


Geckos are small to average sized lizards that belong to the family Gekkonidae and are found in warm climates throughout the world. Geckos are unique among lizards in their vocalizations, making chirping sounds in social interactions with other geckos. They also have characteristic padded toes with suction cups for vertical climbing.About 2,000 different species of geckos exist worldwide, with many likely yet to be discovered.

500 Questions

Are crested geckos good pets for kids?

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Yes, they're amazing pets I would recommend one to basically anyone. They can bite but they don't have teeth. They are amazingly fun to hold and pet. They are quick and so cute. Their eyes are awesome! If you want a pet, get a Gecko.

Can you house a male baby leopard gecko and an adult female together?

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Yes, because the female will nurse the baby male.whoever answered this was wrong. they leave their young, there is no nursing involved at all ever.

The female will most likely bully the baby and could cut off his food supply.

Do not house two leopard geckos of different size together.

What unique method do round island geckos have to defend them selves?

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As all geckos do, they have the ability to "drop their tail" meaning the cartalage at the base of their tails can contract and the tail can detach from the body. This will give the gecko a couple extra seconds to get away from harms reach. A few seconds is all a gecko usually needs to find it's self deep in brush.

How many crickets should you feed your leopard gecko per day?

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Offer your juvenile tokay crickets on a daily basis. As many as they will consume in one sitting. Mine will usually eat 4. Adult tokays should be offered crickets every other day as many as will be consumed in one feeding. I have read some report theirs will eat as many as 10 when full grown.

I offer mine waxworms twice a week. Wax worms are high in fat content. They should be fed no more then twice a week. On the nights I feed waxworms, I do not feed crickets.

What are all the gecko breeds?

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* Leopard geckos * Crested Geckos * White Lined Geckos (Skunk Geckos) * Fat-Tailed Geckos * House Geckos * Tokay Geckos * Golden Geckos * Madagascar Ground Geckos * Day Geckos

How much do house geckos cost?

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-African fat tails who are healthy in captivity typically weigh in at 45-75 grams (Not even a pound). (Petco Website)

How do you care for a Mediterranean gecko?

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First, it should be kept in a container with at least a cubic foot of space that the gecko can't escape from. Make sure it is ventilated. For bedding they can use substrate, calcium sand, or artificial reptile cage carpeting. This will have to be spot cleaned weekly and changed out at least once a month.

Geckos are cold blooded reptiles and will need a heat source directed on one side of the cage. If possible, provide it with UVA/UVB fluorescent bulbs. Otherwise, a UVA bulb will suffice. Lights should be on no more than 12 hours a day. A thermometer in the cage is useful to make sure that the temperature stays around 80 degrees F on the side of the cage the heating light is on. Adjust the lighting accordingly.

Geckos will also require a shallow water dish placed on the opposite side of the tank from the heating lamp. For food, your gecko will probably prefer live small crickets. Drop as many as it will eat at once (usually 1-3) in the cage once daily. Avoid using any insects you find yourself, as these may carry pesticides or other things that could possibly harm your lizard. You can buy live crickets coated with a nutritious calcium powder at most pet stores and feed stores.

Can jumbo leopard geckos use repti bark for bedding?

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Yes. Actually, a lot of people at pet stores that I've checked out (I have 2 female leopard geckos, they live on a Repti-Carpet) recommend forest bedding, although I have never actually tried it.

Can leopard geckos live in sand?

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yes they do naturally in the wild, although are most commonly found in small grassy areas and rocky surfaces. Most breeders do not recommend using sand because the animal will usually swallow mouthfuls during feedings. After an extended period of time, the animal can suffer from impaction.

Why does a leopard gecko shake its tail?

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Leopard geckos are a species of gecko that are able to re-generate a new tail if it happens to drop its current one. When the tail grows back, it will be a little disfigured. Sometimes it may be wider in some areas, or it could be stubby. After a leopard gecko looses its "original" tail, the new one will never look the same way the original one had.

What do you do if a fat tailed gecko is not eating?

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If it hasn't ate for ages then buy it a treat (example, Waxworms) and the temptation should do the trick. If it doesn't, then see your local herp vet and they should give you a special liquid supplement and a syringe. What you have to do with that is put the recommended dose of liquid into the syringe, tap your Gecko's nose (or try and open its mouth in another way) so its mouth opens and squirt the liquid into its mouth.

What to do when Gecko lays an egg?

