


Avocados are grown in tropical areas around the world. They have a green leathery skin, almost like a shell. When ripened, the inside is firm and creamy. There is a very large seed in the center. Avocados are the main ingredient in guacamole.

500 Questions

What to do with an avocado nut?

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No. [1] The avocado [Persea americana] is a flowering tree in the Lauraceae family. Fruit refers to the ripened ovaries of flowers. And the fruit of the avocado tree is the berry. Within the berry is a pit that protects the seeds inside. [2] Not all seeds are nuts. The only that are just have 1-2 seeds within a hardened stony or woody ovary. The seeds are separate from, and loose within, the ovary. [3] And all true nuts are members of just two families. One's the Betulaceae family of alder, birch, hazel, and hornbeam. The other's the Fagaceae family of beech, chestnut, oak, stone-oak, and tanoak.

What is the market price of avocado?

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69p at asda

How are avocado leaves used?

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In Panamanian culture of the Azuero Peninsula, a tea is made from the leaves and used to treat high blood pressure.

The leaves of the Avocado are also used to ease the symptoms of colds, flu and bronchitis. They also help as a pain reliever, lower acid stomach and ease gas discomfort.

The fruit also lowers cholesterol and is eaten to increase the amount of breast milk to help nourish infants. Although believed to originate in South America, the Avocado is now grown in many countries throughout the world. It is being introduced into many under developed countries to provide a source of food and is an excellent source of nutrients.

Are avocados related to olives?

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Only in that they are both members of the Plant Kingdom. Olives come from a tree, grapes come from a vining shrub.

How many hass avocado trees can be planted on an acre?

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Well depends but if its full some of the avocado's have to fall of or get eaten of or someone has to pick some up and then more will grow

How many proteins are there in a avocado?

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The average avocado has about 3 grams of protein in it.

Can rats eat avocado?

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I left an avocado on my kitchen counter to ripen and the next day found a walnut-sized chunk eaten out of the avocado - with the skin shredded beside the avocado.

So, can they ? Don't know... but this has happened twice and the skin was shredded but not eaten.

How much fiber is in an avocado?

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Avocados have more fiber than any other fruit- 14 grams.

Are avocado trees deciduous?

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Guava trees are deciduous

Can you find avocado in Karachi?

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yes but its rare as its not usually grown there............

Avocado as medicine?

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According to some studies avocado is used traditionally to heal skin problems. The avocado pulp is also believed to be both anti- bacterial and anti- fungal. It is also great antioxidant. As they said, the brighter the fruit, the more beta- carotene (the sole substance that helps prevent cancer) your avocado contains.

What causes a avocado to spoil?

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  • an avacado will eventually spoil like any fruit over a period of about 3-4 weeks after being picked bacteria will get into the fruit and it will turn to slimy mess. While the avacado wont ripen on the tree it will start growing the seed. The way to tell its growing is it will sound hollow and you can hear the seed slapping around inside

Is avocado oil safe for cats?

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Yes! They are poisonous to dogs too. I wouldn't suggest giving avacoados to cats but if your cat has ate one by mistake I wouldn't worry about it. It will not harm it.

Does a avocado have citric acid?

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No, it has fatty acids but not citric (citric = citrus)

Can eating avocado induce labour?

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Where do most avacados come from?

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Avocados come from Australians.
avocados grow on trees and come central America and Mexico

Can your pet bird eat an avocado?

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NO ABSOLUTLEY NOT NONONONO DONT FEED IT AVOCADO BECALUSE IT WILL KILL IT!!!! however, you can feed it potato chips in very small amounts like a crumb but not regularly and they perfer millet over most things!

How many calories in a tablespoon of avocado?

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Avocado is a very low-calorie food. A 1 tbsp., or approximately 14 g, serving of the average commercially available avocado contains just 2 calories, according to the UDSA Nutrient Data Laboratory. This includes both California and Florida varieties. When comparing whole fruits, however, the Florida variety has fewer calories by weight because it contains more water than the California variety.

If my dog eats an avocado will it harm her?

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The dog should be fine, avocado is an ingredient in some dog foods such as avoderm, here is a list of foods and such to avoid, but some breeds of dogs can't have avocado so if you have a yorkie or a small dog, look it up to make sure, here is the website of foods to avoid.

Actually you should not feed your dog avocado! Avocado contains persin which can have very negative effects on our dog health. We had a golden retriever who, like any member of the family, was sharing some nachos with guacamole (avocado) with us. She started to swell in her face, first a lump on her eye and then soon she looked like a shar pei! It took a couple of doses of antihistamine to bring down the swelling.

What is the color of avocado?

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The color of avocado is green.