

Green Day

Green Day is an American rock trio formed consisting of Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt, and Tre Cool.

500 Questions

How many people went to see green day at wembley stadium?

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according to todays daily star 65000 dont know whether its true or not i would have said about 40000 if true that is some turn out

Who is the girl in green days musicvideo 21'guns?

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There is none

But in the American idiot play there might be but buy the original from 21st century breakdown one

Billy Joe Armstrong (Green Day) added 3 female vocalists to the song, '21 Guns'

Rebecca Naomi Jones, Mary Faber and Christina Sajous...

What is the inspiration of the song 'Basket Case' by Green Day?

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"Basket Case" is a punk rock single released in 1994 by Green Day. The band's vocalist and guitarist, Billie Joe Armstrong, wrote the song about dealing with his (as yet diagnosed) panic disorder and the impact it had on him.

Is green day drummer gay?

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John Dolmayan's bio's fail to mention sexual orientation.

Why is green day so amazing?

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Because Billie Joe has the voice of a high angel, Tre Cool has is a hilarious evil clown, and Mike Dirnt is chiller than ice.

How much would it cost to hire green day?

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A lot of money how much is your budget so i can give you an estimate

idk about whoever first asked this but i want to get them for my friend's sweet 16 i think the budget would be anywhere between 1000 to whatever probably no more than 10000

if you can't afford to get them, go on eBay and buy whoever you were going to get green day for a signed pic

Will green day tour the UK?

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Are Green Day and MCR friends?

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Yes. They wen't on Warped Tour together, and MCR thought Green Day were the nicest men they had ever met. MCR looks up to the men of Green Day, and Green Day treat them like younger brothers. It's really cool.

Was Billie Joe Armstrong about to divorce of Adrienne?

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No, he's still married to his first wife, Adrienne

Who is better Metallica or Green Day?

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GREEN DAY!!!!!Green Day Rocks the roof down!!!PUNX4EVER

What percent of people become singers?

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0.3% although none of them have ever posted on this website

What is the summary of chapter 5 of the book green days by the river?

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The theme for chapters 1-10 in Green Days By The River is laying the foundation of the transition from youth to adulthood. The overall theme is that of a soap-opera.

What was the name of Billie Joe Armstrong's stepfather?

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Billie Joe doesn't have a step-father. He only has one dad named, Andy Armstrong, but he died of cancer when Billie Joe was 10 years old.

Is Mike Dirnt Christian?

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Most likely he's Christian . But some rumors say that he's an atheist.

Why is the girl in wake me up when September ends crying?

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Because her boyfriend signed up for the military...the boy and the girl represent Billie Joe's parents.

Is Green Day british?

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They are American

i think he part

About green consumer day?

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Green Consumer Day is celebrated on September 28 of each year. This day encourages eco-friendly shopping and awareness of how the environment is affected by consumerism.

How many songs does green day have on the radio?

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it depends. Almost every station now has a set rotation of records. Each song is researched and researched to ensure the listeners want for each track. Stations spend thousand of dollars on media test, daily call outs, and also take into account request. They also look at what other stations are doing with other songs. Some stations every watch for crowd response at live events. But the best station programers know their market and use their guts ( rarely happens now with all the big corps owning radio). Stations can have anywhere from 90-200 songs in rotation.

When did green day start their careerÉ?

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Green Day was formed in the year 1987 by Billie-Joe Armstrong and Mike Dirnt. When they were 15 Tré Cool never joined the band until the year 1992. Kerplunk was their first album released with their current drummer Tré cool.

Is Green Day anti-Christian?

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Yes. okay this person who told you all yes is Wrong Green Day is not Christian they are all atheists and quite frankly they obviously Dont listen to Green Day's music. But I do and i 'm a really big fan. the right answer to this question is: NO they are not christian, they are Atheist

How successful was the first day of the boycott?

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Which boycott?

Who does ninomiya ends up with?

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She ends up with Yano.

Does every green day song have a swear in it?

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Of course not! There first song to has a swear word in it was actually by a band called Operation Ivy called Knowledge.

What bands have Green Day influenced?

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Runner Runner, Last Target,Zebrahead, 4Taste, Hidden in Plain View, Steve Rushton, Sara Nunes, Houston Calls, Koopa,Hairy Drain Babies, No One Goes Home,Gitogito Hustler, Room Full of Walters,Big Rig, The Wylde Bunch, The Keep Aways, Panda, Enemigos de la Klase, Matt Willis, Brave Saint Saturn, Blacktop Mourning, Stolen Thought, McFly, The Loved Ones, All One Surface, Dexter Danger, The Stryder, CPM 22,Tsunami Bomb, All Time Low,Neverstore, Whole Wheat Bread,Cauterize, In Stereo, Los Lagartos, Lustra, Caffeine,The Leftovers, Cleveland Bound Death Sentence, Crash Romeo, The Ergs, Scenes from a Movie, The Berlin Project, Ging Nang Boyz, Stole Your Woman, The Audition, Finley,Bueno, Skye Sweetnam, Junction 18, Muslims, Ashlee Simpson,Inspection 12, Longfellow, Jet Lag Gemini, The Naked Apes, BB Brunes, Distorted Penguins, New Years Day, Ramona Midgett, Fall Out Boy, Fat Prop, Bye Sami,The Necessary, The Movielife,Autopilot Off, Dryspell, The Matches, Teenage Bottlerocket,Steriogram, Pignoise, Amber Pacific, Allister And Blink 182

Does green day still smoke?

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Well...yes they do. They just spoke pot and cigarettes. When they were way younger like around their late teens they used to do speed every now and then but once they had kids they straightened up. Which i think was very mature for them to do. :}