

Wellbutrin and Zyban

Wellbutrin and Zyban are brand names of a group of anti-depressant drugs called Bupropion. Wellbutrin is used to treat depression, while Zyban is commonly prescribed to those who want to quit smoking.

500 Questions

Can you take prevacid while taking Adderall?

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Yes, it increases the effect of the methanphetamine in the adderall

Can you take lipozene while on Wellbutrin?

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will lipozene interact negatively with wellbutrin

Is hair loss a side effect of lexapro or Wellbutrin?

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Not that I know of. I've seen mostly anxiety, nervousness, and irritability from suddenly stopping SSRIs such as lexapro or wellbutrin. This answer is incorrect. Hair loss is a known side effect of Wellbutrin.

Is there a cure for parasite phobia?

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True paranoia is a psychotic symptom. It is found in severe mental illness. Paranoid people feel that others are out to get them without any reason for this feeling. There are three types of paranoid illnesses: paranoid personality disorder, delusional personality disorder, and paranoid schizophrenia. None of these is a curable illness, but most cases can be controlled by medication and therapy so that the person can lead a fairly normal life.

Sometimes, you might hear people use the term paranoia incorrectly or jokingly. As the old saying goes - it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you! Feeling uneasy or mistrustful of someone because you have past bad experiences with them or someone like them is not paranoia; it is experience. True paranoia has no rational reason for the distrust.

Do you develop a tolerance to Wellbutrin after awhile and have to increase the dosage?

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Not a good idea, there are side effects and taking more than the amount suggested could increase your chances of the negative side effects. As with all other prescribed drugs, please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medication. Anecdotally, it's possible to develop a "tolerance" to a drug, but only your doctor can make that assessment safely.

Can you take Adderall immediate release with Wellbutrin XR?

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Yes you can. Infact this is considered a great combination for these two medications. I took both myself. Doctors say Wellbutrin works very well with Adderall XR and Immediate release. Wellbutrin XL is considered to be on the "stimulant" side of anti depressants, so some may not do well on both.

Can you take Wellbutrin with hypothyroidism?

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I'm taking Wellbutrin XL and I'm taking Levothyroxine for my Hypothyroidism. My doctor says it's ok. My depression is under control, my ADD is not that bad and so far it has control my appetite too but no weight loss. I still have symptoms of hypothyroidism but I think it's because I haven't reached the right amount of Levothyroxine.

Buspar and antibiotics together?

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Buspar is a common antidepressant, but it can cause a negative reaction if taken with antibiotics. Namely, it can cause excessive drowsiness, dizziness, and very high blood pressure.

Can you take Garcinia Cambogia while on Wellbutrin?

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Both medications increase a chance of seizures.

Can you drive havy vehicle while taking Wellbutrin?

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Any time you take a psychoactive drug like Wellbutrin you will need to use caution before operating heavy machinery or driving a vehicle. Wellbutrin and other drugs can cause dizziness and/or drowsiness which may affect your ability to drive. You need to wait to see how the medicine affects you before you get behind the wheel.

"Bupropion can cause side effects that may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert."

Does Zoloft work?

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I was prescribed Zoloft for Anxiety Disorder several years ago. Afterwards, a friend introducted me to another approach that has solved my Anxiety issues and allowed me to be free of a approach such as Zoloft. I still remain a client. Try Nutriessentials. Are you depressed???? If your doctor has prescribed it, and you have any of the various depressive or anxiety disorders it is a very good idea to take Zoloft. Even people who prefer not to take drugs find it gives them the start they need to be able to continue on with other methods in the future. At a certain point in these illnesses, it is very hard to recover without some drug assistance to boost the brain chemicals to an acceptable level. The difference it can make to lives is worth the effort, although it will not work for everyone. The time you need to be on it varies as to how low your levels are, but it is not addictive or mind altering in the same way the old style depression medications were. Even so, you cannot stop taking it suddenly.

Do you have to wait when switching from Celexa to Zoloft?

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yes... they are both selective seretonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI's) and work in the same manner. Pay attention to possible allergic reactions though, as the chemical structure is slightly different. see label.

Can you use marijuana on Wellbutrin?

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Hell yea, u get the best high too cause ur soo happy..

Is Wellbutrin recommended for adults with attention deficit disorder in addition to bipolar?

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OK. You should go back to the beginning of this ADD forum and read all the questions relating to wellbutrin. They sum up a lot of basics in many easy to read packages. ALL of these topics clearly state that you should NEVER combine Wellbutrin, which affects dopamine and can be over stimulating, or any serotonin re-uptake inhibitor with a Bipolar disorder (unless your doctor KNOWS you have Bipolar and CAREFULLY monitors every single mg you put in your hole) because of the various life threatening affects: suicide, homicide, violent acts of uncontrolled MANIA, and you can guess the rest.

