

Borax (sodium borate)

Borax has a wide variety of uses. It is in items from cosmetics to fire retardants. Although some countries allow it to be used as a food additive, it has been shown to cause liver cancer when consumed in high amounts over a period of time.

500 Questions

Which grocery chains sell borax?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most of your larger grocery store chains will sell Borax. Walmart and Kroger sell it for sure.

How much borax is used in a bath to kill scabies and its eggs?

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Borax and borax substitutes, are not necessarily scabies exterminators. Scabies are tiny mites. As the question provides for a borax bath, it will be the hot water and anything that breaks water surface tension (borax in this case) — allowing the mites to drown or perish in hot water. There are very few germs and/or bacteria that can survive hot water, soap, and a scrubbing brush. Soap bars, hot water with temperatures higher than "hand hot" along with cleaning implements such as brushes, cloths, et al, are all that is needed to keep the home clean. Bleach and other harsh chemicals should be used very sparingly.

Where can you buy borax in Manila?

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I don't know the name of a specific store, but some good places to start would be pharmacies and stores that sell laundry detergent; if they don't sell it themselves they may be able to point you in the right direction.

Does borax repel or kill mice?

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In large enough quantity, yes. However, boric acid is considered to be about as poisonous as table salt. Certainly it would kill mice if you immersed them in it, or fed it to them in large enough quantities. Mice traps or rat poison will work better though.

Where can you buy borax?

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Boric acid can be found at Walmart. Most drugstores such as Walgreen's and CVS also have it. Hardware stores such as Home Depot or Lowe's also generally carry the stuff as well as any store that generally sells pool supplies.

Is Borax added to a swimming pool safe for people?

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Borax is perfectly safe in swimming pools. We started using it in our inground pool two years ago and would not use anything else. Not only is it less expensive (a lot less expensive) but the water feels softer when we use it. My husband had to spend some time convincing me that Borax works and works safely but I'm very glad he did. Our pool has never looked better. We had been buying every product that the pool store told us we needed (we did need it didn't we?) One summer they couldn't get our pool water cleared up so in frustration my husband turned to the internet and the use of Borax. We saved a bundle and our pool cleaned up beautifully. Hope this helps you.

Can you use borax to raise pH in swimming pools?

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The most commonly sold product for that purpose is sodium carbonate, aka soda ash, sold as Ph Up by pool stores and as "Washing Soda" by grocery stores.

You can also use 20 Mule Team Borax Laundry Booster (sodium tetraborate). It can be found at many grocery stores. Try using the same amount as you would with PH plus 1 lb. to 10,000 gallons, and wait 2 to 4 hrs. Then check your PH reading. If it's still low, add some more until you get it to 7.2 to 7.8 range.

Caution - check your alkalinity before using borax, because borax raises PH only, without affecting your alkalinity much. If your alkalinity is also low you can use baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to raise your alkalinity and PH. Baking Soda raises PH and Alkalinity at the same time. Baking Soda has the same ingredients as Alkalinity plus, but half the price. Take a look at this web site for more information on Borax:

How do I raise the alkalinity in my pool?

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Add baking soda, one or two cups at a time, until it's where it should be. Check PH between applications though because the baking soda can lower the PH. It could also be that you're not shocking your pool enough.

You want to run your pool water alkalinity level between 80-100ppm, not up to 150 as some may suggest. Most pools guys get their info. on how to balance pools from your local water company. Yes, this is correct. It's called the Langelier Index, which was originally designed for public water systems. This index was never intended for pools.

In the 1950's, when pools started to come into the mainstream, this was the only index available, so it was used to balance pools and hot tubs.

The Hamilton Index, which I use, is much more pool-friendly and is specifically designed for pools. It takes into consideration acid rain, drag-off, heat, the sun, organic and inorganic matter in the pool, etc...

While I don't completely agree with the Hamilton Index, it is much closer to how a pool should be balanced and will save you much time and money in the long run.

