



Unix is a family of operating systems primarily designed for servers, mainframes, and high-end workstations. First created in 1969, Unix systems are renowned for their security and stability.

500 Questions

How do you rearrange files in Unix?

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Asked by Wiki User

What are you referring to by "rearrange?" Files are displayed in alphabetical order; to "rearrange" them, you would simply change their name.

How do you install Pentaho BI in Unix?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Pentaho BI Project provides enterprise-class reporting, analysis, dashboard, data mining and workflow capabilities that help organizations operate more efficiently and effectively. The software offers flexible deployment options that enable use as embeddable components, customized BI application solutions, and as a complete out-of-the-box, integrated BI platform. Ranked #1 in Open Source Business Intelligence.

The installation URL is as follows,

What operating system often used for server applications is a scaled-down version of unix?

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Asked by Wiki User

This unenlightened question is found on many A+ certification exams, First, I will tell you the that they want. Then I will tell you why there is no correct .

The that they want you to write in is "Linux." This is in spite of the fact that Linux scales even higher than Unix and has more features, thereby making most Unix implementations the "scaled-down" operating system.

In order for something to be legally called a "version of Unix", it must undergo a rigorous certification process. No Linux distro has ever undergone this process, and so cannot be called a "version" of Unix. So then you would have to look at what certified Unix systems are commonly used in the server market. The only certified Unix systems still commonly used on the server market are Solaris 10, AIX and Mac OS X. All three of these systems scale very highly, which makes them unsuitable as an .

Is compiler a part of operating system?

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Asked by Wiki User

compiler basically translator of one language to desired languages...ex-c language to m/c redable format and os is a system software which provides interfaces between applicaton programs and os is a interface unit system software and compiler just a translator....

Why is the Unix operating system virus free?

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Asked by Wiki User

First of all, Unix (and even Linux) is NOT virus free. Although rare, there are viruses for such systems.

One of the primary reasons that Unix / Linux do not get as many viruses is that the ability of different users is limited. Non-technical users will be restricted in their ability to install, run, or modify software. More experienced users will usually be given more privileges. Without inexperienced users installing software at a whim, over 90 % of the threat of viruses and malware is removed.

Linux is even further protected against viruses because Linux is by nature a heterogeneous platform. To be effective, the program would have to be capable of affecting multiple versions of the kernel, and use exploits in a variety of programs.

What does the command kill -9 do in Unix?

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Asked by Wiki User

Kill is a program that can terminate or send a signal to process.

kill -9 pid

Would send signal 9 to process having specific pid. 9 Means KILL signal that is not catchable or ignorable. In other words it would signal process (some running application) to quit immediately.

pid - process identifier.

How do you find your IP address from a UNIX command line?

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Asked by Wiki User

Steps to be followed for finding your computer's ip address in Windows XP:

1.Start->Run->cmd prompt

2.In that,just type ipconfig and then click enter

For example: It will show ip address like .

You can also find your IP address by using .

What is unix schedular and how it work?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are two standard job schedulers in Unix - 'at' and 'cron'. Neither can be answered in a short answer so it is suggested that you do an internet search on either of these two commands, or use the 'man' or 'info' command on 'at' or 'cron' on your Unix/Linux system.

What are the advantages of unix os over ms-dos os?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes and no. If you have the hardware resources to run UNIX/Linux then you should. DOSBox can run any DOS program in UNIX, so there is no need for DOS if you can run UNIX. However, if you have an older computer or an embedded system where UNIX or Linux would have too much overhead, DOS is a better choice.

What are the charateristics of UNIX operating system?

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Asked by Wiki User

The UNIX Operating System is available on machines with a wide range of computing power, from microcomputers to mainframes, and on different manufacture's machines. No other operating system can make this claim. We see the reasons of popularity and success of UNIX.

The reasons are


The system is written in high-level language making it easier to read, understand, change and, therefore move to other machines. The code can be changed and complied on a new machine. Customers can then choose from a wide variety of hardware vendors without being locked in with a particular vendor.


The System hides the machine architecture from the user, making it easier to write applications that can run on micros, mins and mainframes.

Multi-User Operations:

UNIX is a multi-user system designed to support a group of users simultaneously. The system allows for the sharing of processing power and peripheral resources, white at the same time providing excellent security features.

Hierarchical File System:

UNIX uses a hierarchile file structure to store information. This structure has the maximum flexibility in grouping information in a way that reflects its natural state. It allows for easy maintenance and efficient implementation.

