


Questions about cockroaches, a common household pest, including their habitat, prey, and food.

500 Questions

What additional characteristics does Morley give to roaches?

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Morley gives the roaches in his story "Leiningen Versus the Ants" additional characteristics such as being highly adaptable, relentless, and determined in their pursuit of food. He describes them as a formidable force that is capable of working together with a single-minded focus on their goal.

Where do you go to buy a peek-a-pooh in Pasadena?

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You can look for peek-a-pooh toys at toy stores in Pasadena, such as Target, Walmart, or specialty toy stores. You can also check online retailers like Amazon or eBay for a wider selection of options.

Do roaches have tail?

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According to the kbg website cockroaches don't have tails

What time of day do cockroaches come out?

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Night time!

Are white cockroaches poisonous?

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yes they are highly poisonous it may lead to death

Why does female cockroach lay so many eggs?

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Asked by JerryKahWeeLee

It protects the eggs from harm before they hatch.

What is the best medicine for cockroach bite?

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If there is no infection then take antihistamine and apply topical steroid. In case of infection, topical or oral antibiotics are recommended

What is a cockroach repellent?

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Diatomaceous earth is a cockroach repellent. They can not stand to walk on it so anywhere it is place the cockroaches will keep away from.

Are wood roaches dangerous?

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Real wood roaches are harmless. They live in moist environments outside and feed on decaying wood. They are rarely seen indoors. If they do come in, the cannot survive in the dry environment.

Why is cockroach blood white in colour?

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Because even vermin get lonely sometimes.

When cockroaches die do they move their antennas?

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yes i did it last night

How do you get rid of bedbugs on a low budget?

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Expose your mattresses, clothing, curtains, plush toys and furniture to direct sunlight outside, particularly afternoon sunlight when the sun is at its brightest. This will kill most if not all of adult bed bugs, nymphs, larvae and nests.

Vacuuming in every corner of the house including in the nooks and crannies of your furniture and under EVERYTHING will eliminate nests and live bed bugs.

Using duct tape, inside out on the bottom of furniture legs, bed posts, etc will trap the bugs before they can climb to the mattresses.

Usie extremely hot temperatures when washing and drying clothing and toys in the washing machine and dryer.

For toys that aren't machine washable, vacuum them as best as possible, and enclose them in a plastic bag, removing all the air (airtight) and set in sun for a few hours.

Steam cleaning is the most popular and effective way of eliminating bed bugs. If you have a household steam cleaner, steam everything from the curtains to the floors and under every piece of furniture. The intense temperatures kills bed bugs instantly.

Cover holes in walls and wooden furniture with duct tape, to trap bugs and nests, and prevent them from feeding off of hosts.

Place Lavender satchels (potpourri) around the house and especially under mattresses, around couches and other furniture, and around baseboards of house. Eucalyptus is also known to work as well at deterring spiders, earwigs, beetles, ants and other creepy crawlies from entering and infesting a home.

What happens if you find the bed bugs bit you?

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Well you will get extreme bumps that can be really big. It will also take very long to cure.

How do you keep from bringing cockroaches with you from an old residence when you move to a new residence?

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You should do your best to eliminate the roaches before you move. A gecko lizard is the best way to eliminate roaches.

Cockroaches lay eggs, so you may be bringing them with you in boxes, furniture and so on. We had an infestation when I was growing up, and my mother made us check everything and scrape the eggs off and that pretty much ended the problem. Make sure you use new boxes, clean everything that is inside when you move.

I have been in the Pest Control business for 18 years. I know a little about cockroaches. The most common roach is the German Roach or Blatella Germanicus. It generally does not lay eggs. Other roaches do but are rarely the ones you find in your home. Instead it carries the egg case or Ootheca through hatching. It will very rarely deposit the egg case in a high humidity environment near a food source but this is rarely the case.

The female supplies the egg case with moisture. If she dies more than a few hours before the egg case is ready to hatch out, the young dry up and die.

The young are far too small to be eliminated by going through things.

The best bet, though rarely practical, is freezing or cooking. By cooking I mean subjecting items that may hold roaches to temperatures in excess of 120 degrees for a period of 20 minutes. This will kill any and all insects in all states of development.

