


Endocrine System

The endocrine system is made up of glands which control and coordinate body functions and maintain homeostasis inside the body.

500 Questions

What are the signs for over active thyroid?

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An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), may cause you to experience unusual nervousness, restlessness, anxiety and irritability.

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • A rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • A fine tremor of your hands or fingers
  • An increase in perspiration
  • Sensitivity to heat
  • Weight loss, despite normal food intake
  • Brittle hair
  • Enlargement of your thyroid gland (goiter)
  • Change in menstrual cycles
  • Frequent bowel movements

Is a mammary gland an endocrine gland?

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It's a modified sweat gland. Milk is essentially modified sweat, which is produced by mammary glands. Sebaceous glands produce sebum, which is this oily substance designed to lubricate skin and hair. This prevents the cells from drying out.

What is the difference between parathyoid and thyroid?

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Calcitonin is produced by the thyroid and serves to build up or strengthen bones, it activates the oseoblasts, producing a decrease in calcium concentration

PTH or the Parathyroid Hormone is produced by the parathyroid gland and serves to increase calcium concentration by activating the osteoclast, which break down bone.


Introduction to the Human Body

by Gerard Tortora and Bryan Derrickson

Why are the nervous and endocrine systems important?

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The endocrine is one of the most important systems of the body. There are two systems that control the body, endocrine and nervous. The endocrine is basically producing and managing your hormones, making sure there isn't too much or too little. In the pituitary gland alone you secrete 9 hormones such as:

1) Growth Hormone (GH) - which codes for your body to grow. If you have to much of this you have Giantism, which is lethal and you grow to be a giant. Those who have too little Growth hormones have a condition called Pituitary Dwarfism.

2)Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) - basically maintains your fluid volume. Monitoring your blood, water, urine, etc. volume, making sure you don't get dehydrated by not allowing the formation of urine. If your ADH levels are to low, you can get Diabetes Insipidus or suffer severe dehydration.

3) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) - stimulates the thyroid to release the thyroid hormone. Decreased TSH levels can create Cretinism in children and increased levels can cause hyperthyroidism, Graves Disease, and similar.

4) Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) - causes the release of glucocorticoids (which are essential to life influencing the energy metabolism of most body cells and they help us resist stressors) and androgens. It is very rare to have decreased levels, however increased levels of ACTH cause Cushings Disease.

5) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) - in females it stimulates ovarian follicle maturation and the production of estrogen. In males stimulates sperm production. Too little causes failure of sexual maturation while there is no effect should you have an overproduction.

6)Luteinizing Hormone (LH) - in females triggers ovulation and stimulates the ovarian production of estrogen and progesterone; in males LH promotes testosterone production. The effects of too high and too little are the same as for FSH.

7) Prolactin (PRL) - promotes lactation; too little causes poor milk production in nursing women while too high causes inappropriate milk production and impotence and breast enlargement.

8) Oxytocin - stimulates uterine contraction, stimulates labor, and initiates milk injection; there are no known effects for too high or too little amounts of Oxytocin.

9) Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) -

Is 0.26 good for TSH level?

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Hey my name is Julee and doctors have been telling my i have hyperthyroidism as well as graves disease for years now. My level was the exact same ... 0.26 TSH and 8.4 for T4 Total. I feel weak and have alot of anxiety. My heart races alot and i am also tiered all the time.

Why was glucose excreted in urine?

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glucose is excreted in urine in diabetes when the blood sugar level is beyond normal and insulin is not enough or not doing the job of transporting sugar to its target organ.

The main reason is that because the kidneys cannot absorb all of the excess glucose in the body. This excess glucose spills into the urine, accompanied by water and electrolytes ions necessary for the cells to regulate the electric charge and flow of water molecules across the cell membrane. Hence this causes frequent urination to get rid of the additional water drawn into the urine and excessive thirst to trigger replacement of lost water.

What is the chemical symbol for the hormone adrenaline?

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The human hormone adrenaline (epinephrine in the US) has the chemical form

(R)-4-(1-hydroxy-2-(methylamino)ethyl)benzene-1,2-diol and the formula C9H13NO3.

An illustration of the structural symbol is at the related link below.

What is a pineal?

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The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis, conarium or the "third eye") is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the centre of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.

Is thyroid a hereditary problem?

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Thyroidism can in fact, be hereditary. I myself, have low thyriod, along with my mother. If you someone in your family has thyroidism and you're worried that may be you have thyroid disease, then you should see a Endocrinologist like I did.

* Syptoms vary because there are two types of thyroidism. There's hypo- and hyper thyroidism. But again, consult a Endocrinologist as they are doctors specialized in Thyroid disorders, Diabtese, etc.

