



A place to ask advice and help in dealing with the piping systems of homes and offices. That includes water supply and waste transport and the associated fixtures.

500 Questions

How do you earth a kitchen sink?

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Asked by Wiki User

To earth a kitchen sink, you will need to connect a bonding wire from the sink to the main earthing point of your electrical system. This ensures that any stray currents or electrical faults are safely redirected to the ground. It's important to consult a licensed electrician to properly and safely earth your kitchen sink.

Can you die from hot water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can potentially die from hot water depending on the temperature and duration of exposure. Severe burns can lead to infection, shock, and even death. It is important to take precautions to prevent such accidents, especially with young children and the elderly.

How do you dissolve sand in a block storm water pipe?

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Asked by Wiki User

To dissolve sand in a blocked stormwater pipe, you can try using a mixture of hot water and vinegar to break down the sand particles. Alternatively, you can use a commercial drain cleaner specifically designed to dissolve sand and debris in pipes. It's also a good idea to use a plumber's snake or pressure washer to physically remove the sand from the pipe.

Is calcite good for water softeners?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, calcite is commonly used in water softeners as a mineral to help raise the pH levels of acidic water and neutralize acidity. It can help to prevent excess scaling and corrosion in plumbing systems while also contributing to the reduction of hardness in water.

Where does water underground that supplies a well come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water underground that supplies a well primarily comes from rainfall and surface water that seeps through the ground and reaches the water table. The water table is the underground boundary where soil and rock are saturated with water, providing a source for wells to draw water.

What is a lithological trap?

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Asked by Wiki User

A lithological trap is a type of geological structure where hydrocarbons accumulate due to the presence of specific rock types or lithologies that prevent the movement of oil and gas, creating a reservoir. These traps can include stratigraphic features like pinchouts or unconformities where impermeable rocks cap porous ones, trapping hydrocarbons beneath the surface. Understanding the lithology of a region is crucial in oil and gas exploration to identify potential trapping mechanisms.

Does fuel weigh more when hot or cold?

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Asked by Wiki User

The weight won't change a bit. Weight is proportional to mass, which is related to the amount of matter, and matter may be neither created nor destroyed. However, the denisty of the gas changes. It becomes less dense as it heats up. Put another way, a gallon of warm gasoline will weigh less than a gallon of cold gas. The volumes are the same, but since the densities are different, they don't have the same weight. But if you started with, say, 10 pounds of gas, you would still have ten pounds of gas no matter what its temperature. BTW, when pilots fuel their planes, they measure the fuel in pounds rather than gallons. A thousand pounds of fuel is a thousand pounds of fuel no matter what its temeprature, so the pilot can determine whether or not he can make his destination without having to throw mama from the plane.

How do you melt ice in PVC pipes?

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Asked by Wiki User

To melt ice in PVC pipes, first try using a hair dryer or heat gun to gently warm the pipe. Be cautious not to overheat the PVC as it can melt or become damaged. You can also wrap the frozen area with warm towels or pour hot water over it to help melt the ice gradually.

What is the flow rate of water through .75 inch pex pipe at 40 psi in gpm?

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Asked by Wiki User

The standard formula to calculate flow(GPM - gallons per minute) from a CIRCULAR orifice is:

29.7 * (the square root of the pressure) * (the square of the diameter of the flow orifice)

EXAMPLE using 3/4" Pex Pipe(actual I.D. of 3/4 PEX Pipe is .677") and 40 PSI pressure:

29.7 * 6.325(sq. root of 40) * .458(the square of the I.D. 3/4" pipe) =

A GPM of 86.03

Note: You also need to account for fittings in the loss calculations; while minimal several fitting will make a difference.

What would the pressure be at the surface of water?

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The pressure at the surface of water is typically equivalent to atmospheric pressure, which is around 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi) or 101.3 kilopascals (kPa). This pressure is created by the weight of the air above the water pushing down on it.

Where should a heater in a water tank be placed to efficiently warm the water?

