


System boards are the main circuit boards comprising electronic systems, including computers

500 Questions

Why is the circuit board an important part of the cell phone?

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The circuit board in a cell phone is crucial because it serves as the foundation for connecting and controlling all the components within the device, such as the processor, memory chips, and sensors. It facilitates the flow of data and power between these components, enabling the phone to function properly. Without a circuit board, the cell phone would not be able to operate effectively.

How do you rate a surge protector?

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When rating a surge protector, consider its clamping voltage (lower is better), energy absorption/dissipation capacity (in joules), response time (faster is better), and the number of outlets and protection for phone, cable, and ethernet lines. Look for products that are UL listed and have a good warranty.

Is hair non-bio or bio and proof it?

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Hair is considered biodegradable because it is composed of keratin, a protein that can be broken down by microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. When hair is disposed of in the environment, these microorganisms aid in decomposition, allowing hair to eventually break down and return to the earth as nutrients.

When do electrons flow on a wire?

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Electrons flow on a wire when there is a closed circuit that provides a path for the electrons to move. This typically happens when a voltage source (such as a battery) is connected to the circuit, creating an electric field that causes the electrons to move through the wire.

You should connect the power cord from the power supply to the PS2 power connection on the motherboard?

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To connect the power cord from the power supply to the PS2 power connection on the motherboard, locate the 4-pin connector on the power supply cable and line it up with the corresponding 4-pin PS2 power connection on the motherboard. Gently press and secure the connector into place until it clicks. Ensure the connection is secure and the power cord is properly routed to avoid any interference with other components.

How do you find out what kind of motherboard you have?

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You can find out what kind of motherboard you have by checking the system specifications in your device's settings, looking up the model number printed on the motherboard itself, or using system information software like CPU-Z to identify the motherboard model.

What is the use of motherboard?

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The motherboard is main part of CPU. All parts do connect with motherboard.

What does NTFS stand for?

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new technology file system

it is a new file system of microsoft to replace fat file system

What is Reverse 10-Key data entry?

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Data Entry

Reverse key entry is where an operator enters a numeric entry on a ten key pad and then enters the same data in reverse order. This reduces operator keying errors. This only refers to a machine function, not a data entry job - Reverse Key or Reverse 10-key in data entry refers to the use of numbers within the letter keys. The original keypunch machines and early data entry terminals used what is now considered reverse key. The nine on the top row is the 0, U the 1, I the 2, O the 3, J the 4, K the 5, L the 6, M the 7, the common key is the 8 and the period key is the 9. To change from alpha to numerical the keyer holds down the shift key. Actually data entry is much easier with reverse key as it eliminates the transition from alpha keys to the numeric keypad.

Can you use DDR800 memory on DDR667 motherboard?

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Yes, and it should never cause any problems.

Will a PCI Express graphics card work in a PCI-X slot?

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NO. If you have a pci-x slot, probably it is a server, and you want to upgrade your graphics card, you can buy a PCI card and plug it into your PCI-X slot. It should work probably.

Will pci express x 1 work in a x16 slot?

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The answer after this one is absolutely incorrect. A PCI-e x1 card is absolutely compatible with a PCI-e x16 slot, regardless if it is a rev 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, or even 3.0. It is indeed smaller, but that's one of the main reasons the ground pin / physical notching is present on these cards. It is safe to install so long as it is anchored.

x16 is compatible with x8, x4, and x1. It is this way, and it has always been this way.

----(Previous, incorrect answer)

No, it would be too small and may damage your motherboard and card.

Will pci express 2.0 x 16 graphics card fit with dg41wv Intel mother board?

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Yes it should. The PCI Express 2.0 is backwards compatible with the PCI x16 1.0 and 1.1 slot motherboards. However, PCI-e 2.0 cards on 1.1 and 1.0 motherboards will not be able to run at their max capacity.

Is the mother board the mastermind of a computer?

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No, the CPU is the brains of the computer and interprets instructions received, equivaqlent to your brain responding to stimuli and selecting a course of action to follow. An equivalent analogy for the motherboard would be your neurological system. The motherboard, like neurotransmitters, receives and transmits messages to and from input/output sources (keyboard, mouse, etc.) to the CPU.

What is ATX and mini ATX?

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its similar to an LPX motherboard .. but its smaller .. the LPX was designed to be slimline the ATX is designed to be mini ... i actually dont know im just guessing .. its a computer .. use it .. quit yapping

How many watts does a motherboard use?

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It varies from motherboard to motherboard. Motherboards with higher clocked RAM will tend to need higher watts and motherboards will older cpus or some of the newer quad cores will take even more watts.

How much RAM does Windows XP use?

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It will run on 256Megabytes. But very slowly as it does a lot of disk swopping.

Memory is cheap. Get 1 Gigabyte.

What is the purpose of PCI slot?

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I don't know if I have all of the information on how it works, but I do know some about how to do it. Well, first off, you need a PCI compatible motherboard. Second, you need 2 PCI compatible video cards. Then you stick them in the slots, then there is this thing that connects them together and that's Really all I know. For Further info, contact computer professional Logan at

What is the motherboard attached to?

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Technically it's the other way around, everything (keyboard, monitor, printers, hard drives, etc.) are connected to the mother board.

Can motherboards have more than one CPU?

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Yes there are multiple controllers on all motherboards.

How does the motherboard communicate?

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By speaking.

Can you use pci express 2.0 in pci express 16 slot?

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You cannot use a 2.0 pci express card in a pci express slot because the technology is newer.

For example:

It would be like putting a playstation 3 game into a playstation 2 console.