

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy doesn't get used up, in the way that coal and oil do. It is still there the next day, such as sunshine; wind power; water power from rivers and oceans; and geothermal power, which uses the heat deep below the surface of the earth.

500 Questions

What are some different ways we turn biomass into energy we can use?

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Biomass can be converted into energy through processes such as combustion, gasification, fermentation, and anaerobic digestion. Combustion burns biomass to produce heat or electricity, gasification converts biomass into synthetic gas that can be used in power generation, fermentation involves using microorganisms to break down biomass into biofuels like ethanol, and anaerobic digestion uses bacteria to break down biomass into biogas for heat or electricity production.

An example of a renewable resource is?

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Asked by Wiki User

solar energy. Solar energy is derived from the sun's rays and can be continuously harnessed for electricity generation through solar panels. It is considered a renewable resource because the sun is an abundant and constant source of energy.

Is salt water an example of a renewable resource?

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No, saltwater is not considered a renewable resource because it cannot be easily replenished within a short period of time. However, the water cycle continuously recycles water, making it a sustainable resource if managed properly.

What are the example of renewable resources?

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Examples of renewable resources include solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, biomass, and geothermal energy. These resources are replenished naturally and can be used indefinitely without depleting their source.

What is the tagalog of renewable energy source?

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The Tagalog term for renewable energy source is "muling-paggamit na enerhiya."

How much money does biomass energy cost to set up?

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The cost of setting up biomass energy depends on the scale of the project. Generally, small-scale systems can range from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, while large-scale plants can cost millions to build. Factors such as technology, feedstock availability, location, and government incentives can all impact the total investment required.

Some energy resources that are renewable or not in danger of running out are?

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Renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power are not in danger of running out because they are naturally replenished. Additionally, nuclear energy, while not renewable, is not in danger of running out in the foreseeable future due to the abundance of uranium reserves.

What energy is produced in a nuclear power station?

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the "disappearance" of a small amount of mass

Are eggs a renewable resource?

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what are

eggs nonrenewable or renewable?

Is silica a renewable resource?

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No because, Like fossil fuels, silica (found in the world's sands and quartz) is a non-renewable, finite resource. However, silica is a far more plentiful resource.

What is best solar water heater in Bangalore?

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In a city like Bangalore, where harnessing solar energy is both eco-conscious and cost-effective, the quest for the best solar water heater is of paramount importance. These systems utilise sunlight to heat water for domestic and commercial use, providing an energy-efficient and sustainable alternative to conventional water heating methods.

The best Solar Water Heater in Bangalore typically exhibits key features such as high thermal efficiency, durability, and adaptability to the local climatic conditions. Solar water heaters, including offerings from notable providers like EMMVEE, offer a range of solar water heating solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of residents and businesses in Bangalore. These systems often incorporate advanced technology, such as evacuated tube collectors or flat-plate collectors, ensuring optimal performance in varying weather conditions.

An essential aspect of determining the best solar water heater involves considering the specific requirements of the installation site, available roof space, and hot water demand. Solar water heaters, including those from trusted brands like EMMVEE, are known for providing tailored solutions that factor in these variables, ensuring maximum energy savings and long-term reliability.

Beyond its product offerings, with companies like EMMVEE in the forefront, is recognised for its commitment to customer satisfaction, providing comprehensive installation services and post-purchase support. In Bangalore's burgeoning solar market, where environmental consciousness and energy efficiency are highly valued, solar water heaters emerge as a prominent choice for those seeking reliable and sustainable water heating solutions.

How can tidal power benefit a community other than being a clean renewable energy resouce?

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Tidal power can benefit a community in several other ways. First, it can create job opportunities in the construction and maintenance of tidal power infrastructure. Second, it can enhance the resilience of the local power grid by diversifying the energy sources. Lastly, tidal power projects can attract tourism and contribute to the local economy through activities such as educational tours and recreational opportunities like boating and fishing.

List of five human made resources that you can observe around you?

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Asked by Wiki User

examples of human resources are as follows:-

1. bridges

2. buildings

3. table, chair

4. dresses, etc.

What is the Latin word for energy?

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The Latin equivalent of the English word 'energy' is the following: vigor. The Latin word carries the additional meaning of force, and vigor. For it comes from the Latin verb 'vigere', which means 'to be vigorous, to fluorish, to thrive'.

Is elephant a renewable resource?

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Asked by Wiki User

elephants may be one of the strongest animals in the world but yet they are one of the nicest animals alive they are great workers and very intelligent and would not do anything to harm our resource.

