


A winter sport utilizing a single wide board, snowboarding is often featured in extreme sports competitions. Many of the tricks are similar to those done by skateboarders and are quite spectacular.

500 Questions

What does goofy means for snowboarding?

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Means you ride with your right foot facing down the slope, most people ride natural, left foot forward. To test which you are stand with your feet together and eye's closed. Get someone to push you forward, the foot you push forward to stop your fall is the foot that faces down the mountain.

What is the danger of snowboarding?

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well you could break a load of bones if you try to hard like a harder slope =]

get at lest 1 lesson from a friend of so =]=] U can get really hurt if ur careless. Biggest thing is wear a helmet. I fell once and hit the back of my head with a helmet and couldn't remember why i was there until that night. Image if i wasnt protected. Really the risks are worth the reward. Once u get really good you barely ever fall unless you like doing the extreme stuff like jumps and grinds. Usually, if ur experienced you will never fall going down a steeper slope. It becomes second nature like u just learned how to walk.

Can you use a snowboard for sandboarding?

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Most likely.Snowboarding and skateboarding basically have the same concept. The only difference is snowboards do not use wheels and are used on snow. Skateboards do have wheels and can not be used on snow, only on concrete, etc. Also, there are similar, if not the same steps taken to snowboard/skateboard.

Where can one buy a K2 snowboard?

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K2 snowboards can be purchased at a variety of locations. The official K2 website is one place to find these products. Alternatively, these snowboards can also be purchased through the online companies Backcountry and Evo.

How much is a ride snowboard worth?

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You can look for a cheaper ride snowboard in online shops

What is parallel giant slalom snowboarding?

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If you are a serious downhill ski racer then you know that you need to invest in at least two pair of skis. One pair of skis is for slalom racing while the other pair of skis is for giant slalom racing. Slalom skis tend to be shorter in length and narrower because you need to move your skis quickly. In slalom the gates are fairly close together and you need to be able to maneuver around them with lightning speed. Shorter skis allow quick movement and helps prevent catching your tip on a gate. Giant slalom skis tend to be longer and wider because you have a greater distance between gates. You want as much flat surface area of the bottom of your ski to be in contact with the snow as possible to increase your speed. The size you choose for your slalom and giant slalom skis depends on your height, preference, and skiing ability. Consult with a ski professional to help you out.

What were the first skateboard wheels made of?

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The first skateboards were just a two by four nailed to roller blade trucks and they had roller blade wheels

What equipment do you use and wear in snowboarding?

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A snowboard, and perhaps snowboard boots.

You can get snowboards with buckles for normal shoes/boots, and you can get snowboards with click thingies, that you click snowboard boot into.


You need a lot of equipment for snowboarding. Here is the equipment that is necessary: A snowboard, Snowboard boots, helmet (optional), goggles, gloves, and bindings. You need your equipment to be fitted properly or you can get badly hurt or not perform at your 110% top.
A snowboard of course, gloves so your hands don't get cold, and goggles so nothing flys in your eyes.

Is it better to get a bigger snowboard or smaller?

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It depends on what you are doing, how tall you are, and you experience level. If you are new to snowboarding you want a snowboard that is up to your shoulder. If you are just going down hills you want a snowboard that is up to your shoulder. If you want to hit jumps you want to get a snowboard that is 4 inch (7 cm) down from your arm pit.

What is the best kids snowboard?

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Asked by Buzzcola

Burton, for the begginers
It depends on what you like to do, and how much money your willing to spend. If you have loads of money, you can really hook yourself up, but some brands also offer lower priced boards without some of the "unnecessary" add-ons. I recommend talking with someone who works at your local ride shop. Not a big store like Wal-Mart.

People at your local shop want you to have fun (usually) on the mountain, and are not as worried about making the sale. Just go in and get a convo started and start telling 'em what you like to do. Tell them your price range is and they should hook you up.

Truth is, asking onlie is a bit like asking people what their favorite food is, it depends on the person, not the board.

Terminoligy, ARM YOURSELF WITH KNOWLEDGE! This is for people who don't really snowboard but want to know what some basic stuff is.

1. Freeride Basically doing backcountry, powder, steeps.

/\ DIFFERENT! You can get an all mountain which is not specific and okay for both \/

2. Freestyle Parks, jumps, jibs(spinning on the board while its on the ground)

Ride and Burton make some of the best boards for intermediate/advanced/expert boarders. If u are just beginning it wouldn't hurt to get a cheaper board. You wont really know the difference. They also make pricy but high quality bindings
Most would say the mega company Burton Snowboards, which is the world's largest manufacturer of these bad boys. A link can be found below if you want it. It depends alot on what you want to do with it. I mean, obviously you want to snowboard on it, but I'm talking Park vs. Freestyle, and taking it up to a higher level in the mountains vs. keeping it real on your local hill.
Burton is probably the biggest / best brand in snowboarding

No, Burton may be big, but it doesn't beat the high quality and kindness of Lib Tech, Lib tech skate banana is the best board out there, ride one then think of going to Burton, once you ride a skate banana you'll never go back to anything. Plus if you are not satisfied with lib tech's board, if it's not what you thought or doesn't have the right qualities, they will send you a new one plus and extra for FREE!
This more of an opinion but i prefer a Burton or a K2
a lot is personal preference, but GNU and Lib tech are companies of Mervin Manufacturing and they pioneered banana technology aka the rocker, and they created magne-traction. If you don't know what these are look it up. They make some good snowboards.

