

Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers were first bred for retrieving game. However, because of their intelligent, friendly and easy-going personality, they are now used for many different jobs, including guide dogs, search and rescue dogs, therapy dogs, and even more commonly, a family pet. In this category, you can find questions relating to this fabulous breed, such as their temperament, appearance, height and weight range, etc.

500 Questions

Why do golden retrievers greet people at doors with toys?

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He wants to give a gift to you, if a cat kills a mouse he will bring it back to his owner same with your dog

What country did golden retrievers come from?

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The frist golden retriever was bred between cocker spanial and a bloodhound by Sir Lord Tweedledom. They were originaly bred in England and sperd out through the U.S. i have tons of info on the heres some facts i know......I agree on they are sweet but sence i was 4 i have studyed this breed page after page cover to cover on the gentel giant. The golden is a loyal and sweet lovable breed ,with the need to have walks or some sort of excercise everyday this breed will be happy with active familys. Great family dogs and loving pals they come in shades form Irish cream to maple red and they have the size reduced goldens for the people looking for the sweet breed but not the large size. Goldens have tail feathers ( long hairs on the tail) which give the golden a hunting figure. They shed like mad i have had 6 goldens in my family and when you sit down its like sitting in a hair couch. The best tools for grooming these loveable sweet best buds is a shed brush aka ( the rake) this "rake" has points on the flat ends of the brush one side has little points (for the undercot) and the other has longer points ( for the top coat). Golden are hunting/retrieveing breeds and can be thought as guide dogs. The golden loves people and has a good look at food. Goldens love food so diets can be a part of life with these frendily food eaters. Golden DO NOT make good guard dogs the reason being is they love people to much the only way they would drive someone out is with "kisses". Goldens can swim in icy waters as what they are bred for they enjoying swimming. When able to bering your golden swimming any time possible. Goldens must have some sort of comfert in water. DO NOT!! DO NOT!! put your golden in a area to swim with out him/her trying to swim in a small bathtub frist or unless you are around. Goldens must have there nails trimmed every other week or so, you can have you local dog wash or vet show you how to trim there nails with the terditinal nail clipper or pedipaw or pedicure the pedipaws and pedicure are electric (run on batteirs) and fial ( like a nail fialer) to a smooth tiped finish (idel for the family with nice wood floors) and the terditainal way is by hand with a doggie nail clipper.Simaliar to the human nail clipper this clips dogs nails. Lastly on training books i recommend : Golden Retrievers For dummies, Goldens 101 and , Love That Golden if you have anymore information on goldens please contact me at my email I am 12 years old and hoped my infromation on my favorite breed and yours soon to be helped you alot. Thank You.

How does golden retriever move?

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A golden retriever moves with its legs.

Do golden retrievers and German shepherds get along well?

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No, the Labrador Retriever is recognised as a completely separate breed to the Golden Retriever. All though both of these breeds were originally bred to retrieve, they were bred along different lines. The Labrador Retriever has a shorter coat and can come in black, brown (chocolate) and blonde (yellow). The Golden Retriever (as it's name suggests) is almost always golden in colour with a longer, flowing coat. There are several other Retriever breeds that look similar, including the Flat-coated Retriever, Curly Coated Retriever, Chesapeake Bay Retriever and the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. All of these breeds were bred for a similar purpose but are each individual Kennel Club recognised breeds, except the Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever are much more common.

How much babies does a golden retriver?

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In ma opinion and upto ma knowledge and experience Golden Retrievers could have 5-7 babies in a single litter. There is extreme maternal care from the dam. Infact I am having a pair of golden retriever.

What does a Golden Retriever look like?

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They are generally around 20 to about 25 inches tall. As their name suggests, they have a golden fur, that is quite long. That's all I can say. (If you go to Google and look up pictures of Golden Retrievers, it may help you a bit more)

How much should a 4 month old golden retriever weigh?

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I'm not sure what the standard weight is, but my 4 month old male Golden/ACD mix weighs 34 lbs. Hope this helps! :)

How much do i feed my 2 year old Labrador retriever?

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3 to 4 times a day. This is according to my 2-month old black labrador, Samuel's vet.

Give it supplement(Raffavit or pet tabs) and a quality dog food like Eukanuba, Alpo or Pedigree(for pups of course) This is the stage where you need to supply your dog all the nutrients and proper caring it needs. Your dog should grow big and it should show all the distinctions of a pure-breed labrador retriever. Listen to the vet and follow all his/her advises. You will be satisfied and proud of your pet when it reaches adult stage. It's all worth it.

What are male golden retriever?

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Here are some male Golden Retriever names:











Sniper,Spike,Genba,Hougen,Gary and Frank.

What is the personality of a Golden Retriever?

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These are lovable, well-mannered, intelligent dogs with a great charm. They are easily trained, and always patient and gentle with children. Loyal, confident, sweet and eager to please. It is active, loving and an outstanding family dog. Golden Retrievers enjoy pleasing their masters, so obedience training can be fun. They excel in obedience competitions. Friendly with everyone, including other dogs, the Golden Retriever has very little, if any, guarding instincts. While unlikely to attack, Goldens make good watchdogs, loudly signaling a stranger's approach. This breed needs to be around people to be happy. If isolated from human contact, or left alone for long periods of time, the Golden Retriever may become mischievous. They can be over-exuberant and distractible. Some of the Golden's talents are hunting, tracking, retrieving, narcotics detection, agility, competitive obedience, and performing tricks. These dogs also love to swim.

How much food does a Siamese fighting fish need a day?

