

Ecology and Bionomics

This category is for questions about the field of Biology that ties together the environment and its inhabitants in order to better understand the world we live in.

500 Questions

What is the impact of inheritance and environment on a person's development in a psychological way?

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Both inheritance and environment play a role in a person's psychological development. Inheritance contributes to genetic factors that can influence personality traits and mental health conditions. Environment, including upbringing and life experiences, also shapes psychological development through social interactions, learning experiences, and exposure to different stressors. Both factors interact in complex ways to contribute to an individual's psychological outcomes.

What is a species that is unique to a specific environment and not found in other area?

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The Antarctic icefish is a unique species that is exclusively found in the icy waters of the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. They have evolved special adaptations to survive in extreme cold temperatures, such as having antifreeze proteins in their blood to prevent ice crystal formation.

What are the animals that can easily adapt to its environment?

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Some animals that can easily adapt to different environments include rats, cockroaches, and pigeons. These animals have survived and thrived in varied habitats due to their ability to quickly adjust to changes in their surroundings.

What is dominance index?

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Dominance index is a measure used to assess the relative importance or popularity of different elements within a set. It helps to identify which elements are more prevalent or influential compared to others. Dominance index can be calculated for various data sets to provide insights into the distribution of resources or attention.

What biotic and abiotic factors does an American Robin need in its habitat?

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An American Robin, as a bird species, requires several biotic factors in its habitat, such as trees for nesting, shrubs for shelter and protection, and a sufficient supply of insects, worms, and berries for food. Additionally, abiotic factors necessary for its habitat include suitable weather conditions, such as moderate temperatures, access to water sources, and an appropriate elevation range.

Why is conservation of a habitat better than restoration?

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Conservation of a habitat is often considered better than restoration because it focuses on preventing and minimizing habitat degradation in the first place, rather than trying to reverse the damage after it has already occurred. Conservation approaches prioritize maintaining the existing biodiversity, ecosystem services, and ecological processes, which helps preserve the integrity and functionality of the habitat. Restoration, on the other hand, can be costly, time-consuming, and may not fully recreate the original ecosystem structure and function.

What is something that the water carbon and nitrogen have in common?

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All three water, carbon, and nitrogen are essential elements for life on Earth. Water is crucial for the existence and survival of all organisms, carbon is the fundamental building block of organic molecules, and nitrogen is a vital component of proteins and nucleic acids, which are essential for life processes.

Which marine zone is divided vertically by depth into three additional zones?

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The marine zone that is divided vertically by depth into three additional zones is the pelagic zone. The three zones within the pelagic zone are the epipelagic zone (0-200 meters), the mesopelagic zone (200-1,000 meters), and the bathypelagic zone (1,000-4,000 meters). These zones represent different levels of light penetration and nutrient availability.

What are the methods used to describe ecology?

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Methods used to describe ecology include observational studies, field experiments, and mathematical models. Observational studies involve observing and documenting ecological patterns and processes in natural ecosystems. Field experiments involve manipulating variables in field settings to understand their impact on ecological systems. Mathematical models use equations and simulations to describe and predict ecological phenomena and interactions.

What processes return water vapor to the atmosphere?

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The main processes that return water vapor to the atmosphere are evaporation and transpiration. Evaporation occurs when liquid water changes into water vapor from sources such as oceans, lakes, and rivers. Transpiration is the process through which plants release water vapor from their leaves into the atmosphere. Both of these processes contribute to the water cycle by replenishing the atmosphere with water vapor.

Ecology is the study of environmental interactions at the following levels of increasing complexity?

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Ecology is the study of environmental interactions at the individual, population, community, and ecosystem levels of increasing complexity. At the individual level, it examines how organisms interact with their environment for survival and reproduction. At the population level, it looks at the interactions between individuals of the same species. At the community level, it investigates interactions between different species within a specific area. Finally, at the ecosystem level, it examines the interactions between organisms and their physical environment, including energy flow and nutrient cycling.

What are four things organisms need to survive?

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All animals need food, air, water, and shelter to live. Some animals (mostly house pets) need that and love.

Can you show you a food web with a koala in it?

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It's really hard to find a picture of a kangaroo food web. I searched through 20 google pages, NOTHING! I suggest researching and making your own.

What is the food chain for a buffalo?

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the bullalo eats the grass the humen eats the buffalo and when the humon dies it turs in to soial andd the soial is turner in to grass

How does the puffer fish hunt its food?

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Like many auks, puffins eat both fish and zooplankton, but feed their chicks primarily with small marine fish several times a day. The prey species of the Atlantic Puffin include the sandeel, herring and capelin.[15][16] The puffins are distinct in their ability to hold several (sometimes over a dozen) small fish at a time, crosswise in their bill, rather than regurgitating swallowed fish. This allows them to take longer foraging trips, since they can come back with more food energy for their chick than a bird that can only carry one fish at a time. In August, children from Iceland walk around the neighbourhood with boxes to help puffins that land in dangerous spots.


Does plankton eat grass?

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Phytoplankton produce food using photosynthesis, meaning that they use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to create food. Zooplankton on the other hand will get energy by consuming phytoplankton or decaying matter.

Why can't drones gather their own food?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bees are colonial insects, the heart of the colony is the fertile female queen and for most of the time she lays fertilised eggs that mature into female worker bees. As these workers mature they do a variety of jobs in the hive until in their final stages of life they go out and find food. If a queen bee dies the workers will select a recently laid egg and feed the grub produced with a special food called "royal jelly" this causes the grub to grow into a new queen be that will take over the hive.

During the summer the queen will also lay some unfertilised eggs which will when they hatch turn into male bees called drones. The purpose of the drones is to fly with and mate new queen bees that is what the beehive has made them for. They can not work or forage for food and die off quickly. They are also special in that they can enter any hive without the hive killing them (any other bee would be attacked if it went to another hive) as their purpose is to spread a hives genes between hives. When the mating season is over the hives will kill off all the drones.


Drones are biologically different from other bees in a colony and only the worker bees have the ability to collect pollen and nectar.

What are some ways plants and animals lose water?

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Plants lose water through the process of evaporation. Animals, on the other hand, lose water through urination, defecation, and perspiration.

How do you interact with the environment?

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You can recycle and compost. Sometimes you can write a letter to a national,state,or local service to help you make the world greener. Also, you can host a neighborhood cleanup.

Where are the answers for ecology chapter 13 crossword puzzle?

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You're not getting off that easy. If you have a question, then ask it. We're not doing your homework for you.

What is the principle of competitive exclusion principle?

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The principle of competitive exclusion states that two species cannot occupy the same niche. If they do occupy the same niche, competition for food, space and limited resources will occur. Too much competition will occur until the best-adapted species cause the disappearance of the other.

Who introduced the term environment in ecology?

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who introduced environment