

Rocky Mountains

The Rocky Mountains are a chain of mountains that run more than 3,000 miles from New Mexico to British Columbia in Canada.

500 Questions

The Missouri river flows through which state or states in the rocky mountain region?

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The Missouri River flows through the state of Montana in the Rocky Mountain region.

What weather process produces snow in the Rocky Mountains?

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Snow in the Rocky Mountains is typically produced by a process called orographic lifting. As moist air is forced upward by the mountain range, it cools and condenses, leading to the formation of snow. This process results in higher snowfall amounts on the windward side of the mountains.

The of North America extended from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River?

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The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 extended the territory of North America from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River, doubling the size of the United States.

Short term of Rocky Mountain spotted fever?

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It is appropriate to shorten Rocky Mountain spotted fever to simply RMSF. It is a term used by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Landforms in the rocky mountain region?

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Landforms in the Rocky Mountain region include mountains, plateaus, valleys, canyons, and basins. These landforms were primarily shaped by tectonic forces, erosion from glaciers and rivers, and volcanic activity. The Rocky Mountains are a major mountain range in North America, running approximately 3,000 miles from New Mexico in the United States to British Columbia in Canada.

What time is it in Rocky Mountain Standard time if it is 10-30PM Eastern Daylight Time?

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Asked by Alanel

It would be 8:30 PM in Rocky Mountain Standard Time. Rocky Mountain Time is two hours behind Eastern Time.

The peaks of the Rocky Mountains are higher and more jagged than the peaks of the Appalachian Mountains because?

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The Rocky Mountains are younger and still actively rising due to tectonic activity, creating taller and more rugged peaks. In contrast, the Appalachian Mountains are older and have been eroded over time, resulting in smoother, lower peaks.

Do the Rocky Mountains go through Texas?

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No, the Rocky Mountains do not go through Texas. The Rocky Mountains run primarily through the western United States, including states such as Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho.

What did the early settlers call the grasslands between the Mississippi river and the rocky mountains?

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The early settlers called the grasslands between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains the "Great Plains" because of the vast flat expanses of grassland that characterized the region.

How many tourists do the rocky mountains attract each year?

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The Rocky Mountains attract millions of tourists each year. Popular national parks such as Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado and Banff National Park in Canada draw a significant number of visitors looking to experience the natural beauty of the area.

What was the process in forming the Rocky Mountains?

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it is when two convergent plate converge (come together) and instead of one plate subducting (going under) under another and forming a volcano they both push up and form mountains. That was how Mount Everest was formed and Mount Everest is still growing because both of the plates are still pushing up.

This process is called folding. :D

Where is the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges found in relation to the rocky mountains?

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The Cascade Range is located in the western United States, running parallel to the Rocky Mountains, while the Sierra Nevada Range is located further west, between the Cascade Range and the Pacific Ocean. The Rocky Mountains are situated further inland and run north to south through western North America.

Split by the Rocky Mountains?

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The Rocky Mountains split North America into two main regions: the Western United States and Canada to the west, and the interior plains and eastern regions of the United States to the east. They are a major geographic feature that influences weather patterns, wildlife habitats, and human settlement patterns in the region.

What grows on the surface of the Rocky Mountains?

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Various types of alpine vegetation can be found growing on the surface of the Rocky Mountains, depending on the elevation and climate. This includes alpine meadows, wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, and some tree species like spruce and pine. Additionally, lichens and mosses can also be found clinging to rocks and surfaces in this mountain range.

How do the Rocky mountains affect the lives of people who live near them?

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The Rocky Mountains impact the lives of people living near them in various ways. They provide opportunities for outdoor recreation such as hiking, skiing, and camping, which can improve physical and mental well-being. The mountains also influence local weather patterns, supply water for agriculture and urban areas, and support diverse ecosystems that contribute to biodiversity and ecological balance.

What types of human impact have changed the Rocky Mountains?

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Human impacts on the Rocky Mountains include mining activities, logging, agriculture expansion, urban development, recreation, and climate change. These activities have led to habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, water pollution, and disruption of wildlife migration patterns. Conservation efforts are being made to mitigate these impacts and protect the ecosystems of the Rocky Mountains.

How does a mountain form?

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There are several ways. It depends on what sort of mountain your talking about.

Mountains form due to the movement of tectonic plates under the earths crust. for example there is a compresional plate boundary where the plates move together. --><--

This will form a cone mountain/volcano. Mountains can also form from erosion or water. If a stream is created, then after years it will disintegrate dirt and could leave a higher mound, which over a large amount of time, could create a mountain.

Extrusive igneous rock found in the southern half of the Rocky Mountains indicates that this is section of mountains was once WHAT?

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The presence of extrusive igneous rock in the southern half of the Rocky Mountains suggests that this section was once a volcanic area where lava flowed on the surface, indicating a history of volcanic activity in that region.

What North America region bordering rocky mountain eastern side?

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The region bordering the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains in North America is the Great Plains. This vast area consists of flat grasslands and agricultural land that gradually slopes downward from the Rockies towards the Mississippi River.

What Rocky Mountain ranges has the highest peaks?

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The Rocky Mountains in North America have several ranges with high peaks. The highest peaks are found in the Colorado Rockies, particularly in the Sawatch Range and the Front Range, with popular peaks like Mount Elbert and Longs Peak exceeding 14,000 feet in elevation.

Do the major mountain ranges in the US and Canada extend from east to west or from north to south?

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The major mountain ranges in the US and Canada generally extend from north to south. Examples include the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada.

Why is the Continental Divide located where it is?

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The Continental Divide is located where it is due to the geological processes that shaped the landscape, dividing the direction of water flow between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. It generally follows the crest of the Rocky Mountains, where the elevation is highest, helping to delineate the separation of watershed basins.

How would the observed temperature be affected if distillation was performed on top of a mountain?

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The observed temperature during distillation on top of a mountain would generally be lower than at sea level due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure with altitude. This would result in a lower boiling point for the liquid being distilled, potentially impacting the efficiency and rate of distillation. It is important to consider the atmospheric conditions and make adjustments to the distillation process to compensate for the lower boiling point.

Is there a such thing as a Rocky Mountain Turtle?

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There is no specific species known as the Rocky Mountain Turtle, but turtles can be found in the Rocky Mountain region of North America. Some common species found in this area include painted turtles, snapping turtles, and western pond turtles.

Where is MtMcKinley located?

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Mt. McKinley, also known as Denali, is located in the state of Alaska, USA. It is the highest peak in North America.