


These birds of prey are renowned for their exceptional vision; one species has been found to have a visual acuity of 2.6 times that of a normal human.

500 Questions

What kind of food can you survive on the longest?

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There is no single food that provides all the vitamins, minerals, carbs and fats we need to live. Although many people in the world live on mostly rice, the most common grains are rice, beans and corn. These in combination seem to be pretty sustainable to the human race but also remember that all individuals are different and so are their needs. Paul Harvey talked about a kid who ate nothing but potato chips and drank milk and was twelve years old or so I recall. His doctor visits were fine and he was healthy. Some people on that same diet would experience hair loss, skin problems, tooth loss or death etc. You could probably select one item from each food group if you were trying to live the most basically with the least amount of options. Remember your nuts and grains and also, pinto/kidney beans provide protein as well.

What is the difference between a osprey and Peregrine Falcon?

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The osprey is a fish-eating bird of prey with a white belly and distinctive dark eye stripe, while the Peregrine Falcon is a bird of prey known for its incredible speed and agility. Ospreys primarily feed on fish and have a unique hovering hunting style, while Peregrine Falcons hunt birds by diving at high speeds.

What is the largest falcon in the world?

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The largest falcon in the world is the Gyrfalcon, which can have a wingspan of up to 63 inches. They are found in the Arctic regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. Gyrfalcons are highly skilled hunters, preying on birds and mammals.

If a falcon can fly ninety meters per second how fast is he going?

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A falcon flying at ninety meters per second is traveling at about 324 kilometers per hour or 201 miles per hour.

Do any other birds have similar wing structures to Kestrels?

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Asked by PBB25DBA

Yes, other birds of prey like falcons and hawks have similar wing structures to kestrels. They have long, pointed wings for efficient flight and hunting. Other bird species such as swifts and swallows also have similar pointed wings for fast and agile flight.

What do falcon eat?

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Falcons primarily prey on small birds, such as sparrows and finches, but they also eat insects and small mammals like rodents. They are skilled hunters known for their speed and agility in catching their prey mid-flight using their sharp talons.

Is a falcon a carnivore?

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Yes, falcons are carnivores. They primarily feed on small mammals, birds, and insects that they catch while flying.

In humans how many chromosomes does each parent pass on to their off spring?

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Each parent passes on 23 chromosomes to their offspring, for a total of 46 chromosomes. This results in the genetic combination that determines various characteristics in the offspring.

What is a kestrel?

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A kestrel is a small bird of prey in the falcon family, known for its hovering flight while hunting for prey. Kestrels have a distinctive pointed tail, often exhibit a russet coloration, and are found in a variety of habitats worldwide. They prey on small mammals, insects, and birds.

What is the scientific name of a Peregrine Falcon and why was it given that name?

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The scientific name of a Peregrine Falcon is Falco peregrinus. "Falco" is the genus name, derived from Latin meaning "falcon." "Peregrinus" comes from Latin and means "wanderer" or "pilgrim," which likely refers to the bird's migratory nature.

What is scientific name of falcon?

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The Peregrine Falcon's scientific name is Falco peregrinus. Need a link? Look below.

What is the phylum of a falcon?

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Falcons are birds of prey. There full classification is given below. Domain Eukarya Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata (also includes fish, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs and mammals) Order Falconiiformes (all birds of prey)

Why is it so special that the falcons have nested on the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg.PA?

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The presence of falcons nesting on the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg, PA is significant because it shows how urban areas can support wildlife conservation efforts. Falcons are a symbol of resilience and adaptability, and their presence in the city highlights the importance of coexisting with nature in urban environments. It also reflects the success of conservation programs aimed at protecting endangered species like the peregrine falcon.

Who is the protagonist in the story federigo's falcon?

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The protagonist in "Federigo's Falcon" is Federigo, a poor but noble young man who falls in love with Monna Giovanna, a wealthy widow. The story revolves around Federigo's love for Monna Giovanna and his ultimate sacrifice to prove his love for her.

What does the falcon symbolize in Macbeth?

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In Macbeth, the falcon represents nobility and power. It is used as a metaphor to depict Macbeth's rise to the throne and his subsequent corruption and downfall. The falcon's descent in the play symbolizes Macbeth's moral decline and loss of control.

What the falling action of federigo falcon?

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In the falling action of "Federigo's Falcon" by Giovanni Boccaccio, Monna Giovanna realizes the depth of Federigo's love and sacrifice for her by selling his falcon to provide her with a meal. She sees his noble character and marries him after her husband's passing, despite his financial hardship. The falling action highlights themes of love, sacrifice, and redemption.

What is the mood in The Maltese Falcon?

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The mood in "The Maltese Falcon" is dark, mysterious, and tense. The story is filled with betrayal, greed, and moral ambiguity, creating a sense of intrigue and suspense throughout the novel.

What is the meaning of knave in the novel kestrel for a knave?

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In the novel "Kestrel for a Knave", the term "knave" refers to a dishonest or untrustworthy person. It symbolizes the challenges and struggles faced by the protagonist, Billy Casper, who is often misunderstood and underestimated by society. The title reflects the theme of social injustice and the inner strength needed to overcome adversity.

Where is miss peregrine and the peculiar children in the movie?

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In the movie "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children," Miss Peregrine's home is located on a small island off the coast of Wales. The children and Miss Peregrine live in a time loop, where they are protected from outside threats and they repeat the same day over and over again.

How many words does Miss Peregrine's home forPeculiar children?

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"Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" is a novel by Ransom Riggs, which features around 103,000 words.

Why did sam feed frightful the lure instead of what she caught in my side of the mountain?

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Sam fed Frightful the lure because he believed it was better for her health and safety. The lure provided a consistent source of food and prevented potential harm from eating animals that could be harmful or pose a threat. Additionally, it was easier for Sam to control and manage Frightful's diet with the lure.

Monna hesitates to ask federigo for his falcon because she thinks?

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it may embarrass Federigo or come off as greedy. Additionally, she may believe that asking for the falcon would put Federigo in a difficult position, as the falcon is of great sentimental value to him.

Does a falcon blink?

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No, they haven't got any eyelids.