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The heater should be placed near the bottom of the water tank to ensure that it effectively warms the entire volume of water. This helps to prevent heat loss and ensures more efficient heating of the water. Placing the heater at the bottom also helps to reduce the amount of time it takes for the water to reach the desired temperature.

How do you connect copper propane pipe and shutoff valve?

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Asked by Wiki User

To connect a copper propane pipe to a shutoff valve, you will need to use a threaded fitting that matches the size and type of the pipe and valve. Apply pipe dope or Teflon tape to the threads before connecting them. Tighten the fitting securely using a wrench or pliers to create a leak-proof connection.

Why is copper used for utensils?

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Asked by Wiki User

Copper is used for utensils because it is an excellent conductor of heat, allowing for even cooking. It is also a durable and long-lasting material that is resistant to corrosion. Additionally, copper has antimicrobial properties that can help reduce the growth of bacteria on kitchen surfaces.

What does a copper saw used for?

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Asked by Wiki User

A copper saw is typically used for cutting materials like soft metals, plastics, or wood. It has sharp teeth that are designed to make clean cuts in these softer materials. Copper saws are not commonly used for cutting harder materials like steel or stone.

What does seepage mean?

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Seepage refers to the slow movement of water through porous materials such as soil or rock. It can occur when water gradually penetrates the surface or flows through a permeable medium.

What is a very dense malleable metal that is used for plumbing solder and bullets and shields against rediation?

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Lead is a dense, malleable metal commonly used for plumbing solder, bullets, and shielding against radiation due to its high density and ability to absorb radiation. However, it is toxic and poses health risks, so its use is being phased out in many applications.

How to test a well pressure tank?

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Asked by Wiki User

To test a well pressure tank, you can start by turning off the electricity to the pump and draining the tank completely. Next, fill the tank with water and turn the power back on to the pump. Monitor the pressure gauge as the pump runs to ensure the tank maintains proper pressure and does not lose pressure quickly.

Have installed new thermostat and breaker but breaker still kicks off to hot water tank.?

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Asked by Wiki User

It sounds like there may be an issue with the hot water tank itself, such as a malfunctioning heating element or a short circuit. I recommend contacting a licensed electrician or plumber to diagnose and repair the problem to ensure it is fixed correctly and safely.

Where is ground water found?

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Asked by Wiki User

Groundwater is found beneath the Earth's surface in aquifers, which are layers of rock and soil that can hold water. It can be located at varying depths depending on the geology of the area. Groundwater is a vital source of drinking water for many communities around the world.

Is it legal for a propane company to shut off heat and hot water in winter months?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is generally illegal for a propane company to shut off heat and hot water in the winter months, as it poses a serious health and safety risk. Customers have legal rights to essential services, especially during the colder months. If facing a shut-off, customers should contact their state's utility commission or seek legal assistance.

Is cast iron expensive?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cast iron cookware can vary in price depending on the brand, size, and quality, but it is generally considered to be affordable and offers good value for its durability and cooking performance. You can find cast iron pans and skillets at a range of price points to suit different budgets.

How do replace washer in a kitchen Delta CL faucet?

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Asked by Wiki User

To replace the washer in a Delta faucet, begin by turning off the water supply. Next, remove the handle and unscrew the bonnet nut. Once the bonnet nut is removed, you can access the old washer and replace it with a new one before reassembling the faucet.

What happens when hot water is on top of cold water?

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Asked by ShristiJ

When hot water is on top of cold water, the hot water is less dense and will tend to stay on top of the colder, denser water. This is because the hot water molecules have higher kinetic energy and are more spread out, causing them to float on top. Over time, the hot and cold water will mix through the process of convection.

Would condensation form on the outside of a beaker full of hot water why or why not?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, condensation could form on the outside of a beaker full of hot water if the surrounding air is cool enough to cause the water vapor in the air to condense on the cooler surface of the beaker. This is similar to how condensation forms on a cold glass of water on a warm day.

Would a jug of hot water or half a jug of hot water go cold quickist?

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Asked by Wiki User

A half jug of hot water would cool down faster than a full jug of hot water. This is because there is less water volume in the half jug, meaning it will lose heat quicker.