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A replacement balancer could have a wrong keyway. The vehicle could be a half year, meaning that the balancer is listed for one year newer or older vehicle, or the balancer could have been made wrong.

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Q: Can a harmonic balancer have the wrong keyway?
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Is the keyway on a small block Chevy at 0 degrees?

This is a good question. Yes, the keyway, is accurate. What is not, is the balancer. After 74, the balancer keyway is offset, from the timing mark. Any harmonic balancer you use, look to see where the keyway is, compared to the hash mark on it. Make sure they line up.

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it has a key in it.

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Remove the belt. Remove the bolt that attaches the harmonic balancer. Rent or purchase a harmonic balancer puller. Follow the Instructions with the puller and remove the old balancer. Install the new balancer making sure to line up the keyway, a little oil helps. Put the retaining bolt back in and tighten to manufacture specs.

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First remove the old one using a puller that you screw into the harmonic balancer there is a key on it so you can not put the new one on wrong just use the bolt that holds the main pully on to push the balancer on

Where is harmonic balancer in 1996 Olds eighty-eight?

The harmonic balancer is located on the front of the crankshaft

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A bad harmonic balancer can cause a knocking noise. The harmonic balancer doesn't actually produce the noise, but it can cause the noise in the engine.

Chevrolet harmonic balancer tool?

The harmonic balancer tool is made especially to remove the balancer. Some stores will loan you the tool with a deposit.

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What would happen if you put the wrong harmonic balancer on?

If you put the wrong harmonic balancer on theres probly a 99% chance your going to damage the internal parts of your engine such as bearings ect.. most harmonic blancers run around the 75 % mark brand new so its worth it to get a new one if yours is begging to fail