UNIX shell:

UNIX has a simple user interface called the shell that has the power to provide the services that the user wants. It protects the user from having to know the intricate hardware details.

Pipes and Filters:

UNIX has facilities called Pipes and Filters which permit the user to create complex programs from simple programs.


UNIX has over 200 utility programs for various functions. New utilities can be built effortlessly by combining existing utilities.

Software Development Tools:

UNIX offers an excellent variety of tools for software development for all phases, from program editing to maintenance of software,

What is inode structure?

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Asked by Wiki User

Data structures that contain information about files in Unix file systems that are created when a file system is created. Each file has an inode and is identified by an inode number (i-number) in the file system where it resides. inodes provide important information on files such as user and group ownership, access mode (read, write, execute permissions) and type

How many different kill signals can a kill command signal send to a certain process?

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Asked by Wiki User

This varies depending on which system you are speaking about. The easiest way to find the signals are to issue a "kill -l" command (that is a small el, not a digit 1).

Why unix is a multiprogramming os?

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Asked by Wiki User

Those are two separate and totally unrelated concepts.

Linux and Unix are considered multi-user systems because they support separate user accounts with different levels of access privilege. A single-user system may have more than one "account", but there is no administrative difference between them.

Linux and most modern versions of Unix are multiprocessing operating systems because they support more than one processor in a system and can allocate processes to different processors.

How does vi editor work in unix?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Linux 'vi editor' is an editor that is text based. It can be used like notepad in Windows based systems. It can also be used for editing configuration files.

Different types of file in unix?

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Asked by Wiki User

Regular file

Text or binary data


Contains other files and directories.

Executable file

File with the "execute permission" set

Symbolic link

File is a "shortcut" that points to another file.

Device special file

An interface to a piece of hardware, such as a printer.(In UNIX devices are treated as "files")

Named pipe

An interface to a network program.

List of the unix based OS?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Best" is often a matter of opinion, and can be highly subjective. Mac OS X, Solaris 10, AIX,and z/OS are the only major certified Unix operating systems still under development. Mac OS X is the most popular Unix desktop, and Solaris 10 is the most popular one on large servers.

What is the command to run a unix program?

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Asked by Wiki User

Just type the name of the program. If you want to run the dump program, type dump. if you want to open the links web browser, type links. .....

Some programs take arguments, for example the cat program accepts one or more files as an argument, so you could call it by typing

$ cat file1 [file2, file3...]

Explain out put of the ls-l command?

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Asked by Harilalkesav

If you mean the ls command in linux/unix, it is the command to list the contents of a directory. A 'ls -l' will display the complete information including the permissions, owners, size and when last modified in date and time.


root\usr\sample $ ls -l

drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Nov 26 2007 sample.txt

root\usr\sample $ ll

drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Nov 26 2007 sample.txt

root\usr\sample $ ls


The output of the ls -l and ll command is in the following format. First of the 10 characters shows the type of the item (directory/file/link etc) and the remaining shows the permissions of root, user and group. Next is the number of directories, next is group to which the item belongs, next size of the dirctory/file, next the date on which the directory/file was last modified and the directory/file name.

In unix what does the wc command output?

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Asked by Wiki User

wc is used to count the characters/words/lines in a file or files. You might use it to see how productive you've been (did you finish that 5000 word essay you were supposed to write) or to see how productive some one else has been...

The options control characters/words/lines: with no options it gives all three:

$ wc notes

56 219 1607 notes

There are 56 lines, 219 words, 1607 characters.

$ wc -l notes

56 notes

I just wanted to know how many lines.

What is difference between block special file and character special file?

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Asked by Wiki User

A block special file that provides access to a device that transfers in groups of a fixed size. For example, a disk.

A character special file that provides access to a device that transfers in increments of a single character; for example, a terminal.

What are shell variables Give example?

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Asked by Wiki User

A shell variable is a temporary location in memory that can be used to store and retrieve information.

For example, the following creates a shell variable and then prints it out:

stuff="Hi there"

echo $stuff

will echo out 'Hi There' to the screen. It has the words "Hi There" saved in a memory location called $stuff, which can be retrieved by its name.

What is grep in Unix?

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Asked by Wiki User

Grep is a command line application that is used to search a file or files and extract data from it/them according to a pattern or filter if you prefer. Grep stands for global regular-expression. There are many versions of grep available and regular expressions (for pattern matching) are available in most modern scripting languages such as ruby, python, perl, php, vb, etc. Grep, ngrep, egrep, etc. are available for multiple platforms including windows. They are well documented and can be downloaded for free.