


One of the city states of ancient Greece, Sparta was well known for its warrior culture.

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What was the cultural education in Sparta?

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In Sparta, the cultural education focused on instilling discipline, physical fitness, and military training in young boys through the agoge system. This included rigorous physical exercises, combat training, and an emphasis on loyalty to the state over individual interests. Academic subjects were taught to a basic level, with the primary goal being to produce strong and obedient warriors for the city-state of Sparta.

How did the system of education differ between Athens and Sparta?

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Sparta had a warrior society and the Athens had a a democratic government. Sparta boys began training a 7 years old for a lifetime. Athenian boys attended school if their families could afford it.

How old were Spartan men could return to their homes when they where?

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Spartan men could return to their homes at the age of 30 after completing their military training and service to the state.

What is gerousia?

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Gerousia was a council of elders in ancient Sparta that was responsible for making important decisions and advising the Spartan kings. The council usually consisted of 28 elders over the age of 60 who were selected for their wisdom and experience. They played a significant role in Spartan political affairs and were highly respected in the society.

Did Spartan men become servants of the army until they were 60 years of age?

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Yes, Spartan men were expected to serve in the military from the age of 20 until they were 60 years old. This was part of the agoge system, which aimed to train and discipline Spartan citizens for warfare.

What did Sparta use to improve their polis?

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Sparta focused on military training and discipline to improve their city-state. They also implemented a strict social hierarchy and emphasized physical fitness to create a strong and loyal citizenry. Additionally, Sparta established a unique system of government with dual kings and an assembly to make decisions.

What is good about the Spartan social structure and what are pros about woman in Sparta and please don't mention any vulgar and any cons?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Spartan social structure valued discipline, military prowess, and communal living to create a strong, unified society. Women in Sparta had more freedom compared to other Greek city-states, allowing them to engage in physical activities, own property, and play a unique role in raising strong, healthy future warriors.

What is the difference between the upbringing of a spartan and athenian boys?

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Asked by Lindalory

Spartan boys were raised to be warriors, focusing on physical training and discipline from a young age. They were taught to endure hardship and prioritize the needs of the state over individual desires. Athenian boys, on the other hand, received a more well-rounded education that included academics, arts, and physical activities. They were encouraged to develop their intellect and participate in democratic governance.

What language was used in Sparta?

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The language spoken in Sparta was Doric Greek. It was a dialect of the Greek language that differed from the Attic Greek spoken in Athens.

How old is Sparta?

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Sparta was founded around the 10th century BC and reached its peak in the 5th century BC. It eventually declined in the 4th century BC and was conquered by the Romans in 146 BC.

What is the political system of Athens and Sparta?

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Athens had a democracy where citizens participated in decision-making through voting in the assembly and serving on juries, while Sparta had an oligarchy with two kings and a council of elders called the Gerousia that held significant power. Sparta also had a unique dual system with two kings sharing power.

Does the word spartan mean richly decorated?

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No, the word spartan actually means plain, simple, and lacking luxury or comfort. It is derived from the lifestyle and values of the ancient Spartans, who were known for their emphasis on discipline and simplicity.

How far would troops leaving sardis have to travel over land to reach thermopylae?

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First north west to The Dardanelles strait, cross over the temporary bridge to Europe, then west through Thrace, Macedonia, and fially south through Thessally, at the southern end of which lay the pass of Thermopylai leading to southern Greece.

When was Helen Reddy born?

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Helen Reddy was born on October 25, 1941

Is it Kyniska or Cynisca?

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It is Cynisca. She was an ancient Greek princess and the first woman to win at the Olympic Games.

How many warriors did Sparta have?

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At its peak, Sparta had a total warrior force of around 8,000 to 10,000 soldiers. These soldiers, known as Spartiates, were the elite male citizens who underwent rigorous military training from a young age to become the formidable warriors they were known for.

Do Sparta welcome writing and reading?

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Sparta was a society that valued physical training and military prowess over intellectual pursuits like writing and reading. Education in Sparta focused on training for combat and preparing for war, with reading and writing considered secondary skills.

Sparta used heavy iron bars as money What conclusion might you make from this?

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Spartan money was easier to use that Athenian money.

Who valued choral dance and music Athens or Sparta?

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Both cities celebrated religious festivals with the male citizens singing and dancing for the gods.

The Athenian version morphed into plays which had dancing choruses.

What do you have to do for Sparta on Achievement Unlocked?

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Asked by Wiki User

Just go to 3 then 0 in that order. 300? This is sparta? get it?

Why did Athens avoid fighting on land and what did they rely on to fight Sparta?

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Athens avoided fighting on land during the Peloponnesian War because they lacked a strong land army compared to their rival, Sparta. Instead, Athens relied on their powerful navy to maintain control of the sea, protect their trade routes, and launch naval attacks on Spartan territories. They also relied on alliances with other city-states and their strong fortifications, such as the Long Walls, to defend their city.

Did the 300 Spartans exist?

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Yes, the 300 Spartans did exist. They were a group of elite warriors from the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta who fought in the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC against the Persian Empire. While the exact number of Spartans is debated, they were vastly outnumbered and eventually defeated, but their bravery and sacrifice became legendary.

What happens to a spartan male at the age of 60?

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At the age of 60, a Spartan male was considered to have completed his military service and would retire from active duty. He would then transition to a role as an elder in Spartan society, offering wisdom and advice to younger generations. However, he would still be expected to contribute to society through various civic and political responsibilities.