

Hamster Care

Cute hamsters are easy to tend to as with any other pets. Owner must select a good cage, provide enough chew toys, and feed them with commercially made hamster-food as well as fruits and vegetables, among others.

500 Questions

Is it normal for hamsters to hide themselves under bedding when they sleep?

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Yes. This keeps them very warm when they sleep. It's like sleeping with a blanket on top of you. It's very mundane. Never use straw, as it will irritate the hamster's eyes.

What is a hamsters natural habitat?

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Hamsters' northern range extends from central Europe through Siberia, Mongolia, and northern China to Korea. The southern portion of their range stretches from Syria to Pakistan. Throughout dry, open country they inhabit desert borders, vegetated sand dunes, shrubby and rocky foothills and plateaus, river valleys, and mountain steppes; some live among cultivated crops. Geographic distribution varies greatly between species. The common hamster, for example, is found from central Europe to western Siberia and northwestern China, but the golden hamster has been found only near a small town in northwestern Syria.

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What can you feed Syrian hamsters?

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Pumpkin, watermelon, sunflower and others but make sure not to give too much of these as they are very high in fat and your hamster should only get these as a treat not as it's primary food source.

Why does my hamster stuff her food in her mouth?

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A hamster has two cheek pouches inside the mouth in which to store food when out foraging. The pouches are emptied when back in the nest, and the food is stored at the back of the nest, for times when food is scarce.

Your pet hamster bit your hand what do you have to do?

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Nothing really, just clean the cut or put band aid on, or whatever u do with small cuts......remember! This doesn't mean the hamster is savage or anything sometimes they just bite

What bugs can hamsters eat?

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Most people say hamsters cannot eat bugs. But they are wrong! Hamsters are omnivores. They will eat plant and meat material.

Anyways, wild hamsters will eat crickets, small worms, maggots, and other soft invertebrates. However, domestic hamster may dislike bugs. You wouldn't want a half-eaten worm in the cage! It would rot and the smell would spread quickly! Feed domestic hamsters hamster food and the wild ones will eat their worms!

No, hamsters are omnivores. You can fees them hamster food. You could also feed it apples, lettuce, carrots, spinach, bananas, blackberries, cherries, blueberries, cantaloupe, seedless grapes, cranberries, mangoes, melons, peaches, plums, raspberries, raspberries leaves (helpful for diarrhea), strawberries, asparagus, bean sprouts, bok choy, Broccoli, Cabbage (Limited amounts), Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chard, Chestnuts, Chickweed, Chicory, Clover, Corn on the Cob, Cucumbers, Dandelion Leaves, Endive, Green Beans, Kale, Parsnips, Peas, Radicchio, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Sweet bell Peppers, Swiss Chard, Turnip, Water Chestnuts, Water Cress, and Zucchini. Just try to keep the diet rounded.

Is a hamster high maintenance?

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AnswerThey're not that hard to take care of. But you need to make sure to clean the cage eery week otherwise it smells very bad.

you might have to vacuum by their cage because they might spill their food, and they might also spill some of their bedding out of their cage. make sure they have water, and food. Also, to clean their cage, buy them a running ball. dont leave them to just walk around, they might just run away!!

But at some point they are hard to take care of , you have to make sure they have a big roomy cage , and you have to keep them company or they will pass away. Don't feed them

celery , or broccoli , or anything they can choke on . You must show them you love them.

Can you feed hamsters dried cherries?

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Yes, but if it's too big, cut it into smaller pieces.

How do you help a broken toe on hamster?

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Hamsters and other small animals can be extremely fragile and break bones easily. The best thing to do for a hamster with a broken toe is to take him to the vet and her have set the toe. That way, it will heal correctly, and not cause the hamster pain in the future.

What food should you not feed your hamster?

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Hamsters cannot eat citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, etc.), pickles, house plants, horse chestnuts, chips, oily foods, fatty foods chocolate, sugar, or salt. When you give your hamster veggies, remember to wash it thoroughly and make sure it is not a cold temperature!

you also can't give hamsters apple seeds as they have arsenic in them but you can give them the apple

Can you give a dwarf hamster dried fruit?