The thing is... It could turn your already screwed-up brain chemistry into a bunch of unbalanced equations (crude analogy) -- AND we all know what happens to unstable equations/solutions in the lab! THEY EXPLODE (more or less)!!! Although I am going a little extreme here, BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY.

Please go to a doctor and engage him/her in a detailed description of your TRUE/Noticeable symptoms (be sure to bring the printed information you found on the internet regarding what you think is wrong with you) BEFORE trying to self diagnose or *God forbid!!* SELF MEDICATE!!! you could be putting your friends/family/school/neighborhood at risk as well as yourself.

Lithium, Abilify, etc. treat Bipolarbecause they are MOOD STABILIZERS. Notice the key word: "STABILIZE"

I have heard of mood stabilizers being supplemented with ADHD medication Strattera, only because it happened to me. I am assuming that my Dr. figured Adrenaline really wouldn't mess with mood swings. he was right. it didn't do anything at all! haha. go figure. turns out I don't really have Bipolar after all -- that's probably why he subtracted the strattera and added two SSRI's to the mind cocktail: Abilify, Lexapro, AND Trazadone (which is actually an antidepressant disguised as a sleeping pill). I guess he thought the ADD was the mania part and the depression was the other end of the Bipolar spiral. he never said anything to me- I'm just assuming. But if that's the case, why didn't he prescribe another ADHD med? MAYBE he thought I was schizo and THAT'S why he prescribed the abilify (seriously). He was a pill pusher from the go-go. Asked me ten question's then handed me a prescription a mile long (most doctors aren't like this). didn't do a thing but take my extremely fun and vivid dreams away. They weren't hurting anyone.

ANYWAY - turns out I am ADHD with MILD depression resulting from the ADHD. I am two and a half weeks into Wellbutrin XL (1st week 150mg, the rest 300mg)

CONS -- I have side effects of insomnia, and I had a couple sudden extreme cases of irritability that lasted for about 45 minutes-- but I am usually irritable around 1/4 of a day anyway, just not that severe. That's probably not going to last (body getting adjusted), but you never know. I don't know if the insomnia is here to stay- I need four more weeks to tell. No change in sex drive yet (usually Wellbutrin either makes you hornier or there is little to no affect).

PROS -- ENERGY!!! I am not in the bed for 12 hours or more (sleeping ;} of course). I feel like dancing! Not so much the social part-need to work on the withdrawn issue-but the activity, definately. I already unloaded my mom's packed van up a flight of stairs into her new APT. AND I actually did a chore!!! I dried the clothes!! all in one night. I am actually acting on my responsibilty and obligation guilts instead of just feeling them tear me into little fatigued peices of frustrated disorganization. concentration HAS IMPROVED. I never thought I would say that about a non-stimulant. As it turns out- I feel pretty stimulated. I think it was the dopamine all along. I tried the SNRI. I tried the SRI. I even tried Strattera! and now!!! it was the DNRI all along (not official names but you know what the letters stand for). Go figure. stimulants still work for me by the way- but if Wellbutrin really works out in the long run (2-3 months is all I'm able to give for trial and error. If it doesn't work by then I'm back on the speed or I'm on the street.) I won't have to be a tweaker anymore!!! (JOKE!!) I can never overdose on that crap either. not that I've tried, I forgot I had taken a dose so i went ahead and took another one and it made me fall asleep. Happened again, this time just four hours after I got up! took too much and I crawled back in the bed again for a five hour nap.

Feel free to share your oppinions on this delicate matter and PLEASE -- I am 19 years old, I am scatter-brained, and I collect weird bits of info from (sometimes) misinformed individuals -- CORRECT ME if I am wrong!!!

Is it safe to take Wellbutrin in the morning and deseryl at night?

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Yes. I have worked with many individuals that take Wellbutrin in the morning for depression then trazodone at night to help with sleep and as an antidepressant. It is rare (I haven't read any documented cases) to have any adverse side effects with this combination,

Can Wellbutrin cause joint pain?

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Im having arthritic type pain in the joints of my hands and was wondering the same thing, Ive been trying to get information online Im also having neck pains.

Wellbutrin and cephalexin together?

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Yes, there is no problem in taking this antibiotic while taking wellbutrin (bupropion)

How does Wellbutrin help you stop smoking?

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It is an anti-depressant that limits the desire to smoke. ?It's not a cure-all pop a pill and you never want to smoke again kind of thing. ?You also have to actively wish to quit. ?Wellbutrin will help you cut down naturally and can limit withdrawal symptoms (like increased appetite), but you have to do the rest.

I am taking Wellbutrin for depression, with no desire to quite smoking. ?I have had to cut back to a few a day usually not finishing an entire one most the time. ?Wellbutrin can cause taste changes which are a large part of smoking not being as desirable.

What is the daily dose for Wellbutrin?

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For adults, the dosage ranges from 200 - 450 mg per day, in divided doses; the normal daily dose is 300 mg. This medication is not recommended for children under the age of 18 years.