


Care of Birds

Cage birds have been valued for thousands of years. In the past three or four centuries, birds have been bred extensively in captivity. Keeping a pet bird is very different than keeping a pet mammal. They are not just a feathered kitten or puppy. Avian companions require special care and this is the category to find out all about that.

500 Questions

What nuts can parakeets eat?

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Your pet parakeet thrives quite nicely on a properly balanced diet of fruits, vegetables pellets and seeds. However, every so often that birdie boy of yours feels like a nut. When he does, shell out a nutty treat from this nutritious list of parakeet favorites.

The Almond

The almond is one of the most nutritionally dense nuts available. Rich in vitamin E, minerals and antioxidants, the noble almond is loaded with more protein than eggs and scores relatively low in saturated fat content. You'll need to crack the shell of this nut slightly for your feathered friend, and then stand back as your boy starts digging out the nutritious nut meat hidden inside.

The Pistachio

This nut is as fun for your bird to eat as it is for you to say. The task of removing this nutritious, delicately-flavored nut from its shell will keep your busy boy occupied for hours on end. High in antioxidants, protein, carbohydrates and fiber, and low in calories, pistachios in moderate rations will help to keep your fine feathered friend lean, healthy and happy.

The Walnut

Loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, and omega 3 fatty acids, the walnut is a healthy treat your parakeet will be wild about. This is a tough nut to crack, so shell and chop up the walnut for your bird before serving. However, bird friend beware, this tasty, high-energy seed of the walnut tree contains some crazy calories, so easy does it on the portions.

The Pecan

Another tough nut to crack, the pecan must be opened and diced before your bird can enjoy it. Naturally low in sodium, high in protein and unsaturated fats, the pecan has no cholesterol, and is a good source of nutrients, like calcium, iron and magnesium. This nutty treat also is a good source of oleic acid, a fatty acid that can help to keep your parakeet pal's skin and feathers healthy and vibrant.

I hope that helped!

What do dinosaur use their tail for?

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Most use for counterbalance while running, because Allosaurus, for example, lean a little forward. Some, like Ankylosaurus and Diplodocus use it for defense!

Good luck.

How do you tell the age of a female budgie?

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Asked by AJS09876

Not when it's older than a youngster. Young budgies have black eyes and they are less muscular than adult budgies. But when budgie is about six months old, it looks and behaves like adult, and it's age is impossible to define. Colour doesn't matter.

Do wild birds eat beans?

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No, birds do not eat bean they have a diet of eating seeds and corn definitely not beans, although some birds eat mixed beans.

Are you supposed to take birds baths?

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Pet birds enjoy a bath in a warm room and it helps them to keep clean and clear of mites. Just be sure the bathwater is clean, warm (not hot or cold) and shallow enough that the bird will not drown in it.

What is currently the second largest bird on Earth?

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It depends on what is meant by "second largest", and whether this refers to height or weight.

The emu is the second-tallest bird, averaging 1.6 to 2 metres in height. Its nearest rival is the Southern Cassowary which averages 1.5 to 2 metres. Next to the emu, it looks distinctly shorter and stockier. The Southern Cassowary, however, tends to be heavier. Emus range between 30 and 45kg in weight, whilst the Southern Cassowary averages 50-60 kg.

Why do penguins need to live in the cold?

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Not a thing. Penguins do not live in the Arctic. Penguins are found in the Southern Hemisphere.

How can the feathers on a bird's wings help a bird fly?

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Actually, What helps a bird fly is the structure of their bones. Their bones are hollow which helps the bird because it is not too heavy. Feathers work by stearing the bird and for the wind to pick it up i

What age will a budgie start to talk?

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I've heard the best time to start training budgies to talk is 4 months. although they can talk it does not mean they will talk (they will if they feel like it). good luck!

Do parakeets eat lettuce?

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lettuce may be fine, but it has no nutrients in it, it is better to give them other greens. Broccoli, carrots, yams, spinach and a good basic seed mix. Do not feed chocolate or avocados, they are highly allergic to these things. Dont forget the Grit either.

Do falcons eat other birds?

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yes, starlings or pidgins mostly

Will a father parakeet take care of the baby parakeets?