To raise the alkalinity in swimming pools, the most common and the safest chemical is Sodium Bicarbonate. You know, good ole' fashion

Arm and Hammer Baking Soda.

Try to not add more than 2lbs. of Sodium Bicarbonate, or another kind of alkalinity increaser, for every 10,000 gallons of water in a single application.

While your filtration system is off and the water is motionless, stand in the deep end of the pool and sprinkle (don't dump the product or go too fast), the Sodium Bicarbonate

or alkalinity up.

Allow the water to sit for 2-3 hours, then turn the pump back on and allow the pool to fully circulate, usually 4-6 hours, then re-test your pool's alkalinity balance. Doing this technique will increase your alkalinity without much happening to the pH level.

How much borax do you use in your green pool?

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Only use 20 Mule Team Borax without detergent. This raises your PH without raisig alkalinity. Try using the same amount you would with PH plus, and wait 2 to 4 hrs. and check your PH reading. If your alkalinity is low you can use baking soda to raise your alkalinity. Baking Soda raises PH and Alkalinity. Baking Soda has the same ingredients as Alkalinity plus, but half the price. Take a look at this web site for more information on Borax. TS

How do you make bouncy balls with borax?

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  1. In this one you'll need: glue, borax, food coloring, cornstarch, and warm water
  2. In one cup, combine the warm water, cornstarch and borax. In another cup or bowl, put the glue.
  3. Next, add several drops of food coloring to the white glue and stir well.
  4. Give your water/borax/cornstarch mixture a good stir to combine all the ingredients (the cornstarch has a tendency to settle on the bottom). Then pour the water mixture into the colored glue.
  5. Stir and you'll see it immediately start to clump together. Stir a bit more until you have one big, slimy glob.
  6. Take the glob out of the liquid and begin rolling it between the palms of your hands to form a ball. It'll be sticky at first, so keep a paper towel handy to wipe off your hands occasionally. Soon a rubbery ball will form. (We found that just using our palms seemed to work better than using our whole hands and fingers.)
  7. Once the stickiness is gone and you have a nice smooth ball, that's it! You can bounce away!

The balls will flatten out after sitting for a while, but storing them in small plastic containers and then rolling them between your palms again will help the super bouncy balls regain their shape.

This is what you'll need: borax (found in the laundry section of the store)

  • cornstarch (found in the baking section of the store)
  • white glue (e.g., Elmer's glue - makes an opaque ball) or blue or clear school glue (makes a translucent ball)
  • warm water
  • food coloring (optional)
  • measuring spoons
  • spoon or craft stick to stir the mixture
  • 2 small plastic cups or other containers for mixing
  • marking pen
  • watch with a second hand
  • metric ruler
  • zip-lock plastic baggie
  • 1. Label one cup 'Borax Solution' and the other cup 'Ball Mixture'.
  • 2. Pour 2 tablespoons warm water and 1/2 teaspoon borax powder into the cup labeled 'Borax Solution'. Stir the mixture to dissolve the borax. Add food coloring, if desired.
  • 3. Pour 1 tablespoon of glue into the cup labeled 'Ball Mixture'. Add 1/2 teaspoon of the borax solution you just made and 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. Do not stir.
  • 4. Allow the ingredients to interact on their own for 10-15 seconds and then stir them together to fully mix.
  • 5. Once the mixture becomes impossible to stir, take it out of the cup and start molding the ball with your hands.The ball will start out sticky and messy, but will solidify as you knead it. Once the ball is less sticky, go ahead and bounce it! You can store your plastic ball in a sealed Ziploc bag when you are finished playing with it. Don't eat the materials used to make the ball or the ball itself. Wash your work area, utensils, and hands when you have completed this activity
  1. .
  2. Hope this helps!

What is the color of borax?

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Powdered borax is white.

Why you use borax in schontetens reaction in identification of anthraquinone glycosides?

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Borax is used in the Schotten-Baumann reaction to identify anthraquinone glycosides because it reacts with the anthraquinone to form a precipitate. This reaction is specific for anthraquinone glycosides and does not occur with other types of glycosides.