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well if you take precautions before the eggs are lade you shouldn't have to do much when the time for the egg laying comes. leopard gecko: take out current bedding and put 3-4 inches of sand in the cage and something for the gecko to hide under (log,bridge) and put a heat pad on the underside of the cage and turn it one. when the eggs are being laid the female will dig a hole in the sand and lay her eggs. while this is happening put a towel over the cage and turn off the light. peek under the towel every 20 minutes and check and see if the eggs have finished being laid. if they have take the towel off but don't turn back on the light, the heating pad will provide heat for the eggs and the leopard gecko after 8 hours turn the light back on and resume caring for your lizard normally DO NOT REMOVE LEOPARD GECKO FROM CAGE UNTIL EGGS HAVE HATCHED ! Sorry i could only provide info on leopard gecko, i will edit if i get info on other geckos

Can gecko lizards eat an orange?

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no they will die within 10 minutes if they even get in contact with an orange!

How long can you hold a gecko?

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A gecko is a species of reptile. They do not have the ability to regulate their own heat, so they rely on energy from the sun to heat them. When holding a gecko, our body heat transfers from our arms and hands to the geckos belly and feet. After an extended period of time, the gecko may seem flighty and trying to run. This could be due to the fact that their body heat is now at a comfortable temperature and they do not wish to become warmer. It can sometimes take 10-20 minutes for their body temps to reach this high. It's best to hold your geckos for no longer than 10-20 minutes at a time.

Does a gecko have a spine?

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Yes Gecko's do have spines, as do all reptiles, lizards and vertebrates.

What is gecko lifespan?

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Most gecko species in the wild live for 5-10 years. In captivity, without any predators or serious threats, these animals can live 10-20 years depending on species. Smaller species tend to have a shorter life span than larger species. Reptiles live for a long time due to their slow metabolism.

Do geckos eat no-see-ums?

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The person who posted this answer did not read nor understand the question. It is amazing the amount of ignorance that can be found on these posts.

Could someone please tell me what is a good price to pay for the things i need for a gecko cage?

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Asked by Max96

When it comes to price, your animals are priceless. Quality is what you need. A standard Exo Terra or Zoo Med terrarium can range from $40-$200+ new. If interested in taking some time to look through classified in your area, I'm sure you can find one used.

Most often used tanks are splurged with hard water stains, in this case you can use a reptile friendly cleaning solvent. Python makes great stuff and is sold in most chain reptile/aquarium services.

Why does my leopard gecko try to climb out its tank?

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Because he is probably trying to escape

Do leopard geckos vomit?

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yes they do but only in your face

Can two female leopard gecko breed?

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Yes two leopard geckos can breed from the same male and you can also breed them to the male

Will a leopard gecko die if it smokes weed?

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Yes it is possible.

  • Marijuana is an illegal substance across most parts of the country, you should not be smoking it period, therefore the animal should not be exposed to it.
  • The intentions to create a natural terrarium is to mimic their natural habitat. "Drugs, pollution, and loud noises" are not a part of that natural environment.

Why do leopard gecko lizards squeal?

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This is really a simple question, they bite because they are scared or feel discomfort and they bite to protect themselfs. If you having a problem taming your leopard gecko take it one step at a time don't rush into it. start by just sticking your hand in the cage (not near the gecko) and when he gets used to that get closer and closer when you feel like he is uncomfterble back your hand away, after that try seeing if he will climb in your hand, if not get a small dark box or somthing to climb in and let him get in it (on his own time) and pick up the box let him climb out (this might scare him/her) and scope the gecko up in your hands after your geckos gets used to that you should know what to do next! (you should not take you gecko out of its cage every day once every two weeks is quite enough leopard geckos have sentisive skin) i hope that answer your question

What is the most common type of gecko?

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Day gecko, leopard gecko and crested gecko

How much is a crested gecko?

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First of all a crested gecko would approximately cost around $70-200, depending on where you buy it.

At Petsmart, it would cost $70. Petland $120. Petcetera $180. Breeders, (my favs) around $100, which is a reasonable price if you ask me. For the setup, taller is better than wider. A 20 gallon tank for 1 gecko would do but for 2, maybe 36-50 gallons you get 2 crested geckos the tank would cost 120 dollars or so. Put it this way, Gecko=$70. Tank (20 gallon)=60$. 40-50 gallon tank= around 120$. Repashys crested gecko diet = $10. Vine, cave or any other decor would usually be from 5 to $30. They do not need lighting as they are nocturnal of that together would be around $200, depending on where you buy it .

A crested geckos price can vary, depending on a few factors:

1: Quality - Quality is always number one. Is your animal's health guaranteed? Have the bloodlines been determined? Is the source reputable/reliable ?

2: Morph - Crested geckos can come in a variety of colors and morphs. Depending on the morph can usually determine the price of the animal.