

Commas Colons and Semicolons

Commas, colons and semicolons are commonly used punctuation marks. Commas are commonly used in listing items or after a phrase while colons are used to introduce or announce. Semicolons are used to create breaks or pauses.

500 Questions

Is there a space after a comma?

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Asked by Wiki User

In English Grammar , the answer is YES!!!


Joe Soap, and John Smith

Notice the position of the comma; after the last letter , comma, followed by a space, then the next word.

In a compound sentence do you put a comma before the word because?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, when combining two independent clauses with a conjunction like "because" in a compound sentence, you typically use a comma before the conjunction.

Should man colonize other planets?

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Asked by Wiki User

The decision to colonize other planets is a complex ethical, environmental, and technological question. It may offer opportunities for scientific advancement and resource diversification, but it also raises considerations about the environmental impact, potential harm to indigenous life forms, and the allocation of resources that could be directed towards existing global challenges. Ultimately, careful consideration and ethical reflection are necessary when discussing the possibility of human colonization of other planets.

What happens when a rollback statement exicuted inside a trigger?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a rollback statement is executed inside a trigger, it will cancel the entire transaction that the trigger is a part of, undoing any changes made by the trigger as well as any changes made by previous statements in the transaction. This can be helpful in cases where an error occurs in the trigger and you want to revert the transaction to its initial state.

How can a woman deepen her voice without hormones?

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Asked by Wiki User

A woman can deepen her voice through vocal exercises that focus on resonance and pitch control, such as practicing speaking from her chest rather than her throat. Working with a voice coach can also help develop a deeper voice through techniques like breath control and vocal projection. Additionally, incorporating lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and staying hydrated can help improve vocal quality.

When is a Comma used between county and state?

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Asked by Wiki User

A comma is typically used between the county and state in addressed envelopes to separate the two elements. For example: "123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345."

How does the use of a comma change the sentences mangoes which are grown in hot countries taste Delicious and mangoes which are grown in hot countries taste Delicious?

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Asked by Wiki User

The use of a comma in the sentence "mangoes, which are grown in hot countries, taste delicious" clarifies that all mangoes grown in hot countries taste delicious. However, in the sentence "mangoes which are grown in hot countries taste delicious," it implies that only the mangoes specifically grown in hot countries taste delicious.

In a heading of a letter is there a comma between the month and the date?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, there is no comma between the month and the date in the heading of a letter. For example, "October 1, 2021" would not have a comma between October and 1 in the heading.

Do you put a comma between the state and city?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a comma is typically placed between the state and city in a mailing address. For example: "New York, NY" or "Los Angeles, CA."

Is the comma used correctly in Memphis Tennessee 43609?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the comma is not used correctly in "Memphis Tennessee 43609." The appropriate punctuation would be a comma followed by a space after "Memphis," such as "Memphis, Tennessee 43609."

Is the comma used correctly in the word Memphis Tennessee 43609?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the comma is not used correctly in the format "Memphis, Tennessee 43609." In this format, the comma should be placed after the city name (Memphis) to separate it from the state name (Tennessee).

Where does a comma go in this sentence Jack and Jill went up the hill and they fetched a pail of water?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sentence should be: "Jack and Jill went up the hill, and they fetched a pail of water." The comma is placed before the coordinating conjunction "and" to separate the two independent clauses in the sentence.

Where do you put commas in an address?

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Commas are used to separate the address elements. Typically, you would put a comma after the street address and after the city if followed by the state and ZIP code. For example: 123 Main Street, City, State ZIP code.

Why do middle-latitude low pressure regions take on a spiral comma shape?

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Asked by Wiki User

Middle-latitude low-pressure regions take on a spiral comma shape due to the Coriolis effect, which causes air to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This deflection leads to the counterclockwise rotation of air around the center of the low-pressure system, creating the characteristic spiral shape.

Which of the. following sentences includes a comma splice?

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Asked by cchloe

The bakery was closed, it was a Sunday.

In which o the following situations is it not appropriate to use a comma?

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Asked by cchloe

It is not appropriate to use a comma before a coordinating conjunction if the sentence does not contain two independent clauses. For example, "I enjoy coffee but not tea" does not require a comma before "but" because it is a simple sentence, not two independent clauses.

In grammar, when should I use a semicolon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Use a semicolon when you link two independent clauses with no connecting words. You can also use a semicolon when you join two independent clauses together with one of the following conjunctive adverbs (adverbs that join independent clauses): however, moreover, therefore, consequently, otherwise, nevertheless, thus, etc.

Which is a comma splice?

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Asked by Wiki User

A comma splice is when two independent clauses are joined by a comma without a proper conjunction or punctuation. For example: "I went to the store, I bought some bread."

Why is correcting fused sentences and comma splices important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Correcting fused sentences and comma splices is important because they can make your writing unclear and difficult to read. Fused sentences combine two independent clauses without proper punctuation, leading to confusion. Comma splices incorrectly join two independent clauses with just a comma, breaking grammatical rules. By fixing these errors, you can improve the clarity and coherence of your writing.

How many commas do you need to add to the following sentence to show there will be five people on the committee?

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You would need to add two commas to the sentence. It would read: "There will be, Alice, Bob, Carol, David, and Erin, on the committee."

In which of the situations would it not be appropriate to use a semicolon?

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Asked by Wiki User

to Join two independent clauses where the second clause explains the first (apex)

When should you use a comma in a complex sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

You should use a comma in a complex sentence when separating independent clauses connected by coordinating conjunctions (e.g., and, but, or, so). Commas can also be used to set off nonessential clauses or phrases within the sentence.

Which sentence correctly uses commas with dialogue?

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The correct sentence with commas with dialogue is: "I asked, 'Could you please pass the salt?'"

Where does the comma go before or after however -?

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When I went to my friend's door it was locked; however, I knew where the key was.


When I went to my friend's door it was locked, however, I knew where the key was.