



A place to ask advice and help in dealing with the piping systems of homes and offices. That includes water supply and waste transport and the associated fixtures.

15,793 Questions

Where is the dial on a whirlpool electric water heater located to make water hotter?

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The temperature dial on a Whirlpool electric water heater is typically located on the front of the unit near the bottom. Look for a panel that can be removed to access the temperature control settings. Use caution when adjusting the temperature to prevent scalding.

Could Saturn float in a bath tub?

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If you ever find a galactic bath tub, then yes, you could give Saturn a bath and it wouldn't disappear below the water.

It's density is 0.687 g/cm³, which is less than the density of water, which is 1.0 g/cm³

Why aren't pipes made from iron anymore?

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Pipes are no longer made from iron because iron is prone to corrosion and rusting, which can contaminate water and reduce the lifespan of the pipe. Instead, pipes are now commonly made from materials like copper, PVC, or stainless steel, which are more resistant to corrosion and offer longer-lasting performance.

Can pure brass be soldered using plumbing solder?

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No, pure brass is difficult to solder with plumbing solder because it has a high melting point and poor wettability with typical lead-based solders. It is recommended to use an appropriate flux and solder with a higher silver content for better adhesion and conductivity when soldering pure brass.

Is PVC weather resistant?

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Yes, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is weather resistant. It is highly durable and can withstand different weather conditions like rain, sunlight, and temperature fluctuations without degrading or deteriorating over time.

Are tankless water heaters electric or do you need to get propane?

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Tankless water heaters can be powered by electricity or propane. Electric tankless water heaters are more common, but propane tankless water heaters are popular in regions where natural gas is not available. Both types offer energy efficiency and the convenience of on-demand hot water.

What advantage do flexible water pipes have over rigid pipes during an earthquake?

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Flexible water pipes can better absorb and withstand the ground movements during an earthquake, reducing the risk of pipe breakage and water leaks. This flexibility helps prevent water damage and potential flooding, making them a safer option for seismic-prone areas.

How do you set the multimeter when checking voltage on an electric water heater?

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To check voltage on an electric water heater, set your multimeter to the AC voltage range. The voltage in most residential homes is typically around 120-240 volts, so ensure your multimeter is set accordingly. Safely connect the probes to the terminals or wires of the water heater to measure the voltage.

What phase is water in at 1 ATM pressure and 150 and degC?

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Water is in the liquid phase at 1 ATM pressure and 150 degrees Celsius. At this temperature and pressure, water exists as a liquid.

What is the maximum temp of water can be obtained from an electric geyser?

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The maximum temperature of water that can be obtained from an electric geyser is typically around 140 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit (60 to 70 degrees Celsius), depending on the model and settings. It is important to set the temperature at a safe level to prevent scalding and ensure efficient energy usage.

What natural household product can you use to clean out clogged tub drain?

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A mixture of baking soda and vinegar can help unclog a tub drain naturally. Pour about half a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by half a cup of vinegar. Let it fizz for about 30 minutes, then flush with hot water.

Are gas water heaters cheaper to use than electric water heaters?

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In general, gas water heaters tend to be cheaper to operate than electric water heaters because natural gas is usually less expensive than electricity. However, initial costs and energy efficiency ratings can also play a factor in the overall cost of using each type of water heater.

Why does your garbage disposal breaker keep throwing?

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There may be an overload on your garbage disposal causing the breaker to trip. Make sure you are not overloading the disposal with too much food waste at once. It could also be a sign of a faulty electrical connection or motor within the garbage disposal that needs to be inspected by a professional.

What wattage 12 volt inverter do you need to drive a 240 volt quarter horsepower pump motor?

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To power a 240V quarter horsepower pump motor from a 12V DC source, you would need an inverter with a wattage rating around 500-600 watts. This accounts for the initial surge of power needed to start the motor and the continuous power required to run it efficiently. It is always best to choose an inverter with some extra capacity to handle fluctuations or unforeseen power demands.

How do you do cercomference?

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The circumference of a circle can be calculated using the formula C = 2 * π * r, where r is the radius of the circle. Or you can use C = π * d, where d is the diameter of the circle. Just plug in the values of r or d to find the circumference.

Can you connect pex to an electric water heater?

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Yes, PEX piping can be connected to an electric water heater using appropriate fittings such as sharkbite connectors or compression fittings. It is important to follow manufacturer guidelines and local building codes when making the connections.

How can you find out how deep your well is?

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You can hire a professional well drilling company to measure the depth of your well using specialized equipment. Alternatively, you can check your well's construction report if one is available, which should provide information on the well depth. Another method is to drop a weight on a string down the well and pull it up until you reach the bottom to measure the depth.

Which organelle acts as garbage disposal system in the cell?

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The lysosome is the organelle that acts as the garbage disposal system in the cell. It contains enzymes that break down cellular waste and unwanted materials for recycling or elimination.

Can a 4500 watt hot water heater run on a 20 amp circuit?

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Answer for USA, Canada and countries running a 60 Hz supply service.

It probably would but the 80% rule in the code requires you put this heater on a 30 amp 2 pole breaker with #10 AWG copper wire.


As always, if you are in doubt about what to do, the best advice anyone should give you is to call a licensed electrician to advise what work is needed.

Before you do any work yourself,

on electrical circuits, equipment or appliances,

always use a test meter to ensure the circuit is, in fact, de-energized.




What is the formula and uses for another compound using copper?

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CuSO4 white un-hydrous copper Sulphate used for detection of water as it turns blue if water exists.

What does subsoil water drain?

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Subsoil water drains downwards through the soil profile, moving through pores and spaces between soil particles. It eventually reaches the water table, which is the upper boundary of the saturated zone below the soil where all spaces are filled with water.

Why is it important to know the depth and location of a septic tank?

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Knowing the depth and location of a septic tank is important for maintenance and repair purposes. It helps to prevent accidental damage during landscaping or construction work, ensures proper maintenance and inspection of the tank, and aids in determining the capacity and functionality of the system.

What would cause the floor to be hot in the center of my florida slab home when the water heater and septic are ok?

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Hot spots in the floor of a slab home could be caused by a malfunctioning radiant heating system, a blocked air duct or vent, or insulation issues. It's recommended to have a professional inspect the heating system and check for any obstructions in the ventilation system to determine the exact cause.

What common metals are used for electrical wiring?

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Copper and aluminum are the most common metals used for electrical wiring due to their high conductivity and relatively low cost. Copper is preferred for its superior conductivity, while aluminum is often used in larger, high-voltage cables due to its lighter weight.

Does salt water flowing through a pipe constitute an electric current?

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No, salt water flowing through a pipe by itself does not constitute an electric current. Electric current requires the movement of charged particles, such as electrons, in a closed circuit. Salt water can conduct electricity only if there are free ions present in the water to carry the charge.