Foggers and sprays will work, but are ancient technologies and require years of experience to make them work. I know. At one time that and a few primitive baits were all we had. Gel baits properly used will get the job done.

When entomologists want to raise roaches to study they use cardboard, food and water. The cardboard gives the young a place to hide from the adults as they tend to make snack food out of them until they are a little larger than snack size. They can also survive on the glue that holds the cardboard together and water. Same for most organic glues used to put paper bags together and the glue that used to be used on stamps and is still used to seal envelopes.

Cardboard is your enemy when it comes to roaches. New boxes for sure, ditch the old ones as they may harbor young roaches.

Placement of baits in cabinets, closets, dressers, the kitchen and pretty much all cracks and crevices throughout the home before moving in will go a long way towards preventing/eliminating an infestation. Roaches are drawn to corners. Baits should be placed, according to the label, in corners.

They must have water, so provide them with bait near water sources. (The condensate tray in the bottom of the refrigerator is a common source of water.)

If you limit their food sources severely they will be more likely to eat the bait and die. The bait is "shared" through cannibalism. One eats the bait and dies. All those that feed on the one die. They are fed on and kill those that eat them. Up to 44 can die from one roach ingesting the bait.

And for what it's worth...I have NEVER heard of a roach infestation being eliminated by using a living critter of any kind and certainly not a Gecko. If you want it as a pet...fine. Just don't count on it to eliminate an infestation of roaches. Ain' happenin'.

Nor have I EVER heard of a Gecko being able to eliminate a roach infestation.

I do know that if you are moving and want to rid your possessions of any cockroaches you must shrink wrap everything before the move.Such as books and magazines with-in which they can lay eggs. As they also need air to breathe, shrink wrapping your items that may have roaches or roach eggs in it will kill them as they can not breathe and will suffocate.

It is difficult to get rid of all cockroaches, so be very careful when packing as they like to hide and lay eggs in small corners (and in toilet paper and I suggest you throw away all toilet paper and buy new ones) and as said previously in cardboard boxes, and when seen they move very fast.

Good Luck and I hope this was useful.

How big are baby roaches?

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It depends on the species, though on average, I'd estimate around a few millimeters. A typical American cockroach nymph is born at around 3 mm (I don't have a roach nor a ruler handy :P) whereas a hissing cockroach nymph may be born at around 10 mm, or the size of a watermelon seed.

What happens when you stand on a cockroaches?

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It dies ANSWER Gross! You would kill it!

How many eyes does a Hissing Cockroach have?

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Roaches have a pair of compound eyes, each made up of more than 2,000 individual hexagonal-shaped facets and each facet has its own optic nerve.

Do boll weevils bite humans or are they poisonous?

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Do Boll Weevils Bite Humans! I will begin by telling the story. Recently I few days ago I returned from a hunt in Amarillo Texas to my home in Tennessee. Leaving my equipment bag on a chair in my bedroom for a few days. For about the past three nights I have been waking in the mornings with new bites each night. Thinking it to be a flea since our Labrador sleeps with us, I inspected her very closely. No fleas! This afternoon while inspecting the bed for the evening, "guess what I found"! Yes a small Boll Weevil in the center of the bed under the covers that had been injured probably by the dog jumping on the bed. I identified it via the Internet as confirming it was a boll weevil. Assuming that he had to be the culprit! It would seem that due to a lack of possible moisture or food he chose me as a host and left some nasty bites looking like the worst mosquito bite or flea bite you have ever had, not to mention the itch unmercifully. Even after using after-bite and other remedies. Can't advise about the poisonous section of this question, guess I will find out! However the itch is tremendous! LT.

What is the maturity age of a cockroach?

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I have less patience with someone who doesn't wear a watch than with anyone else,

What do hissing cockroaches in the wild eat?

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Decaying plant matter, mainly. They help the ecosystem by recycling the rotting material at the bottom of the forest floor.

Which insect is the fastest runner?

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The Australian tiger beetle.
Australian tiger beetles, genus Cicindela, subgenus Rivacindela, (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) are the fastest running insects known. The fastest, Cicindela hudsoni, can run 2.5 meters per second (5.6 miles per hour).

It has been commonly thought to be the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana- but they only reach 1.5 m/s (3.4 mph).