


Guatemala is a Central American country bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, Honduras and El Salvador to the southeast, the Caribbean to the east, Belize to the northeast and Mexico to the north and west.

500 Questions

Does Guatemala have a relationship with the US?

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Officially, both countries are friendly neighbors and business partners seeking to increase security along their common border against issues such as drug, human and arms trafficking.

How long is the flight from Newark NY to Guatemala?

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The flight time for flights between the above places is 4 hours 29 mins

This is an approximate travel time (calculated in ideal conditions. The travel speed is 500 mph and 30 mins for take off and landing). The actual time might change depending on the flight path chosen, weather conditions, etc

How do Guatemalans feel about punctuality?

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Guatemalans are generous, warm, polite, and humble. They value honesty, family unity, personal honor, work, and education. Optimism is less common than the acceptance of misfortune. People often believe they are unable to change their condition, either for lack of empowerment or because some things are God's will. Personal criticism, taken seriously, should be avoided. Punctuality is admired but not strictly observed; people are considered more important than schedules. This manner of keeping time is referred to as la hora chapina (the Guatemalan hour). Guatemalans are gracious, love to make jokes of almost any situation, and strive to make any social interaction comfortable. The phrase No tenga pena (Don't worry) is commonly used to set others at ease.

Family status and wealth are important to ladinos. Many consider the Maya to be inferior and uncivilized, and they avoid contact with those who do not adopt ladino ways. The Maya, who have long been subjected to discrimination and human-rights abuses, desire to be treated as equals. Maya who wear Western clothing and assimilate into ladino culture are treated somewhat better.

While the peoples of Guatemala are diverse, they have in common a desire for a tranquil life. Guatemalans are cautiously optimistic that the 1996 accord has brought peace.

Which country is richer Mexico or Guatemala?

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  • Mexico's GDP: $1.463 trillion (2009 est.) - ranked 12th in the world
  • Guatemala's GDP: $67.78 billion (2009 est.) - ranked 82nd in the world.
  • Mexico's GDP per capita: $13,200 (2009 est.)
  • Guatemala's GPD per capita: $5,100 (2009 est.)

Clearly, Mexico is much richer than Guatemala.

Who won survivor Guatemala?

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Judson "Fabio" Birza is the sole survivor of Season 21, Nicaragua. The latest season of Survivor known as Survivor: Redemption Island, will premier on February 16th, 2011.

How many dialects are there in Guatemala?

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in Guatemala there more than 23 dialects. they are know to exist for along time way longer than Jesus time. and today those dialects are still used, well not alll of them some have disappear and not used anymore.

What nation is Guatemala city Guatemala?

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Both. There is a country called Guatemala and its capital is known as Guatemala city.

What is a major event in Guatemala's history?

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1523: founded

1839: independence

1941: war declared by axis powers

1970s: military try's to kill democrats about 50,000 killed

1989: attempt to kill president fails about 100,000 people die, about 40,000 missing

Is the country of Guatemala big or small?

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Guatemala is rather small, being about the size of Virgina.

What are the inventions from Guatemala?

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chocolate, denim, CAPTCHA, Queratoprótesis de Hidroxipatita Coralina, Soluble Coffee.

Which continent is Guatemala located on?

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Guatemala is in Central America, which is considered part of the continent of North America.
WELL........I think that the continent Guatemala would belong to would have to be South America. I mean it's right next to the place! Does anyone look at a map anymore!?

How is Halloween celebrated in Guatemala?

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The Mexican People (or Guatemalan) don't exactly celebrate Halloween. They celebrate something similar, called Dia De Los Muertos. This is a holiday that pays respects to relatives that have passed on. The Mexican build altars with gifts to the dead, believing that on either the day for the young (Nov. 1st) or the day for the elder(Nov. 2nd), based on which one they are, they will come in the form of a monarch butterfly, and take the paid gifts. If the relatives don't find their altar and receive them, they will be very angry and haunt the people responsible. The Mexican lead large parades with large, colorful masks, some carrying coffins of recently died relatives. During the night, in rural places, citizens get together in a cemetery and spruce up graves of friends or relatives. They spend the whole night cleaning up the yard all together, though they make it more into a party rather than a large job to do. Mexicans do all this more in fear that their relatives will be angry rather than to celebrate.

