


Germany in WW2

The Germans were a member of the Axis forces and the primary belligerent in the European Theater of war.

500 Questions

How did the Nazis use propaganda?

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The Nazis used propaganda as a powerful tool to spread their ideology, promote their leader Adolf Hitler, demonize Jews and other marginalized groups, and shape public opinion in their favor. They employed various forms of media, such as posters, radio broadcasts, and films, to manipulate people's beliefs and emotions, ultimately garnering support for their regime and policies.

How do you say skirt in German?

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The word for "skirt" in German is "Rock".

Who is the worlds most evil man?

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It is subjective to label someone as the "most evil" man in the world as evil is not easily quantifiable. However, history has shown that individuals like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Pol Pot are often considered some of the most notorious figures due to the atrocities they committed.

What is group mentality?

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Group mentality refers to the tendency of individuals to conform to the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of a larger group. This can lead to groupthink, where individual critical thinking is suppressed in favor of maintaining harmony or conformity within the group. Group mentality often arises in situations where there is pressure to fit in or fear of standing out.

Is hearing hymns in my head a premonition of death?

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No, hearing hymns in your head is not necessarily a premonition of death. It could be a result of various factors such as stress, fatigue, or simply having the hymns stuck in your mind. If you are concerned, it may be helpful to speak with a mental health professional.

Why did Adolf Hitler use propaganda?

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Asked by Wiki User

Adolf Hitler used propaganda to manipulate public opinion, consolidate power, and ensure support for his regime. By controlling the flow of information, he could shape how people viewed him and his policies, fostering a sense of unity and loyalty among the German population. Propaganda helped Hitler maintain control over the masses and further his political agenda.

How does mass hysteria get started?

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Mass hysteria can start through the rapid spread of fear or anxiety among a group of people. It is often triggered by a perceived threat or danger, and can be exacerbated by social media, rumors, or sensationalized news reports. Once a few individuals start exhibiting symptoms or behaviors associated with hysteria, others may begin to mimic them in a kind of social contagion.

What is the definition of insanity?

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La définition de la folie peut varier en fonction des contextes et des perspectives. De manière générale, la folie est souvent associée à une altération de l'état mental qui se manifeste par des comportements, des émotions et des pensées considérés comme anormaux ou déviants par rapport à la norme sociale.

Il convient toutefois de noter que les termes "folie" ou "maladie mentale" ont souvent été utilisés de manière stigmatisante et discriminatoire envers les personnes souffrant de troubles psychiques. De nos jours, de nombreux professionnels de la santé mentale préfèrent utiliser des termes tels que "troubles psychiques" ou "troubles mentaux" pour décrire ces conditions et éviter ainsi toute forme de stigmatisation ou de discrimination.

What is mass hysteria?

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Mass hysteria is a phenomenon where a group of people experience a collective delusion or panic, often leading to irrational behaviors or symptoms. This can spread rapidly through a community or group, fueled by anxiety, fear, or shared beliefs. It is typically temporary and can be initiated by a real or perceived threat.

How is tobacco bad for people?

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Tobacco is harmful to health because it contains many chemicals that are toxic and carcinogenic. When tobacco is smoked or chewed, these toxins are released and can cause a variety of health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues. Additionally, tobacco use is highly addictive, making it difficult for people to quit once they start.

What is the name for people who were helping Germany in world war 2?

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The name for people who helped Germany in World War 2 were referred to as collaborators or Axis sympathizers. They could include individuals from countries occupied by Germany who sided with the Nazis, or citizens of Axis powers who supported their respective governments.

How many pounds of ammunition were used in World War 2?

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It is estimated that approximately 1.5 trillion pounds of ammunition were used during World War II. This vast quantity was used across all theaters and by all sides involved in the conflict.

What are countries with a decreasing population?

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Some countries with a decreasing population include Japan, Bulgaria, Latvia, and Lithuania. These countries are experiencing declining birth rates, an aging population, and often migration outflows, which contribute to the overall decrease in population.

How many people worked for Cisco Systems in 2002?

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Around 36,000 people worked for Cisco Systems in 2002. Cisco's workforce has expanded significantly since then, with over 75,000 employees as of 2021.

The difference between status and role is that?

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status refers to a person's position or standing in a group or society, while role refers to the behavior and responsibilities associated with that position. Status is typically determined by social factors such as wealth, education, or occupation, while role is shaped by societal expectations and norms.

How many people in the world are paralyzed?

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According to the World Health Organization, around 15% of the global population lives with some form of disability, which includes paralysis. However, the exact number of people who are paralyzed worldwide is difficult to determine due to variations in definitions and reporting methods across countries.

How many people have tb in the world?

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According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 10 million people worldwide fell ill with tuberculosis (TB) in 2019. TB remains one of the top infectious killers globally, with over 1.4 million people dying from the disease each year.

How is population decrease bad?

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Population decrease can have negative effects on an economy, as it can lead to a shrinking workforce and potential labor shortages. It can also impact consumer demand and the overall growth of a country. Additionally, a decreasing population can strain social welfare systems designed to support aging populations, leading to challenges in providing healthcare and retirement benefits.

If the world were split evenly into a village of 100 people how many people be unable to read?

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Based on global literacy rates, approximately 14 people would be unable to read in a village of 100. This estimate can vary depending on the specific demographics and regions represented.

Should the word fuhrer be capitalized when referring to Hitler?

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Yes, the word "Fuhrer" should be capitalized when referring to Hitler in his role as the leader of Nazi Germany. This is because it is a title or a specific position in this context.

What problem is the employer trying to solve by hiring an employee?

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The employer is trying to solve a need or gap in the team by hiring an employee who possesses the skills and experience required to fulfill specific job responsibilities and contribute to the company's success. Hiring an employee allows the employer to delegate tasks, increase productivity, and drive business growth.

Statistically how many people Jews Racial or Religious minorities did each nazi soldier kill in the Holocaust?

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It is difficult to give an exact number of individuals killed by each Nazi soldier during the Holocaust as it varied depending on the soldier's role and participation in different operations. However, estimates suggest that Nazi soldiers directly participated in the killing of thousands of individuals, particularly in concentration camps and mass shootings. The atrocities committed during the Holocaust targeted not only Jews but also other racial and religious minorities, including Romani people, disabled individuals, and political dissidents.

Theories argue that only a small number of people hold power in a society?

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Theories like elite theory and power structure theory argue that a small, privileged minority holds significant power within a society. These theories suggest that this elite group wields disproportionate influence over decision-making and resource distribution, often at the expense of the larger population.

Who is an example of authoritarian leader?

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An example of an authoritarian leader is North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. He exercises absolute control over the country, suppresses dissent, and maintains power through a cult of personality and a tightly controlled state apparatus.

What percent of people in the US have blue eyes?

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16% of people in the US have blue eyes. At the turn of the century the figure was about 50% but the percentage of blue eyes in the US are gradually declining.