

The Difference Between

Ever wanted to know the difference between a boysenberry and a blueberry? socialism and communism? Windows and Linux? Look no further. This category answers your questions about 'The Differences Between...'

500 Questions

What is the difference between the Native Texans of East Texas and far West Texas?

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Asked by Wiki User

east Texas has all the big cities and all the stuff that goes with it west Texans don't want anything to do with it. our grandads fought hard first Indians then Mexicans after the civil war carpet baggers, east Texas did the Alamo thing, but we had to feed the whole USA with beef the best beef. the Mexicans took lessons from the Indians and became cowboys, we took it from the Mexicans and perfected it. we where the wild west, no outlaw, or legal group for that matter could out do our Texas rangers, all the top ropers come from west Texas. bull riders yes its a fun sport but not what those real cowboys did, same as you bareback riders, roping and saddlebronx is cowboying. same as roughnecks we perfected it and gave it to the world. so we west Texans don't want anything to do with east Texans ( all Houston is is wannabe New York and reap the benifit of being texan)

What are the difference's between contour interval and index contour?

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Asked by Wiki User

What are the difference's between contour interval and index contour?

What is variation between cultures?

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Asked by Wiki User

good know these things broo

and dis is true

How economic growth is different from economic development?

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Asked by Wiki User

Economic growth is defined by increases in GDP. Whereas, economic development is more of a vague measure usually encorporating social measures such as literacy rates or life expectancy as a means of measuring a country's level of development.

Describe the difference between cleaning and sanitising?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cleaning is a process in removing visible dirt and other nastiness from a surface,or yourself. whichever you feel like.

Sanitising is the process in killing unseen bacteria and germs from a certain surface or area of the body.

Like as a example,say i had muddy hands. Removing the mud with water is "Cleaning" whereas using chemical dispositied toilitries like soap or hand sanitiziers,i am killing the unseen germs from the dirt that are still on my hands.

This is why soap and water are the best way to wash your hands to ward off nasty bugs like the flu.

Differences between liberalism and conservatism?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is actually pretty complicated. Probably the easiest way to explain it is that liberals tend to believe the government is responsible for ensuring opportunity and Conservatives believe the individual should take responsibility on their own and create their own opportunity.

But it is not that cut and dry. I am a conservative and I believe in helping people get started but I don't believe it is my responsibility to carry them forever. I guess I believe in the old adage that if I give a man a fish I feed him today but if I teach him to fish he can feed himself forever.

Here is a link that will help distinguish these two very different political ideologies.

What is the difference between helicopter and chopper?

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Asked by Wiki User

CHOPPER is only a slang word of HELICOPTOR...

The difference between bacterial count of UHT milk and pasteurised milk?

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Asked by Wiki User

UHT milk is sterilised at 142°C for 2 - 3 seconds. There should not be more than 10 bacteria per ml of product.

Pasteurised milk is heat treated at 72°C for 15 seconds. There should be a maximum of 10000 bacteria per ml of product.

Time difference between nanaimo bc and lewiston Maine?

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3 Hour Difference Ahead of Nanaimo

What is the difference between secretion and excretion?

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Asked by Wiki User

AnswerI think you are referring to physiology, like the kidneys, right? In that case...

Secretion is an active process. In the kidney tubules, somethings, like K+ is secreted from the peritubular capillaries, into tubular cells, and then out into the lumen to mix with the fluid.

Excretion is passive. What is excreted by the kidneys is everything that is not reabsorbed and what is secreted. So that means, after all the re-absorbing and secreting processes of the cells, everything that's left in the tubules is excreted into the urine.

What is the relationship between marketing and consumerism in general?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not quite sure but the relationship between them is probably is the marketing strategy that the producers use to influence consumers to buy their product or service.


Marketing strives to make people consumers of their product by appealing to senses that will make people feel good--sex, color, smells and so on.

Compare and contrast characteristics of male entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurs?

