

Addictive Behaviors

Compulsive behavior that people take part in to the exclusion of other physical, social or psychological needs

500 Questions

Which of the following is a true statement regarding indents?

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Asked by Wiki User

Indenting is a way to visually separate code blocks and improve readability. It helps to clearly show the structure and hierarchy of the code. Most programming languages use indentation to define code blocks.

How do you overcome sexual addiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

Overcoming sexual addiction typically involves seeking professional help from therapists or support groups, identifying triggers and implementing coping strategies, creating healthier daily routines and habits, and developing a strong support system of friends and family. It's important to address any underlying emotional or psychological issues that may be contributing to the addiction.

How addicted is seconal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seconal, or secobarbital, is a barbiturate medication that can be highly addictive when misused or taken in high doses. It is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance due to its potential for abuse and physical dependence. It is essential to use Seconal only as directed by a healthcare provider to minimize the risk of addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

Is eating a learned behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eating is a combination of innate biological drives and learned behaviors. While the basic drive to consume food is biological, factors like food preferences, portion sizes, meal timings, and etiquette are learned through culture, upbringing, and personal experiences. So, while the act of consuming food is instinctual, many aspects of eating are influenced by societal norms and personal choices.

What are some withdrawl symptoms when you come off of amphetamines?

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Asked by Wiki User

Withdrawal symptoms from amphetamines can include fatigue, increased appetite, depression, irritability, and trouble concentrating. It is important to seek medical help when discontinuing amphetamine use to manage these symptoms and safely navigate the withdrawal process.

What is the disease in which legs become paralyzed?

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One common disease where the legs become paralyzed is Guillain-Barre syndrome, which is a rare disorder where the body's immune system attacks the nerves. This can lead to muscle weakness and, in severe cases, paralysis. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience these symptoms.

Why is it illegal to smoke weed when so many people do it?

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The legality of smoking weed depends on the laws of each specific country or state. Just because many people do it doesn't make it legal. Laws around marijuana can vary due to historical, cultural, and political factors.

What happens if you daydream too much?

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Daydreaming excessively may lead to decreased productivity, difficulty focusing on tasks, and missing out on important information or conversations. It can also impact relationships and social interactions if one is consistently distracted or disengaged. Balancing daydreaming with staying present and focused is important for overall well-being.

How many people tobacco in US?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cigarette Smoking Statistics

In the United States, an estimated 25.9 million men (23.9 percent) and 20.7 million women (18.1 percent) are smokers. These people are at higher risk of heart attack and stroke. The latest estimates for persons age 18 and older show...* * Among non-Hispanic whites, 24.0 percent of men and 20.0 percent of women smoke (2004). * Among non-Hispanic blacks, 26.7 percent of men and 17.3 percent of women smoke. * Among Hispanics, 21.1 percent of men and 11.1 percent of women smoke. * Among Asians (only), 20.6 percent of men and 6.1 percent of women smoke. * Among American Indians/Alaska Natives, 37.5 percent of men and 26.8 percent of women smoke. * Studies show that smoking prevalence is higher among those who had earned a GED diploma (43.2 percent) and among those with 9-11 years of education (32.6 percent) compared with those with more than 16 years of education (7.1 percent). It's highest among persons living below the poverty level (29.9 percent). * National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), 2005, National Center for Health Statistics Related AHA publications: * Heart and Stroke Facts * Heart disease and Stroke Statistics Update

Is there a relationship between IQ and alcoholism?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is some evidence to suggest that individuals with lower IQs may be at a higher risk for alcoholism. However, the relationship between IQ and alcoholism is complex and influenced by various factors such as genetic predisposition, environmental influences, and social factors. It is not a direct causation, but rather a correlation.

What famous people have drank alcohol?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many famous people throughout history have consumed alcohol, including world leaders like Winston Churchill and Cleopatra, actors like Marilyn Monroe and Johnny Depp, and musicians like Frank Sinatra and Kurt Cobain. It is a common practice among adults in various cultures and societies.

