


The brightest star in the Orion constellation, Rigel is 9000º F hotter than our own sun. It is a blue super giant.

418 Questions

What stage of life is the Rigel star in?

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Rigel is currently in the main sequence stage of its life cycle, where it fuses hydrogen into helium in its core. It is a massive blue supergiant star, indicating that it is in a relatively early stage of its main sequence life.

Why does the sun seem brighter than the star of Rigel?

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The Sun appears brighter than Rigel because it is much closer to Earth. Rigel is a supergiant star that is much larger and more luminous than the Sun, but its distance makes it appear dimmer in our sky. The apparent brightness of a star depends on both its intrinsic brightness and its distance from Earth.

Will the star Rigel be a supernova or a black hole?

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Rigel is expected to end its life as a supernova, as it has a mass that is likely insufficient to become a black hole. Supernovae occur when massive stars like Rigel exhaust their nuclear fuel and undergo a catastrophic explosion, while black holes are formed from the remnants of even more massive stars.

How can you tell if Rigel or Betelgeuse is hotter?

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You can tell if Rigel or Betelgeuse is hotter based on their color. Rigel appears blue-white, indicating a hotter temperature, while Betelgeuse appears orange-red, suggesting a cooler temperature. Additionally, the spectral class of Rigel (B8Ia) is hotter than Betelgeuse's spectral class (M1-2Ia).

How much bigger is rigel than the sun?

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Spectroscopic estimates this distance between 700-900 light years but Hipparcos's measurement gives the distance of 860 light years . Rigel is a blue super giant and bears about 24 solar masses and shinning with approximately 85000 times the luminosity than the sun

If Deneb and Rigel were located at Alpha Centauri's distance from earth how would they appear?

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If Deneb and Rigel were placed at Alpha Centauri's distance from Earth (about 4.37 light-years away), they would appear as extremely bright stars in the sky, similar to our Sun. Deneb, a distant supergiant star, would still shine brightly but not as brightly as the Sun. Rigel, a blue supergiant, would appear much brighter than Deneb due to its larger size and luminosity.

What is rigel made of?

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I'm not sure exactly what detail you want, but here's a start.

Rigel is a triple star system. The main star of the three is a very luminous star.

It is a blue supergiant star.

If the sun is not a Rigel why other scientist said that sun is the biggest star on the solar system and why if you look in the sky at night you never see a star more bigger than sun?

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The Sun is a star, but it is not the biggest star in the universe. It is an average-sized star compared to others. The reason the Sun appears bigger and brighter than other stars in our sky is that it is much closer to us. Stars like Betelgeuse and Rigel are much larger than the Sun, but they are too far away to appear as large in the night sky.

The surface temperature of the star Rigel is about 15000celiusThe sun has a temperature of about 6000celius Why does the sun appear so much brighter?

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The brightness of a star depends not just on its surface temperature, but also on its size and distance from Earth. While Rigel is hotter than the Sun, it is also a much larger and more luminous star. Therefore, even though the Sun is cooler than Rigel, it appears brighter to us because it is much closer and has a larger luminosity due to its size.

Temperature of Rigel?

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The surface temperature of Rigel, a blue supergiant star in the Orion constellation, is estimated to be around 12,100 Kelvin. This makes it one of the hottest known stars in our galaxy.

The star Rigel in Orion's belt is 900 light years away what does that translate to in kilometers?

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Rigel is in Orion, but not in its belt. It is the very bright star at the bottom right as we look at Orion. It is estimated to be anything between 700 and 900 light years away. 700 light years would be about 6,612,165,304,151,910 kilometres and 900 light years would be about 8,501,335,391,052,460 kilometres.

What colors do Rigel and Beltergeuse stars appear to us?

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Rigel appears bluish-white in color, while Betelgeuse appears reddish-orange to the human eye.

Who discovered blue giant stars?

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Blue giant stars were not discovered by one person, as they have been observed and studied by astronomers over time. However, they were first classified and extensively studied by Annie Jump Cannon and Ejnar Hertzsprung in the early 20th century.

How many moons does rigel have?

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Rigel, a blue supergiant star in the constellation Orion, does not have any moons. Moons are typically found orbiting planets rather than stars like Rigel.

How do you pronounce rigel?

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Rigel is pronounced as "RYE-jell".

What gases make up Rigel?

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Is Rigel cooler than the sun?

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No. Rigel's effective temperature is 12100 K compared to the Sun's 5778 K.

Is cooler Rigel or Mira?

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What color is the Rigel?

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Rigel is actually a triple star system. Rigel A is a blue-white super-giant; the other two are blue-white main sequence stars.

Is the sun larger than Rigel?

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No. Rigel is more than 70 times larger.

What is the distance of the Rigel and the earth?

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260 +/- 20 parsecs.