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Canadians like to eat bacon and a lot of sausages. Other than that, I think that they mainly eat American type food like, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, chips, corn dogs and nachos.


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14y ago
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12y ago

I live in Canada, and i am a Canadian so what i eat, is fruits, veggies, poultry, meat (beef), ice cream, fish, sushi, Chinese food, and much much more. Canadians eat all kinds of different things. We also have quite a bit of fast food restaurants, but my favorites are subway, DQ, quizno's, and Wendy's. Hope this helped :) .

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11y ago

They eat what everyone else eats, hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, Sandwiches, salads the usual really.

since i am canadian yes they do eat hambergers and fries and hot dogs but they also eat poutine which is fries covered in gravy and curb cheese and on Christmas they eat a bush and sugar pie and pudding chomer

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6y ago

People in Canada eat many kinds of foods. Here is a web-site to go to if you want to find out more.

We eat what you eat.

People in Canada eat most things that people in the United States do. They eat pizza, salad, rice, cake, pie and whatever else you can think of; regular foods!
The foods of Canada are very similar to the food in the United States. Just like the U.S. Canada has a diverse population and ethnic culture so regional dishes vary from place to place and coast to coast.

  1. Maple Syrup: it's super sweet and it can be used as a sweet­ener in yogurt or cake mixes, or as a spread on bread and toasts. Maple syrup is quite inex­pen­sive in Canada and you can buy some pretty much anywhere.
  2. Pou­tine: this will be the only time in your life when you will feel your arter­ies clog as you eat. Yep, pou­tine is not for the wannabe skinny! True Cana­di­ans insist on it being topped with real cheese curds, what­ever that means. I admit it, I'm not a pou­tine person…
  3. Mon­treal smoked meat: even if you are not in Mon­treal, I'm pretty sure you can find a diner which spe­cial­ized in smoked meat sand­wiches. It is usu­ally served with coleslaw, potato fries and a pickle.
  4. Montreal-style bagels: with a thick spread of cream cheese, it's almost as good as French baguette and blue cheese. Seriously.
  5. Salmon: not sur­pris­ingly for a coun­try bor­dered by the Pacific and the Atlantic, seafood is excel­lent in Canada.
  6. Nanaimo Bars: a treat con­sist­ing of a wafer crumb-based layer, topped by a layer of light vanilla or cus­tard fla­vored but­ter icing, which is cov­ered in choco­late made from melted choco­late squares.
  7. But­ter tarts: it con­sists of but­ter, sugar, and eggs in a pas­try shell. It's sugar heaven!
  8. Pâté Chi­nois (shepherd's pie): this dish, pop­u­lar in Québec, is made from lay­ered ground beef (some­times mixed with sautéed diced onions) on the bot­tom layer, canned corn (either whole-kernel, creamed, or a mix) for the mid­dle layer, and mashed pota­toes on top. One expla­na­tion for the name ("Chi­nese pie") is that it was intro­duced to French Cana­dian rail­way work­ers by Chi­nese cooks dur­ing the build­ing of the North Amer­i­can rail­roads in the late 19th century.
  9. Ice wine: this is a dessert wine pro­duced from grapes that have been frozen while still on the vine. Isn't it Canada the per­fect place to pro­duce it? The wine is very sweet with high acid­ity. In the East­ern part of Canada, winer­ies are found in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.

People in Canada eat various types of foods. They eat hamburgers, hotdogs, salmon, cambazola cheese, and many other foods.
The foods eaten in Canada are very similar to the foods eaten in the United States with only some slight regional differences.
Canadians have various foods such as moose, rabbit, fresh fish, french onion soup, paté chinois, salmon pie, Tourtière, and much more.
Nothing too distinctive. Some staples are eggs, milk, tomatoes, carrots, cheese, yogurt, bread, potatoes, steak, salmon.... of course, Canada is a multicultural country so you get things like rice, sushi, meatballs, poutine, maple syrup etc. Pretty much the same as an American diet although we like to see ourselves as healthier.