What are two offenses that might relate to alcohol and drug use?

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Asked by Wiki User

Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is an offense that relates to alcohol and drug use, as it is illegal to operate a vehicle while intoxicated. Public intoxication is another offense that relates to alcohol and drug use, where an individual is arrested for being visibly drunk or under the influence of drugs in a public place.

Will a damage liver regrow?

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Asked by Wiki User

The liver has the ability to regenerate and repair itself. As long as the damage is not extensive and the underlying cause is addressed, the liver can heal over time. However, in cases of severe or chronic damage, regrowth may be limited.

Why would someone take suboxone for fun?

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Asked by Wiki User

Suboxone is a medication used to treat opioid addiction, not to be taken for recreational purposes. It contains buprenorphine, which can cause dangerous side effects, overdose, and dependence when misused. Taking Suboxone for fun is risky and can lead to serious health consequences.

What is the most important thing in counseling?

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Asked by Wiki User

Building a strong therapeutic relationship is the most important aspect of counseling. It is crucial for clients to feel heard, understood, and supported by their counselor in order to make progress in therapy.

Is huffing air duster dangerous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, huffing air duster is dangerous. Inhaling the chemicals in air duster can cause harmful effects on the brain and body, such as dizziness, disorientation, heart irregularities, and even death. It can also lead to long-term health problems including organ damage and addiction.

What excuses do iv users give for carrying needles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some IV drug users may carry needles for reasons such as difficulty accessing clean needles, fear of contracting infections from shared needles, lack of awareness of harm reduction programs, or simply out of habit.

Why are Anorexics and Bulimics welcome in Overeaters Anonymous when they are not fat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Overeaters Anonymous welcomes individuals with all forms of disordered eating, including anorexia and bulimia, because the focus is on addressing the underlying emotional and behavioral issues related to food and body image, rather than just weight. The program offers support, tools, and a community for anyone struggling with food issues, regardless of their size or specific eating disorder.

Which eating disorder involves binge eating and purging?

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The eating disorder that involves binge eating and purging is bulimia nervosa. People with bulimia often eat large amounts of food in a short period of time (binge) and then try to get rid of the food through vomiting, laxatives, or excessive exercise (purge).

Can you buy insulin needles at giant eagle pharmacy without an id?

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Asked by Wiki User

In most cases, you will need to provide a valid ID to purchase insulin needles from a pharmacy, including Giant Eagle. This is because insulin needles are considered a medical device and may require verification of age or prescription. It's best to check with your local Giant Eagle pharmacy directly for their specific requirements.

Can you get addicted to Vapoinhalers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vapoinhalers typically contain essential oils or herbal extracts and are not known to be addictive. However, some individuals may become psychologically dependent on the sensation of using them. It's always best to use these products as directed and in moderation.

Who sings the song I'm addicted to tattoos and a tattoo machine?

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Asked by Wiki User

iv been looking for that song for years now and still nothing. i thought it was Big B but like i said i cant find it anywhere. let me know if you find anything.

What is a poly addict?

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A poly addict is someone who is addicted to multiple drugs or substances simultaneously. This can complicate treatment and recovery as the individual may have multiple dependencies and require tailored support.

I cut and I am are scared Help for what I can do how to cover scars with out extra clothing How do I slow my cutting to less often?

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Asked by Haibop96

Firstly, it's important to seek professional help and speak to a therapist or counselor. To cover scars without extra clothing, consider using makeup or special scar cover products. To slow down cutting, try finding alternative coping mechanisms such as talking to a trusted friend, practicing mindfulness or deep breathing exercises, or engaging in a hobby or activity that brings you joy. Remember, you're not alone and seeking help is a sign of strength.

What are the signs of herion addiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

Signs of heroin addiction may include intense cravings, withdrawal symptoms, neglecting responsibilities, changes in behavior or mood, financial problems, and physical symptoms like track marks, weight loss, or needle marks. It's important to seek help from a medical professional if you suspect someone is struggling with heroin addiction.