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yes! when the eggs are hatched the male will help the female feed the babies.

Does a pigeon have a backbone?

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Yes, all birds have backbones.

Can cockatoos have pomegranate?

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Yes. There is no problem with a cockatoo having pomegranate, as long as it is in small amounts.

Do pet birds make a lot of noise?

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Stay away from all parrots. Being noisy is an intrinsic part of being a parrot. Even the deceptively petite and sweet-looking budgie (parakeet) can make a terrible racket.

Canaries and other finches are also little chatterboxes. The species that are commonly kept as pets are selectively bred for having the best songs, so you are unlikely to stumble across a quiet one.

Quails and partridges, although not as common, can still be found in the pet trade. Chinese painted/button quail are the easiest to find. They make soft peeping sounds when they are content, and will squeak when they are startled, but they are not nearly as loquacious as parrots.

How do you know when a bird is laying an egg?

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You can hold the egg beside a lamp. You may see some blood veins or not. If you so see some veins, leave it back where it was, it will hatch soon. If not, it is dead. However, don't be upset if you do not see anything because some eggs may be born without a baby. I hope this helped!

How do you knock a bird nest down?

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Well, you can make a birds nest using cut grass, twigs, ribbon, streamers, human hair, flowers. Really anything that you can find outside and can for the most part bend. I used to make birds nests out of cut grass and twigs when I was younger, then after I would finish, I put them high up in a tree. I left them alone after that, birds are kinda protective. If your looking to get a birds nest down, then you should try using a ladder, getting it down, and putting it in a tree a ways away, that way the bird can find it again. But if you want a bird's nest just to have a bird's nest, that's kinda a waste of time don't you think?

What type of parrot is best for your family?

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This varies from household to household. Here are my choices.

* Budgies. Budgies can bite but it pinches and hurts less than a larger bird. I've had my budgies since I was 5 or 6 so I know that as long as there is supervision by an adult to take the bird away if it gets to irritated, it's fine. Budgie males tend to be sweeter and more frightened while females have a larger tenancy to bite. Both genders can be trained to talk and I find them good first time pets though it requires a large cage. They are good because they do not bite frequently and will allow to be handled more roughly than larger or smaller birds. A budgie, however, needs a lot of company and/or toys. Your options include: # Getting another budgie. Same gender if you don't want a clutch of eggs. # Spend a lot of time petting, playing or speaking to your feathered friend.

* Cockateils. These birds require more attention and will not allow to be locked in a cage all day. They make great pets because they can learn slightly complicated songs (I've heard Jingle Bells sung by one of these parrots), whistle, speak, cuddle and to funny and cute tricks. They require a devoted owner but can be really fascinating. * Lovebirds. Lovebirds are like a mix of the larger parrots and budgies. They are a little larger than a large budgie and tend to have slight aggression problems if not tamed properly but can be really sweet. They obviously should come in pairs and do not seem to be very good with opposite gender birds of other species. They can be affectionate and cute. They can also be taught to speak.

How much do parakeets cost at petco?

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About $15 with the store Petco shopper card and about $20-22 without.

Do parrots eat wild bird seed?

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This depends on the size of the parrot. Large parrots such as sulphur-crested cockatoos are equally happy with sunflower seeds and corn, while smaller birds such as budgies prefer millet. Parrots will essentially eat all seeds: sorghum, barley, milo, etc as well as native grass seeds and the nuts of native trees such as gums and melaleucas.

What does the naped parrot eat?

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Bald parrots eat many things but the most commonly digested would be earthworms or just normal bait worms. My bald parrot also liked fruit except for kiwi, apple, and tomato.

What does a pigeon live in?

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Pigeons are grain eaters. Rice, white or brown, split peas, barley, buckwheat, canary seed, etc., are all good first options to feed a lost bird with. They also need grit because they have no teeth.

How old does a dove have to be to lay eggs?

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Asked by Luiscuevas

just about 17 weeks

Which bird is known to deliver hope to someone?

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Of course the answer depends on what culture you are talking about. Many American Native cultures had or have the Eagle for courage while Chinese went with the Dragon. Where ever Lions have existed they have always been a symbol of courage.

Christian cultures often use the Dove for Hope and Peace