

The Ugly Duckling

"The Ugly Duckling" is a Danish fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, first published in 1843. "The Ugly Duckling" tells the story of a young duckling who is constantly berated by his fellow barnyard animals because of his unattractiveness. When the ducking grows up, however, he develops into the most beautiful swan the barnyard animals have ever seen. The classic story has been adapted into many film, musical, and drama versions, and continues to be a popular children's tale about not judging others by their outward appearances.

476 Questions

Where can you get a full script of The Ugly Duckling by A A Milne?

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You may be able to find a full script of "The Ugly Duckling" by A. A. Milne in a collection of his works or in a library that has a comprehensive selection of plays and literature. It may also be available for purchase online through various book retailers or websites specializing in theatrical scripts.

The author of the ugly duckling?

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Asked by Wiki User

"The Ugly Duckling" was written by Hans Christian Andersen, a Danish author known for his fairy tales. The story follows a young duckling who is teased and ostracized for his appearance until he matures into a beautiful swan. Andersen's tale carries themes of self-discovery, transformation, and the importance of inner beauty.

Who wrote the story The Ugly Duckling?

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Asked by Wiki User

"The Ugly Duckling" was written by Hans Christian Andersen, a Danish author known for his fairy tales. It was first published in 1843.

What are the lyrics to the ugly duckling?

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The lyric is still under copyright.

What was the conflict of the ugly duckling?

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he thought he was egluier than all the other ducks

What Danny Kaye movie had the Ugly Duckling song?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hans christian Anderson

What are the foreshadowing examples in The Ugly Duckling?

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Asked by Moira O'Connor

There are several foreshadowing examples in The Ugly Duckling. One example is when the ugly duckling is born and his mother says "he is so ugly that I'm sure he'll never grow up to be a swan." This foreshadows the ugly duckling's transformation into a beautiful swan. Another example is when the ugly duckling is rejected by the other animals and they say "he is too ugly to be with us." This foreshadows the ugly duckling's eventual acceptance by the other animals.

What Danish author wrote the ugly duckling and The Little Mermaid?

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Asked by Wiki User

Actually, that's my dream life. I wouldn't even sleep in meotls, though. I'd stay in youth hostels, tents or houses of random people I meet. I would also avoid luxury travel at all costs. Walking, biking, trains and boats are all perfectly valid methods of transportation.

Is sanai antonetti ugly?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes she cant sing and looklike a donkey