How long of a flight is it from Dallas Texas to Guatemala?

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On average, it takes 2 hours and 21 minutes, depending on where in Texas you are starting from, and where in Guatemala you are going to.

How old is Guatemala?

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Guatemala fought for its independence from Spain in September 15, 1821, winning it in 1825 and being considered an independent country. It originally was ruled by Spain until 1839.

What are some traditions from Guatemala?

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== == # its like " El dia de los difuntos"(the death one's day) when we make a ceremony to atra the good spirits and to repell all the black energies. goats and milg * Oh yes this is my favorite when people gather lots of that think wood lefts ehn cutted t then theysink it in color paint then they make big colorfull mats made out of that trust me they look beautyfull * Guatemala has a rich and distinctive culture from the long mix of elements from Spain and the native Maya people. This diverse history and the natural beauty of the land has created a destination rich in interesting and scenic sites. * Gigant Kites= All Saint's Day in Guatemala has several traditions. One of the most colorful one happends in Sumpango and Santiago, both in the department of Sacatepequez with their Gigant Kite Festival. * Easter in Guatemala === Easter is the most important celebration in Guatemala, a country with strong Christian traditions. The entire country waits anxiously for this time of year to show it's devotion and to participate in the Easter events. The celebrations are a fusion of Mayan and Spanish traditions that remark the sorrow of the Christ's passion, death and […] * January 1 - New Year's Day

March or April - Easter (4 days of Holy Week leading up to Easter, will vary according to the Catholic Church calendar)

May 1 - Labor Day

June 30 - Army Day

July 25 - Santiago Day (only in Antigua Guatemala)

August 15 - Assumption Day (only in Guatemala City)

September 15 - Independence Day

October 20 - Revolution Day

November 1 - All Saint's Day

December 24 - Christmas Eve

December 25 - Christmas Day

December 31 - New Year's Eve Every town / village will have its own holiday (generally celebrating their patron/saint day).

What and where is the capital of Guatemala?

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The original capital city of Guatemala was Antigua. It was also called Guatemala, but in the early 1800s there were several earthquakes that caused the nearby volcano Agua to erupt. Only instead of erupting with lava it erupted a huge pocket of water flooding the entire city. Several natural disasters such as this caused the people to move the capital to a safer location in 1821. The old capital was renamed Antigua Guatemala (now called Antigua for short) and the new capital got the name Guatemala City.

How is Guatemala beautiful?

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Guatemala has some small towns that are few and many are remote. There are only a few big cities. Then there is the rainforest, the forests are beautiful as there are so many plants and moss covered trees. There are many animals including Jaguars, Tapirs, Harpy Eagles, Monkeys and Quetzals (the national bird of guatemala). Guatemala is a beautiful country.

What nation in the north is next to Guatemala?

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Guatemala's neighbors are Mexico to the north / north west, Belize to the north east, Honduras to the east and El Salvador to the south east, Guatemala also has the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the south

Is Guatemala a major city in Mexico?

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No. Guatemala is an independent country with its own capital (Guatemala City). The largest city in Mexico is Mexico City, with a population of 21.16 million. It is considered the third largest int the world, behind Tokyo (Japan) and Seoul (South Korea).

What are Guatemala homes made of?

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The houses in El Salvador has a dirt floor, many are made out of wood straw roofs.

What is the number of countries that border Guatemala?

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There are four countries that border the Central American country called Guatemala. To the north and west lies Mexico while Belize, Honduras, and El Salvadorrespectively lie to the northeast, east, and southeast.