How can algae be used as a fuel source?

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Algae fuel is any fuel made using algae. Algae are a type of simple organism, of which most are photosynthetic (they get their energy from the sun). The smallest algae are unicellular, the largest are the seaweeds that make up kelp forests.

Some types of algae use sunlight to make oil, and if these algae are harvested and the oil extracted from them, the oil can be used in a variety of ways, including as a replacement for petroleum derived diesel fuel.

Whatever portion of the algae which is not oil, is carbohydrates and proteins. These carbohydrates and proteins can be processed to produce butanol, a oily, energy-dense alcohol, which can be used as a direct gasoline substitute.

The oil from algae can also be converted (using the same processes that are used on petroleum) into other types of fuel, such as biogasoline, and aviation biofuel.

The non-oil components of algae can also be converted to other fuels besides butanol (although that's one of the most valuable producable fuels), such as methane and ethanol.

What are the advantages of wind farms on the environment?

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Asked by SaladfingersN

yes they do they're powered by wind so they don't hurt anything but the birds that get caught in them and the drivers who get sidetrackted -from somone else.... lol

What are the uses of light energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

*Well the first use of light is photosynthesis which helps organisms such as plants make their food it contracts with energy and glucose to form their food.

*the second use of light is warm if you have a lot of light it can heat so much somewhere and make it feel very warm.

*the third use of light is to be able to see if you didn't have light then whats the point in being able to see you would just have to walk around not knowing where you are or what you are doing.


What plant products can be used as fuel?

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Fossils (dead plants) can give us fuel by providing us with a substance called Crude Oil.

Is food a renewable energy source?

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It is a Non- Renewable source of energy because when food is waisted and it runs out it cannot be renewed.

How acidic is a potato?

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Both sweet and white potatoes belong to the same botanical order (Solanales) but they come from different families. Sweet potatoes hail from the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae) while white potatoes are relatives of the deadly nightshade, a.k.a belladonna (family Solanaceae). Other famous (and infamous) nightshades include: datura (Jimson weed), mandrake, capsicum (paprika, chili pepper), tobacco, tomato, eggplant and petunia. Yams, of course, are even more distantly related and are cousins of the grasses and lilies.

Besides the fact that sweet potatoes are orange in color and sweeter than white potatoes, sweet potatoes contain almost twice as much fiber as white potatoes-close to 7 grams per serving-which means that their calories are burned more slowly and efficiently than a low-fiber carbohydrate. They contain a large amount of vitamin B-6, which is crucial in breaking down homocysteine. Vitamin B-6 helps keep blood vessel walls flexible and healthy, which allows blood to flow freely. In addition, sweet potatoes contain high amounts of potassium and vitamin A. One medium sweet potato provides your body with all the vitamin A you need and then some. Sweet potatoes are also a great source of manganese, a mineral that is a pivotal component in the metabolism of carbohydrates, which helps support healthy blood sugar levels. This can help stabilize the appetite for hours as opposed to the temporary satisfaction that comes with most other carbohydrates. It also is a cofactor in enzymes that play an important role in the generation of energy as well as the efficient utilization of antioxidants. It is used for the treatment of anemia and is useful as a treatment for several premenstrual symptoms. Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamins C and E. These are potent antioxidant vitamins that play an important role in disease prevention and longevity. Both vitamins also play a huge role in the health and beauty of your skin and hair, making them popular supplements. The combination of beta-carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C in one food contributes to a healthy, glowing complexion and great hair.

Sweet potatos are higher in simple carbohydrates.
Just about everything, actually. They are both root vegetables, but they are entirely different plants. They look different, grow differently, are harvested and prepared differently. They look different and taste different, and are different nutritionally.

How is the steam used to produce electricity?

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Asked by Wiki User

A 300 grams of water takes about 90 seconds to boil in a 2 kW kettle, so that is 2000 watts x 90 seconds which is 180,000 Joules of energy.

But to convert that water completely into steam requires an extra 300x550x4.2 Joules, which is nearly 700,000 Joules.

So converting it to steam takes 4-5 times as much energy as boiling it. That is why it takes a while for a kettle to boil dry.

What are 5 renewable energy sources other than solar energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The five sources of energy are solar, nuclear, wind, hydroelectric and fossil fuels. Nowadays there are five energy sources: fossil fuels, nuclear, wind, hydroelectric amd solar. The alternative sources are solar, wind and hydroelectric.