

Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE

Established in 1962, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a Board of Education for school level in India. It conducts final examinations for All India Senior School Certificate Examination (AISSCE) for Class 12.

500 Questions

What are the safer construction practices for cyclones?

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Safer construction practices for cyclones include using reinforced concrete or steel for structures, ensuring proper roof construction to withstand strong winds, securing windows and doors with hurricane shutters or impact-resistant glass, and following building codes and regulations for cyclone-prone areas. Additionally, having a well-designed evacuation plan and designated safe rooms within buildings can help ensure safety during cyclones.

An introduction for our earth and it's diverse environment?

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Our Earth boasts a remarkable diversity of ecosystems, from lush rainforests teeming with life to vast oceans teeming with marine species. This rich tapestry of environments provides habitats for countless plants and animals, each playing a vital role in the planet's ecosystems. Understanding and preserving this diversity is crucial for maintaining the health and balance of our planet.

What are the common problems in disaster management?

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Common problems in disaster management include inadequate preparedness, lack of coordination among response agencies, limited resources and funding, communication challenges, and difficulties in meeting the needs of vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, and individuals with disabilities.

COMMON PROBlems in disaster management common problems in disaster management?

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Some common problems in disaster management include inadequate preparedness and planning, insufficient coordination among response agencies, communication challenges, resource limitations, and delays in response efforts. These issues can hinder the effectiveness of disaster response and recovery operations.

What is the Preface on role of student in disaster management?

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The preface on the role of students in disaster management typically emphasizes the importance of educating students about disaster preparedness and response. It may highlight the potential contributions that students can make in assisting with disaster relief efforts and promoting resilience in their communities. Additionally, it may encourage students to take proactive steps to improve their own safety and that of others during emergencies.

What are alternative communication system during disaster?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some alternative communication systems during disasters include text messaging, social media platforms, two-way radios, and satellite phones. These systems can help individuals stay connected and informed when traditional communication channels are compromised.

What happend during the Titanic disaster?

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The Titanic struck an iceberg on the night of April 14, 1912, causing it to sink in the early hours of April 15, resulting in the deaths of over 1,500 people. The ship failed to have enough lifeboats for all passengers, leading to a tragic loss of life. It remains one of the deadliest maritime disasters in history.

What part of the emergency operation plan should address how people and organizations will communicate during times of disaster?

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The communication plan is the part of the emergency operation plan that should address how people and organizations will communicate during times of disaster. It outlines protocols, tools, and procedures for effective communication before, during, and after an emergency to ensure timely and accurate information dissemination. This plan helps coordinate communication efforts among responders, stakeholders, and the public to enhance response and recovery efforts.

What is the role of transportation in disaster management?

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Transportation plays a crucial role in disaster management by facilitating the movement of emergency responders, supplies, and affected populations to and from disaster zones. It helps in swift evacuation, search and rescue missions, and the delivery of essential goods and services to affected areas. Efficient transportation systems are essential for effective disaster response and recovery efforts.

Biology project topic for class 12?

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"Genetic engineering and its ethical implications"

As a result or as the result?

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"as a result" is the correct phrase to use. "As the result" is not grammatically correct.

Survivors of disasters will have many immediate needs select a need not addressed by psychological first aid in a disaster environment?

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A need not addressed by psychological first aid in a disaster environment could be access to basic necessities like food, water, shelter, and medical assistance. These are essential for physical well-being and may take precedence over psychological support in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.

Where do you find posters for disaster management and awareness?

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You can find posters for disaster management and awareness on websites of organizations such as FEMA, Red Cross, or UNICEF. You can also find them at local government offices, community centers, or by searching online for downloadable resources. Additionally, some non-profit organizations may provide free posters for public education and awareness campaigns.

Conclusion for a project on industrial disasters?

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In conclusion, industrial disasters have devastating consequences for human lives, the environment, and economies. It is crucial for industries to prioritize safety measures, risk assessments, and emergency response plans to prevent such disasters and minimize their impact. Collaborative efforts among stakeholders, strict regulations, and continuous monitoring and improvement are essential to ensure the safety and sustainability of industrial activities.

How did penicillin change science?

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Penicillin was the first widely used antibiotic, revolutionizing the treatment of bacterial infections and saving countless lives. Its discovery also paved the way for the development of many other antibiotics, fundamentally changing the field of medicine by providing effective means to combat a wide range of bacterial diseases.

What is class 9 sst projects?

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Class 9 SST projects can refer to social science projects that students in 9th grade are assigned to research and present on topics related to history, geography, civics, and economics. These projects help students deepen their understanding of the subject matter and hone their research and presentation skills. Examples of class 9 SST projects could include creating a timeline of historical events, analyzing maps to understand geographical features, or exploring the impact of government policies on society.

How can you change your name in class 10th up board marksheet?

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To change your name in your class 10th UP Board marksheet, you will need to submit an application along with supporting documents such as a legal name change certificate or affidavit. Contact the UP Board office or visit their website to find out the specific process and required documents for changing your name on your marksheet. It is important to follow the official procedure to ensure that your name is updated accurately.

What is disaster aid?

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Disaster aid refers to assistance provided by governments, organizations, or individuals to help individuals or communities affected by a natural or man-made disaster. This aid can include resources such as food, shelter, medical supplies, and financial support to help affected populations recover and rebuild after a catastrophe.

How do you measure moisture content of cotton?

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Moisture content in cotton can be measured using a moisture meter specifically designed for textiles. The meter measures the electrical conductivity of the cotton, which is directly related to its moisture content. This information is useful for quality control and determining the appropriate storage conditions for the cotton.

How marks are required to pass in physics 11Th std?

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The passing marks for 11th grade physics may vary depending on the education board or school. Typically, a passing grade is around 33-40% of the total marks. It is important to check with the specific educational institution or board to confirm the passing criteria.

How did Rutherford's actual results differ from the expected results?

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Rutherford's actual results from the gold foil experiment showed that the majority of alpha particles passed straight through the foil with some being deflected at large angles or even reflected back. This was unexpected as it contradicted the prevailing model of the atom as a solid sphere. The unexpected deflections led to the proposal of the nuclear model of the atom with a small, dense nucleus at the center.

How can you make a physics project for class 12?

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To make a physics project for class 12, start by choosing a topic that interests you, such as optics, electricity, or motion. Conduct research on the topic and gather relevant data. Design experiments or demonstrations to showcase key concepts, and present your findings in a clear and organized manner using charts, graphs, and PowerPoint presentations. Be sure to include an introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion in your project.

Efficiency in packing - CBSE project?

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Efficiency in packing refers to maximizing the use of space while minimizing wastage when packing items into containers. One way to achieve efficiency is by using appropriate-sized containers and arranging items strategically to fill all available space. Implementing proper labeling and organization techniques can also help increase efficiency in packing and unpacking processes. Additionally, using eco-friendly packaging materials can contribute to sustainable and efficient packing practices.

Which is the best refresher for physics in class 12th cbse?

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Some popular choices for refreshing physics for Class 12th CBSE include NCERT textbooks, previous years' question papers, online resources like Khan Academy or Physics Galaxy, and revision guides specifically designed for CBSE exams. Find a method that works best for you and stick to a structured study routine to effectively refresh your physics concepts.

Course of nstse for class viii?

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The National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE) for Class VIII covers topics in Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and General Knowledge. It assesses students' understanding of concepts, problem-solving skills, and application of knowledge rather than memorization. It is advisable for students to practice previous years' question papers and focus on strengthening their fundamentals in these subjects.