


Trotting is a particular gait: it is a diagonal gait moving the right front and left rear forward at the same time and then followed by the left front and right rear together. Trotters only race trotters.

500 Questions

Is walking the gait comprised of four movements?

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Asked by Wiki User

walk= 4 beats trot= 2 beats canter= 3 beats gallop=4 beats this is 2 the best of my knowledge i am definant that walk and gallop r both 4 beats

Why does your horse buck when he canters bareback?

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Asked by Wiki User

Normally you would first get him looked over by a vet to see if he may be hurting, but if he doesn't do it when you ride with a saddle, it probably is not a problem with his health, so first of all, we need to look at you as the rider.

Do you move a lot on his back when he lopes? Do you fly up in the air and slam down on his back with every stride? Do you use the reins to keep your balance? Either of these can frustrate, confuse, unbalance and even hurt your horse, causing him to buck. So, have an instructor watch you, or a friend video you so you can see if you are the problem.

If you are not pulling his mouth to keep your balance and you have a deep seat and are not moving around and annoying him, the other thing it may be is that your horse knows you are more easily bucked off when you are bareback, so he tries to dump you knowing you are not as secure on his back when you ride bareback as you are with a saddle. To fix this, you need to become become the best rider you can be so that he cannot buck you off, even when you are bareback. If you fall off when he bucks, you are training him to buck. If you stay on, you are teaching him he is just wasting his energy.

Another thing is, he may just be "feeling his oats" Try more turnout if possible so he can get his bucks out in the pasture more, and always do some groundwork before mounting up. It not only warms up his physical body, gets rid of some excess energy, but it also gets him prepared mentally.

What is gait skipping or trotting?

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Asked by Wiki User

Trotting is a gait, but skipping isn't. Trotting is like running, and the horse's legs move in diagonal pairs. In English riding, riders post to the trot.

Winnie the Horse Gentler

When trotting toward a jump can you post all the way to it?

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Asked by MustangDesire

You can post the trot till you see the horses nose to the jump then you should go into you're jumping position (2 point). Note the horse's nose does not leteraly need to touch the jump.

What is a working trot?

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Asked by Wiki User

a working trot is a trot between a collected trot and the extended trot. It should be energetic and have good forward motion, not 'pokey', but should not be 'fast'. Just a good active pace relative to your horses motion.

Average stride length?

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For adult females, the average step length is about 26 inches and the average stride length is around 52 inches. For adult males, the average step length is 31 inches and the average stride is 62 inches.

Can Gaited horses like Tennese Walking horses Trot and Canter in other words Jog and lope?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the breed of horse. A Tennesse Walker can do all the gaits.

Um, NO that is wrong. ANY horse, can Walk,Trot(Jog),Loap(Canter), and Gallop. Thoroughbreds can Breeze, and gated horses like the Tennese Walker, just have a few more gaits.

Well, you see, if we're going to get technical, it depends on what you're asking. Are you asking if they can trot and canter like normal horse or are you asking if they can trot and canter naturally, at birth, without training. If your question is the latter, then no. Not all horses can trot. Some Standardbreds are born as pacers, which means they pace instead of trot. They can be retrained to trot, but it is not natural to them.

Why do English horseback riders want their horses head higher?

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Asked by Sebastian1018

The theory behind the higher head carriage for hunt seat riding is if your going over fences and hedges (example:fox hunting) you want your horse's head up and paying attention. I don't want to take my horse over a fence, even a low one, if his head is not up and his eyes not forward. It is dangerous for horse and rider both. The lower head carriage is the product of the modern show ring style. Too low is not good for anyone.

Why do some horses paddle when they trot?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is probably the shape of their hoof or a deformity in their leg.


Actually, it is not the shape of their hoof, it is the position of it. Horses can be toed in or toed out, also they may be cow-hocked these could lead to 'paddling' when they trot.

When trotting on the correct diagonal you should?

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Asked by Wiki User

When posting at a trot, i would recogmend to look down at the right "shoulder" of the horse, and when you are rising, make sure that the right shoulder appears to be in a downward position.

Eventually you will learn to feel what is the right diagonal and such.

Best Wishes!

- GloriousSunrise

How do you tell your horse to trot in French?

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Asked by AE7784

To tell (or ask) your horse to trot is:
"Aller au trotter."
Translation is: To go into a trot.

How do you ask for medium trot?

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Asked by Wiki User

As with all forward impulsion, it is asked with legs and seat. Be sure not to 'throw away' his head though.

How do you sit the trot of a friesian in a western saddle without posting?

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Asked by Wiki User

sit deep in the saddle and keep your heels down

What gait are Tennessee walkers known for?

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The running walk, which is the equine equivalent of the human racing walk. They also tend to amble (pace) instead of trotting.

What are some tips on mucking horse stalls faster. You have 12 to do then you have to put sawdust in.?

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Asked by BriannaParker


scoop out the obviously dirty muck and screen the remaining - not so dirty muck -. We use a piece of chicken wire nailed over a 3 x 3 wood frame. It saves having to replace about half the sawdust. Scatter what goes through the screen and discard what does not. If you top-dress the stall with fresh sawdust it looks good. If you have dirt floors, do whatever is necessary to keep the dirt level. Perhaps, level your floors and then put mats in the stalls. Use plenty of dehydrated lime to deal with the ammonia. Stalls do not have to be clean... they only have to look - and smell - clean.


This is the person who wrote the question: The floors are like gravel with wire over it so the pee sinks down in and keeps the ammonia to a super low low smell. I use a pitchfork for the remaining, and the dirty, but your advice was great, thanks! The last part-- I like that- Lol.

Does extended trot mean posting trot?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, posting or rising trot is a way to ride the trot and you can post any type of trot. Extended trot is where the horse lengthens it's trot stride to cover more ground. Typically this causes the trot to smooth out a bit making it easier to sit the trot.