True, true but you left out the best Canadian treats of all butter tarts! Sweet, gooey butter tarts.

Oh and a good peameal bacon sandwich slathered with honey mustard.

Nanaimo bars and a big slice of tortiere.

Montreal style bagels (although I prefer New York style) with layers of Montreal smoked meat on it.

Habitant pea soup with a big slice of fresh bread.

Wild rice, cheese curds and oka cheese.

A nice feed of fiddle heads saluted in butter and onions.

Cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, apples oh the fruit is endless.

Pancakes and fresh Canadian Maple syrup. Don't forget the Maple syrup baked beans.

Beaver tails and sugar pie.

Candy apples, Smarties ( do you eat the red ones last?), coffee crisp, candy blossoms.

Homo milk in a bag, Timmies coffee, Red River cereal, Nabob coffee, ketchup chips, salt and vinegar chips and dill pickle chips, cheezies

Ice wine, micro breweries beer

and finally oh wonderful KD - Kraft mac and cheese.
Everything. Canada is considered a cultural mosaic, meaning we embrace and accept the cultures of all immigrants. This means that Canada is quite diverse ethnically.
Well lets just say the hunt for there food at times like deer, buffalo, and they eat grains and corn.
The McElk Burger at our very famous McDonalds is popular. But mostly only what we grow.
Canadians tend to eat much of the same cuisine as Americans. However, there are distinct Canadian foods, such as: -the poutine (fries with gravy and melted cheese curd)

-maple syrup

-beaver tails (a very rich deep fried pastry)

-butter tarts

-Kraft Dinner

Note: Don't think Canadians just eat junk food, this is just food that is distinctly Canadian! In Canada we tend to eat our veggies raw rather than boiled (such as in places like Britain).
Canada is very ethnically diverse, it would be impossible to list the different foods that are eaten by people living there.
Canadians eat pretty much the same food as Americans for the most part. Their are some regional variations. For instance, Poutine is very popular with French culture.
We eat everything a normal person would eat. Alot of citizens eat Poutine and Tourtierre which is popular in Quebec. And Pancakes with Maple Syrup is a popular Canadian breakfest. (But it's popular in the US too.) But the overall choice of Canadian foods is probably what you are probably waiting to enjoy right now.
Canadians eat pretty much the same food as Americans for the most part. Their are some regional variations. For instance, Poutine is very popular with French culture.

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13y ago

From Canada white dude 26 I eat pizza, burgers, chicken, ice cream, candy and chocolate bars, pizza pops, hungry man TV dinners, chef boyaedee pasta, fast food, fries, cheese, fruit, watermelon, apples, lobster and shrimp, eggs, bread, Doritos, fish, beef and pork

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11y ago

Canada is a Confederation of many other Nations, each with it's own history and culture. Within those Nations are many different cultures, each with their own dietary traditions.

Multi-generational Canadians are most likely to have cultural connections to a rural or farming North American lifestyle that varied with each region and history. That connection results in a diet that includes grains, various meats, veggies, potatoes and few fruits. Even apples cannot be grown in most of Canada and in those areas there is, traditionally, a higher percentage of meat in the historical diet.

Urban Canadians of today are least likely to have this connection, as most of them will be first and second generation. They bring with with them their own diets which are in part adopted by other Canadians.

What kind of food does Canada eat? What kind of food does the world eat? The answer is the same.

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12y ago

Probably what you eat. There's McDonalds, A and W, Dairy Queen, Burger King, and all that junk food. The only difference I notice in the portions. In Canada, an extra-extra large drink would be a small in the US, and you get WAY too much food. Well, that's all I got

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6y ago

Canadian food is a mix of French, English, and First peoples food along with the many other immigrant groups that came to Canada.

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11y ago

Varies by region and culture. All foods of the world are represented in Canada.

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6y ago

Canada is known for maple syrup as well as fresh fish and game.

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