


Action & Adventure Movies

An action and adventure movie is a tale of a hero/heroine undertaking some journey (usually to an exciting location), fighting off villains and saving the day. The Indiana Jones movies are some of the most famous of this genre.

500 Questions

Who killed batman's parents in batman begins?

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Only in the 1989 movie Batman (Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson).

In the comics (and the Dark Knight movie series), Batman's parents were murdered by a common thug named Joe Chill.

How many transformers movies will be made?

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There might be one more transformer movie, as currently there have been two movies already out and seems the end is not yet, the reason for the transformers to come to earth might be over but many came to earth and it is not clear whether all bad autobots were destroyed and remember even the good transformers remained on earth so like till they go back there seems to be one more movie of the transformers coming soon.

Who is wen wen Han's boyfriend?

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Dose Wenwen Han have a boyfriend

What are the names of homestuck characters?

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Aries- Aradia Megido

Taurus- Tavros Nitram

Gemini- Sollux Captor Cancer-Karkat Vantas

Leo- Nepeta Leijon

Virgo- Kanaya Maryam

Libra- Terezi Pyrope

Scorpio- Vriska Serket

Sagittarius- Equius Zahhak

Aquarius- Eridan Ampora

Pieces- Feferi Peixes

Who are the good characters in the Lord of the Rings?

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There are many, many LOTR "good" characters. Here are a few of the main ones:

Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Peregrin Took, Aragorn son of Arathorn, Legolas Greenleaf, Gimli son of Gloin, Gandalf the Grey (and White), Bilbo Baggins, King Theoden of Rohan, Eomer and Eowyn of Rohan, Elrond Halfelven, Arwen Evenstar, the "Smeagol" side of Gollum, Faramir and Boromir of Gondor, Haldir, Galadriel, Celeborn, Rosie Cotton... as well as many others in "The Silmarillion" and "The Hobbit", not including every member of the good armies.

Does salma hayek have a sister?

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No, she has a brother named Sami Hayek

Where does the first scene of National Treasure take place?

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In a bunch of different places:

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Buena Vista Street, S. Pasadena, CA
  • George Washington Masonic Nat'l Memorial
  • Greystone Park and Mansion, Beverly Hills, CA
  • Lincoln Memorial
  • London, England
  • Los Angeles
  • Mount Rushmore
  • Mount Vernon Estate (VA)
  • Paris, France
  • Richmond Theater, England
  • Sylvan Lake, South Dakota
  • Thomas Jefferson Building, Library of Congress
  • Universal Studios
  • University of Maryland
  • Walt Disney Studios, Burbank (CA)
  • Washington, DC

Source: IMDB

when they were at Sylvan Lake, i was driving by and almost ran over Nicholas Cage haha.

What is Harry Osborns real name from spider man?

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p.s if you wanna see who the actors are....dont ask questions that will probably never been answered (pffft im anwsering it now so i stand corrected)

just go on wikipedia or watch the credits

Who owns the Superman suit worn by Christopher Reeve in Superman the movie?

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From what I can find online, Stephen Lane's Prop Store of London owns one of Reeve's tunics which is displayed in the London Film Museum.

Pawn Stars did a segment featuring a man named Nader selling a 'Christopher Reeve's suit' which he claimed was "the only one", The expert Pawn Stars brought in said of course there was more than one but he believed it was authentic. Nader did not accept the offer so presumably he still owns it.

Is silver the hedghog shadow's son?

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Sadly no i think that sonic x was made in japan arround 2004- 2005 before sonic 06. so unless they bring it back no.

Who is the heroin in the movie Apocalypto?

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The hero of Apocalypto is called Jaguar Paw; his wife, a minor character, is called Seven. She is the only female character to have a relatively large part, and is not technically a heroine.

Where was The Road Warrior filmed?

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Asked by Ganderton

Road House (1989) was filmed in Valencia, California.

What watch is worn by Matt Damon in the bourne movies?

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Depends on which bourne film - there are 3

In the Bourne Ultimatum he sponsored the Casio Wave Ceptor (Casio WVQ-570DBE-1AVER)

What is moral lesson to movie the net?

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it shows that they're are always people less fortunate than you and you need to be more open minded about your surroundings n to not judge anyone because you don't know their history/background

What is Batman's first name?

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Bruce Wayne or dick grayson there are two batmans

When Bruce Wayne went missing Dick Grayson took on the identity of Batman.

Where was Indiana Jones and the temple of doom filmed?

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In the film it was kept in an ancient temple at the base of a canyon in northern Turkey. In real life that temple exists in Petra, Jordan.

Love interest of Indiana Jones in temple of doom?

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In the beginning of the movie, he went to Shangai to retrieve a large diamond called the Eye of the Peacock. However, when Indy had to escape from Shanghai, he wound up taking a plane that wasn't piloted and was going to collide with mountains, forcing him, Short Round, and Willie to jump out of the plane on a raft. The raft landed in a river, which brought them to an Indian village that had a Sacred stone stolen from them. From that point in the movie, Indiana Jones was then looking for three Sacred Stones called the Sankara Stones.

Was The Adventures of Robin Hood of 1938 filmed in Technicolor?

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No, it was filmed in Technicolor. The extreme bright colors made me think it was colorized later, but I found out that it was filmed in color

What is legally blond mean?

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your crazy and messed up. Legally Blond is the title of a movie

What is the name of National Treasure 3?

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i don't know what it's going to be called but it will be about page 47 in the presidents book

Which actor play clark kent?

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Smallville Did you know:

Tom Welling starred in the film "Cheaper by the Dozen".

Why is 'The Last Airbender' rated PG for what reasons?

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Most people that watch Nickelodeon (that I know of) are of the younger generation. Because of this, parents are reluctant to introduce them to war & violence as well as small romance. The Avatar: The Last Airbender series is more 'broadly' approached on the internet, so parents may also be reluctant for their children to search it on Google.