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Yes, but be sure its skin can't be choked on if it has skin.

I take my Russian Dwarf hamster to our local Exotic Veterinarian and he says that you should never give sweets or fruits or anything with sugar to any dwarf hamster as they are VERY predisposed to getting diabetes. So fruit is a bad idea and make sure to read the ingredients listing on all treats purchased for dwarf hamsters also as most of them add sugar to the treats. He also said that carrots shouldn't be given either since they have a naturally high sugar content.

What does it mean when your hamster gets really skinny fast?

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If your hamster is getting smaller, you need to feed it more. Give it a little more food then you normally do each day.

What happenswhen Hamsters eat beef jerkey?

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It's probably not good for them, although hamsters can eat ham (my hamster enjoys it) and chicken, it's not reccomended you feed them large amounts, just a tiny bit; about what they can fit in their paws. Also, if you feed it any, make sure it's not very salty as hamsters shouldn't have large amounts of salt

My hamster had a fall and it's not moving but still breathing what does this mean?

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Either they are cold and are trying to concerve energy, (which you should either put a heating pad under part of the cage to keep him/her warm,) or your hamster is about to die. I hope it's the former.

What temperature should you keep a hamster in?

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Room temperature!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not near a radiator when its on or near a window!!!!!! always keep the door to the room open or a window as your hammy could overheat anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So about 17 or 21 degrees celsius

How do hamsters get fleas?

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yes they can

if you keep clean the cage out they wont get them or ask you local vet for some flea stuff!

They can and do.

they get flees every two years
A Hamster could most Probaly Get Flees. Vets can Determine If Hamster Can get Flees

due to the small fur and its minature size.

For more Information, visit:
yes, its possible.

What do you do if your hamster got bit by a other hamster in the eye?

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Once when I was outside i accidentally dropped my hamster and it was bleeding from it's nose. If you don't want to go to a vet just keep the hamster away from the sun and wipe the nose with a tissue

How to tell if hamster is happy?

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You will know when your hamster is happy by the way it runs around and wanders you may try to take the hamster to a new place and it will wander happily as it walks and sniffs around, but if you are used to take your hamster out of the cage everyday and suddenly stop your hamster will want to come outside and will become a little depressed and a little aggresive.

If you let your male hamster mate with a female hamster on average how many pups will she have?

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Well, they could have up to 3 to 16 pups. I had my hamster for a week and it had 16 babies, so if you know your hamster is pregnant be prepared for a little babies and a lot of babies. If you don't know how to tell if she is pregnant look for nipples on her stomach.

What happens if you drop your dwarf hamster several times by accident?

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take it to the vet... please...

Edit: My friend's hamster had babies, and she was holding one and it jumped out of her hand. It fell about 3 feet, and broke its back and died. I would be extremely cautious not to disturb your hamster, and do take it to a small animal vet.

Why does a mother hamster move half of her babies?

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The mother hamster will kill the babies for their safety. It sounds strange, but if you disturb or touch the pups, the mother will think they are "infected" and will kill and actually eat the disturbed pup. Just make sure you don't touch the pups until they are old enough so the mother won't kill them.

Why does your hamster sleep in food bowl?

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because its so cute

Hamsters sleep in different places occasionally because like humans, they get bored with certain things... Humans for example like to change the appearance of their living rooms, their bedrooms, etc. Also, sleeping in their food bowl, you have to admit, is very handy for eating when they wake up.

What materials are harmful to hamsters?

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Things that may poison a hamster are: human chocolate, citris fruit, glue or any bonding stuff, rat poison or any poison, building supplys, miley Cyrus, sleeping pills, energy juice, fuel, posionis insects and animals, fast food, my grans cooking, liquid metal or plastic and spicy food.

Do hamsters like sand boxes?

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I'm not EXACTLY sure, but it's safe to use them for your hamster. I know for SURE that Chinchillas' like 'em.

Hamsters originate in the desert so, yes they do. You can get small sand baths for them.

Can hamsters share a water bottle?

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Yes. But it might be best to have more than 1 if you have a few hamsters.