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Asked by Wiki User

they all posses the same characteristics ;flexibilty, self motivation, indefedence, risk bearing, locus of control, ability to explore opportunityetc.

What is the nutritional difference between lucerne chaff and oat chaff?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lucerne chaff is rich in protein and sugar and is best for horses who do strenuous activities. Oat chaff, on the other hand, has lesser nutritional value as it contains more roughage and bulk.

What is the difference between direct and indirect communication?

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Asked by Wiki User

Indirect communication means hinting or acting out. For instance, if you feel disappointed, "Hmmm" would be hinting. Stewing and pouting would be acting out what you feel instead of saying it.

One difficulty with indirect communications is that the data it gives is insufficient, not enough information for the spouse to be able to fix the problem and prevent it from happening again. With indirect communication, whatever was a problem today is likely to be a problem tomorrow, the next week and still in five years.

Saying directly one's concerns, by contrast, leads to solutions. "I'm feeling overwhelmed by cleaning the kitchen and also putting the kids to bed each evening. How would you feel about taking on kitchen clean-up?" Mary might ask. Bob might then answer, "If it's okay with you that I nap right after dinner, when I always feel so sleepy, I'd be glad to clean the kitchen after I wake up."

Direct communication- putting into words one's feelings and explaining one's concerns-leads to mutual understanding. With understanding plus goodwill, sure enough, problems get solved!

Is there a difference with AQA and Edexcel?

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not really, there just two different exam boards, they follow the same guidelines but it may be done differently

What is the difference between accounting and economics?

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Asked by Wiki User

That is a good question, as I have encountered many people who seem to confuse the two disciplines.

Accounting is the art of the preparation and presentation of relevant and reliable financial information to those who can use it for business decisions.

Economics is a social / behavioral science that deals with the scarcity of resources, and society's means of distributing those resources.

While certain concepts exist in both, such as profit, cost and depreciation; the concepts have substantially different meanings and interpretations.

What is the difference between industry and market?

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Asked by EurelOnyenekeNnamdi

what is the differences between Industry and Market

What is the difference between an alliance and a partnership?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term alliance is more usually applied to political arrangements; two or more nations form alliances by way of treaties, such as NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The term partnership is more often applied to business arrangements. If two people run and own a business together, they are business partners and can be said to have a partnership. Marriage is more usually considered to be a partnership than an alliance, and when it is described as an alliance, it is usually because it is seen more as the marriage of two extended families, rather than just the marriage of two people (so a large family group is in some sense like a nation, and can form alliances). But bear in mind that it is perfectly possible to describe two nations as partners, or two people as allies. The terms are largely interchangeable.

What is the difference between the exosphere and ionosphere?

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Asked by Wiki User

the exosphere is a layer in space and generally is not taken as one of the atmospheric layers whereas the ionosphere is a layer containing highly charged anions and is an upper part of the thermosphere.

What is the difference between mesjid al-Aqsa and the dome of the rock?

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Asked by Wiki User

The dome of the rock is a landmark in Jerusalem it was completed in 691 whick makes it the oldest Islamic building in the world, beleived to be the spot where Muhammad ascended to the heavens

Masijidul aqsa (the fatherst mosque) is also in Jerusalem and is believed to be where the temple of Jerusalem once stood it is the place Muhammad came and prayed with previous prophets on his wat to the ascension to the heavens

What is the difference between product and commodities?

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Asked by Wiki User

In marketing, a product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need. Like something PRODUCED.

A transportable article of trade or commerce, especially an agricultural or mining product.

Like rice, or wood.

What is the difference between skyress and storm skyress?

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Asked by Wiki User

The difference between skyress and storm skyress is that normal skyress hasn't evolved into storm skyress and storm skyress is when she has evolved Wonder if that helps. :-)

What is the difference between an excerpt and an extract?

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Asked by Wiki User

An excerpt usually refers to a part taken from a book or poem. Extracts are flavorings that are used while cooking.