Is the lamar dragon a good snowboard?

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Lamar, Forum and Burton boards are all really high quality

What is MVP's signature move?

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The Playmaker

What is a difference skies and snow boards have?

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Snowboarding is harder to learn than skiing. If you want to snowboard take classes.

What is the best stomp pad for a snowboard?

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If you want a good stomp pad, get the Burton pad. Burton is very reliable and possibly the best brand of snowboards in the world. Its stomp pad has worked for me for 2 years, and it still has a lot of grip. You can't go wrong with a Burton stomp pad. However, there is a new stomp pad that is especially good for beginners called "Strap Pad," that is the only stomp pad that has a velcro strap that eases your ride on and off the chair lift. See It was considered one of the "Best New Products" at the 2009 SIA show.

How do you get sharpie writing off ski's without damaging them?

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well first you think why did i do it in the first place then you go out and buy rubbing alcohal it works like a charm

What size snowboard should i use if i am 5'2?

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I can't tell you how long your skis should be just based on your height. Type of skis and skill level can greatly affect how long your skis should be. If you are a beginner your skis should between your chin and nose. If you are intermediate your skis should be between your nose and eyes. If you are an expert the ski should be above your eyes but no longer than your height. If you are buying twin tips you should add around 5cm to the length of the skis, thus being one of the exceptions to the 'never above your head rule'. The only other one is if you are a high level racer. Your best bet on getting a good length ski is to be fitted at your local ski shop.

How many full spins does the snowboard take in a 540 spin?

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4 and a half spins is the world recited, at least by my knoll age

What does goofy footed mean?

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Goofy footed is when you are right handed and your right foot goes on front of your board, or left handed with left foot onnfront
Goofy footed is a term used in skateboarding, snowboarding and in surfing. It is the opposite of regular stance. One prefers to lead with one's right foot in goofy foot. Your right foot stands in front of you.

What is a snow board?

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Skiboarding is a winter sport which combines elements of skating, snowboarding, and skiing. Skiboards are used and worn in conjunction with standard ski boots that connect to the skiboards with use of a binding. Skiboards can be grouped into two general categories. Regular skiboards are generally 75-110 cm long, symmetrical, twin tipped, and wider than traditional skis. Longboard skiboards range from 110cm but are typically no longer than 130cm. In addition, they can have one of two different types of bindings. The most common is non-release bindings, very similar to snowboard hard-boot bindings. Another option for skiboards is ski-like full release bindings. Riders can wear normal ski boots with either binding option. The sport is often incorrectly referred to as snow-blading or skiblading.

Is k2 is good snowboard brand?

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Yep. Well... Most of it. Generally in life, you get what you pay for. If you pay like $100 for the three B's (Board Boots 'n' Bindings) its probably gonna be kinda trashy. look up reviews on the boards/boots/bindings your interested in. Good luck!

Yes.. Both are good brands but both are kinda expensive. But I think it's more better to buy expensive brands than cheaper but trashy. I mean it's more better to buy a stuff quality wise than cheap but rubbishy.

Is snowboarding or skiing easier to learn?

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Skiing is easier to learn at first as you are traveling in your normal direction and your feet are not connected so you can adjust your balance better.

Once you learn then you can advance faster on a snowboard than on skis.

Can surfing help your brain and your body?

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Surfing is a sport, and like a lot of sports, it requires physical exercise which is good for you. Not to mention, surfing may be good for you emotionally because it calms you down and/or socially.

What size snowboard should a beginner use who is 5 feet 11 inches tall 165 lbs?

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Height and weight don�t so solely determine the size snowboard you should ride, but it gives us a range of board to choose from. Every snowboard has a desired rider weight range. Ideally you want your weight to fall into the center of the weight range. For example, the snowboard I ride is a 157. The weight range on my board is from 140-180 pounds. I weigh 160lbs, which falls perfectly in the board�s weight range. Weight is more important than height; height just helps compliment your weight. It is more important to have a snowboard designed for your weight, than having one in between your chin and nose. For your case, a size 156-158 should suit you perfectly.

What math will you have to use in the sport snowboarding?

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Mainly in figuring out how many meters per second your skiing and how many vertical meters you've skied.