What occurs if the thyroid gland or the pancreas produces too much or too little hormone?

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ok for now on when we get on this site we want the answers not your immaturetiy

What part of the brain controls the release of hormones by the endocrine system?

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Hypothalamus, which is the floor of Diencephalon ( a part of our Fore brain).

Can vegetarianism lead to low thyroid levels?

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Anyone can go on a vegan diet it's a matter of eating a healthy balanced vegan diet. Edamame, seaweed, legumes, nuts, carrots, green leafy vegetables, kale, broccoli and mustard can are some of the foods that can supress or stimulate the thyroid. Depending on the condition you would need to look into which foods you would need.

The adrenals and pituitary are examples of endocrine glands?

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Yes, an adrenal gland is an endocrine gland. There are two adrenal glands: one sits above each kidney.

What is another name for adrenaline?

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Epinephrine is the other name.

How take adrenaline to feel euphoria?

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just inject it into your blood not too much it will stop your heart so first research how much is not dangerous

Does Nature's Sunshine Thyroid Activator affect the hypothalamus?

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I wouldn't say so. I read carefully their recommendation and side effects and I see nothing like that. If that would be the case I am sure will be no more on the market.

However you can go to for more info or checkout the product spreadsheet at sunshine/FactSheets/1/1224.pdf

What hormone causes hair growth in women?

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As A Female gets older the gradually produce more Testosterone.... As a Boy gets Older He Produces less Estrogen and More Testoterone.... testosterone works in sync with human growth hormone which is why men are mostly taller and more heavily built. This leads me into believing that men die younger because they have to much testoterone.... the More testosterone the older a person looks also. This also leads me to thinking that human Growth hormon Makes skin Grow even when the Elasticity of skin remains. The More skin The Less Elasticity, The More Wrinkles.

in any case, for a woman to stay hairless they would need less testosterone in order to not grow hairs as quick. This also means that Human Growth Hormone is released through the Day in very small doses. and when you sleep more is released.

Hair growth is increased while your asleep so in order to prevent gair growth you would have to use a cream during the night to weaken hair growth, this weaken the nutrients that allow hairs to grow. Unfortunaty, such hairloss products with out an understanding can increase cancers along the nervous system, just like how botox can travel and inflame nerve cells so can hair reduction kill of those cells. its all connected. The more hair growth usually means healthy cells. This is Because when a cell Dies is Can Become a Hair folicals core. So The Less Cancers exist when hair is produced from a dead cell. Hair cells also protect other healthy cells in the Skin.

Its Best Not To use any Hair weakening Or Reduction creams to reduce hair production, Shaving is the best Way, But When you shave you allow Microscopic germs to enter the Stem thus Causing Infimation in the Skin. So That another reason to wear aftershaves or an Anti-bacterial Cream after shaving. Its all New stuff. But if You manage to question how things work in you body, you can usually find a Healthy solution without causing any problems in the long term.

So, In order to produce less Hair, you need more estrogen but with a substited human growth hormone so you can prevent any cancers. You Can Shave like normal and use an antibacterial cream to prevent Microscopic germs from infecting a cell, Just remember that natural creams from herbal products are best to use as chemically produced creams can have side effects. A natural anti-bacterial would be Oderless Garlic or Onion Juice, This Is Because They Are Hot watery Acids. Onion can Rejuvinate a Dying skin cell by removing dirt and Saturated Fats Around it. Skin Cells Can Be Rejuvinated in that Sence by drinking the Right Amount of water per day, which is Usually 250mls of water every 2 hours per day. Water is activated by heat and swet helps to clean the skin of dirt and fats. But The sun Can Enhance the Waters Cleaning effects Under the skin also. The sun activates The Hydrogen in the Skin and Turns it into A Mild Acid.

Sorry if ive gone off topic. Hope You have enough info.

Where are all the endocrine glands located at?

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Sweat glands are found all over your body, but the armpits, feet, and hands sweat the most. The glands themselves are located in the dermal layer of the skin, but the ducts are located through the epidermal layer.

Hypersecretion of the thyroid gland is?

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Bad, and probably classes as a hyperactive thyroid , it could lead to a massive weight gain and a few other conditions.

What is active thyroid?

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An under active thyroid produces too little of necessary thyroid hormones. Thyroid diseases are very common and can be treated with medication. With proper treatment, thyroid hormone levels can be restored and you will likely notice improvement in your symptoms as feeling less fatigue and weight control.

Hormone whose secretion is controlled by TSH?

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The negative feedback system between the pituitary gland and the thyroid.