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That answer is correct. The packages typically lead you to believe that you need to feed your betta 2-4 times a day. I can tell you from experience that if you do you will probably over-feed your betta which could shorten his life span. I've had my betta 2.5 years, fed once a day, and he is still going strong.

Can you feed a Betta twice a day, three grains each time? We did feed him once a day at three grains in the morning, he was very antsy in his fish bowl. So we moved him up to three grains twice a day, once in the morn and once in the evening.

If I am doing it wrong please let me know....

(yes, that's very good.)

I think your sopposed to feed them 5 grains once in the morning and once at night. But all the other answers are correct.

(to the answer about, i think that's to much)

the people at the pet store said that you should feed them 2 flakes every other day. This seems to work for my fish, as he is very active and loves to make bubble nests.

(too the answer above that's what i feed my betta!)

My fish is always on the move so I feed him twice a day, about 5 to 7 grains each time. But I have not had a problem yet if this is bad tell me.

(to the above) please, no that is too much, twice a day 5-7 grains. try feeding him once a day 5-7 grains


My betta is in a community tank and has been for a few years now. they get fed twice a day with the other tropical fish and weekly they all get bloodworms and daphnia, all live food.

I have no problems and to be honest my fish are going stronger than most of my friends that have listened to advice and then lost them after only a few months. if you are not sure then only feed fish a pinch once a day of food so that you can be sure you are not over feeding them. this would cause them to get fat and thie would lead to health problems or it will mean they produce more waste matter hence the tank will require additional water changes or the waste food with sit on the gravel on the tank floor and contaminate the tank as it decays

You should feed it 3 to 4 flakes two times every day. Be careful not to over feed it. If you did over feed it you will like patch of oils in the water.

==For Siamese Fighters once a day is enough.

Who would win a fight a golden retriever or a labrador retriever?

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Asked by Nikespeedo

That all depends on the age, size and temperament of either dog. Typically, a dog with a more nervous energy is one that is more prone to losing than one that is more dominant, because in the dog world, such energy is weak energy, no matter what size or age either dog is.

Scientific classification for a golden retriever?

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Remembering scientific classifications can be challenging. The Classification of a golden retriever is; Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: CanidaeGenus: CanisSpecies: Canis LupusSubspecies: Canis Lupus Familiaris

What type of body structure does a golden retriever have?

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I have a golden retriever and have done lots of research on the breed. Here are some things I have discovered.

muzzle- very powerful

eyes- dark brown, large eye sockets

ears- hound like

neck- medium sized but long

coat- water repellent, can be straight or wavy

tail- thick and muscalar

feet- webbed, sensable

Signs of dying of old age in dog?

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Same as in a human that dies of 'natural causes' in old age.

1. Slowing down. This actually begins after the peak of adulthood and is usually not an immanent sign.

2. Sleeping more - spending more and more of the day in a state of light sleep.

3. Not wanting to eat much, then not wanting to eat at all. (Taste and smell are the first senses to go, hearing is usually the last.)

4. Not wanting to drink after a while, either.

5. Staying in one spot drowsing, not active.

6. As death approaches, extremities get chilly.

7 Possible incontinence. May have restless spells, confusion, 'seeing things.'

8. Near the end, obvious changes in breathing with eventual cessation.

Life expentancies differ for dog breeds. For some of the larger breeds, 12 - 14 is doing great. The process of dying can take hours to days.

Always ask your vet about your pet's health and any changes you see.

Is there such thing as a brown Golden Retriever?

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With a gorgeous blond coat and a puppyish personality that can last well into old age, Golden Retrievers light up your life. We've got Golden Retriever names for boy dogs and girl dogs, which capture the sunny and playful personality of the Golden. Sunny










Brandy === ===

What threats do golden retreivers have?

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Golden Retrievers are prone to hip or elbow dysplasia, and congenital eye defects, such as cataracts. It is important to see that both parents are certified free of these problems (OFA and CERF certification). Parents should also be free of heart problems, and Von Willenbrand disease (a clotting/bleeding disorder). They can also be prone to skin allergies.

What color will puppies be from a black labradors retriever and golden retriever?

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So far my 8 week old puppy looks like a black lab with possibly long hair on the ears. I saw one litter with both black and brown pups, but 6 of the 11 of this litter were all black, with features of the lab.

How many litters can a golden retriever have?

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I think that they are able to have many. It would depends on the age she started. And how old she lives. That's just MYopinnion is.

How much do golden retievers sell for?

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It depends, as with any purebreed, on whether you're buying a show dog quality canine or simply one to keep at home. (In which case may I suggest a golden retriever mix? Purebreeds are so inbred that they always have a lot of physical problems. )

In a litter of, say, five, you've got: the runt (smallest, usually thought to be of a weaker immune system); the dog chosen by the studs owners as part of the stud fee (the stud is the father, the bitch is the mother. You will most likely be buying from the bitch/ mom's family. The stud owner gets first pick.); now there are three pups left. One, maybe - but rarely- two might be show quality. The show quality dogs are obviously going to be more expensive.

It's hard for me to give you a price without knowing where you live. That's one factor that goes into price. If you live in or near, say, NYC, you've got NY, NJ, Connecticut, etc to choose from. This could make the price lower. In general, you'll be spending a few hundred dollars.

By the way, do your homework! Golden retrievers are a medium/large dog with a lot of energy. Make sure you've got the time and space to help your dog work off the energy.

Check out your breeder. If you're getting a show dog, check out the papers as you will be required to show them at each show.

How much are golden retriever puppies?

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Check your local animal shelter. Consider giving a good and caring home to a shelter dog - perhaps they have retriever/something else cross breeds. I know the shelter will have adorable pups no matter what the lineage may be.