mapping projects.

How did the geography of mesopotamia and Egypt shape their culture?

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Asked by Wiki User

The geography of Mesopotamia, with its fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, enabled the growth of agriculture and city-states. In contrast, Egypt's geography, with the Nile River's annual flooding, facilitated farming and centralized governance, which influenced the development of their cultures by focusing on agriculture, social hierarchy, and centralized political authority.

What is a one difference between Sahel and savvana?

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One difference between the Sahel and savanna is their climate. The Sahel is a semi-arid region with less precipitation than the savanna, which has a more tropical climate with distinct wet and dry seasons.

What is the difference between district and town?

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A district typically refers to a larger geographic area that encompasses multiple towns or neighborhoods, while a town is a specific populated area with its own local government. Towns are typically smaller in size and population compared to districts.

What Difference between size on a map and real size?

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The difference between size on a map and real size is due to scale distortion. Maps cannot accurately represent the true size of features on the Earth's surface due to the challenge of translating a three-dimensional surface onto a two-dimensional plane. This leads to distortions in distance, area, and shape on maps compared to reality.

What are three differences between highlands and lowlands?

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Highlands are typically located at higher elevations, while lowlands are at lower elevations. Highlands usually have cooler temperatures and shorter growing seasons compared to lowlands. Lowlands are often more suitable for agriculture and settlement due to their fertile soils and milder climates.

What is the Difference between Llanos and Campos?

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Llanos and campos are both types of grasslands. Llanos refer specifically to the vast plains found in South America, mainly in Venezuela and Colombia, characterized by annual flooding and grasses adapted to wet conditions. Campos, on the other hand, are grasslands found in South America, particularly in Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, with more diverse plant species and less pronounced flooding.

What is the difference between adjectives north and northern?

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"North" is a direction or location, while "northern" refers to something related to or located in the north. For example, "the north" refers to the direction, while "northern states" describes states located in the northern part of a country.

What is the difference between these two regions that cause the difference in fertility rates?

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The difference in fertility rates between the two regions could be attributed to various factors, such as socioeconomic development, access to education and healthcare, cultural norms regarding family size, availability of family planning resources, and government policies promoting or restricting family growth. This can result in variations in birth rates and overall population growth between regions.

What are the major differences between the maritime central and western provinces?

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The major differences between the maritime central and western provinces in Canada include their geography, economy, and population density. The maritime provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island) are located on the Atlantic coast, known for their fishing and agriculture industries, and have a higher population density compared to the western provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba), which are more known for their oil and gas industries, agriculture, and vast landscapes with lower population density.

What is the difference between contact and regional metamorphisim?

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Contact metamorphism occurs when rocks are subjected to high temperatures and pressures due to proximity to a heat source, typically a magma intrusion. Regional metamorphism, on the other hand, is caused by widespread tectonic forces affecting large areas of rock, resulting in higher pressures and temperatures at deeper levels. Contact metamorphism is localized around the heat source, while regional metamorphism affects larger regions due to tectonic forces.

What were the similarities and differences between the colonies of acadia and new France?

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Acadia and New France were both French colonies in North America, but they differed in terms of location and population. Acadia was located in the Maritimes region, while New France encompassed a larger territory including present-day Quebec and parts of the Midwest. Acadia had a smaller population of primarily French settlers and Indigenous peoples, while New France had a more diverse population including French settlers, fur traders, and missionaries.

What is The difference between portrait orientitation and landscape orientation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Portrait orientation is when the height of the image is greater than its width, generally used for portraits and reading documents. Landscape orientation is when the width of the image is greater than its height, typically used for wide scenic views and presentations.

What differences do you see between the egyptan seasons and the standard seasons much of the US today?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Egypt, there are three main seasons: a mild winter from November to February, a hot summer from May to September, and a moderate spring and autumn. In the US, there are four main seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter, with variations in temperature and weather patterns depending on the region. Overall, the Egyptian seasons tend to be more consistently hot, while the US experiences greater temperature variations throughout the year.

What is the difference between explorers and settlers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Explorers are individuals who venture into new or unfamiliar territories to investigate or discover, often for scientific or adventurous purposes. Settlers, on the other hand, are people who establish permanent communities or colonies in these new territories, often with the intent of building homes, farms, and societies. Explorers pave the way for settlers by identifying resources, mapping terrain, and assessing the feasibility of inhabiting the land.

What is the difference between the houses in villages and cities?

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Houses in villages are generally smaller, more spaced out, and have a more traditional design compared to houses in cities which are typically larger, closer together, and more varied in architectural style. Villages often have a stronger sense of community and connection to nature, while cities offer more amenities and services due to their higher population density.

What are some differences between Brazil and the UK?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some differences between Brazil and the UK include their languages (Portuguese in Brazil and English in the UK), their climates (tropical in Brazil and temperate in the UK), and their cultural traditions (Carnival in Brazil and tea-drinking in the UK). Additionally, Brazil is located in South America while the UK is in Europe.

What is the location for formal?

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Formal events can be held at a variety of locations, such as banquet halls, ballrooms, hotels, country clubs, or even outdoor venues like gardens or estates. The location often depends on the formality of the event and the number of guests attending.

What are the similarities and differences between the three colonial regions?

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The similarities between the three colonial regions (New England, Middle, and Southern) include reliance on agriculture, trade networks with Europe, and English colonization. Differences include economies (New England focused on shipbuilding and trade, Middle on trade and commerce, Southern on plantation agriculture), societies (New England had strong religious influence, Middle was more diverse, Southern had a rigid class system), and geographical features (New England had rocky soil, Middle had fertile land, Southern had a warmer climate).

What is the difference between the climate of the Pacific coastal plain and the Caribbean lowlands?

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Asked by Wiki User

The climate of the Pacific coastal plain tends to be drier with a distinct wet and dry season, while the Caribbean lowlands typically experience a more consistent year-round rainfall and humidity. The Pacific coastal plain is also more influenced by cold ocean currents and cooler temperatures compared to the Caribbean lowlands.

What are some differences between city states?

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Asked by Wiki User

City states can differ in terms of their size, population, economic focus, governance structure, and degree of autonomy. Some city states may be small with a homogenous population, while others may be larger and more diverse. Additionally, city states can vary in their economic specialization, such as being trade-focused or industry-oriented. Their governance structure can also differ, with some city states being more democratic and others more authoritarian. Lastly, some city states may have a high degree of autonomy, while others may be more influenced by larger political entities.