

Henry Hudson

This explorer is known for his voyages to the New World and the explorations in the Northern Americas. Hudson Bay and the Hudson river are just two of the waterways he explored. His life and explorations are discussed here.

500 Questions

Was the expedition successful for Henry Hudson?

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It was successful but he did come to ending point by the ice and cold that blocked his way for him to get to where he was going so he turned his ship "Half Moon" and headed for the west to discover somewhere else.

How many miles did Henry Hudson sail first voyage?

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Her sailed 40 some miles on the nahama river.

Why do you remember Henry Hudson today?

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he discovered NEW york

he was the first to sail the Hudson bay, straight, and river ( l8r named after him)

Excellent English navigator

CROSSED the Atlantic ocean in 1609


Who paid for Hudson?

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OMG! This is so easy. Don't worry the answer is right in my Social Studies Book. Okay the Answer is that the MERCHANTS paid for the expedition.

What king sent Henry Hudson on his voyages?

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Queen Elizabeth I, daughter of Henry VIII.

Did Henry Hudson accomplish his goal as an explorer?

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Henry Hudson is credited for discovering New York, and he discovered the Hudson River, and so it was named after him.

Not Accomplished:

Henry Hudson went on his voyage to find a passage through North America to Asia, but never found one.

What goods were transported on the Hudson?

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3 boats named good hope , hope well , and half moon.

What vehicles did Henry Hudson use?

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Henry Hudson used a boat and sometimes his own feet.

Who paid for Henry Hudson's fourth journey?

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  • Hola he ma y pa did!

What area of Canada did Henry Hudson explore?

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Henrey Hudson explored around New york and discovered the Hudson river.

Henry Hudson was sent by the in search of a northwest passage?

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Henry Hudson was sent by the Dutch East India Company to find a western route to Asia. They are considered to be the first multi-national corporation in the world, as well as the first to issue stock.

Who did Henry Hudson work for?

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Hudson made voyages of exploration for both the Dutch and British.

What country did Henry Hudson sail to?

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Henry Hudson was an English sea explorer and navigator in the early 17th century. After several voyages on behalf of English merchants to explore a prospective Northeast Passage to India, Hudson explored the region around modern New York City while looking for a western route to Asia under the auspices of the Dutch East India Company. He explored the Hudson River and laid the foundation for Dutch colonization of the region.

What did Hudson achieve?

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he found Hudson bay

What the reasons Henry Hudson set out?

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He was seeking adventure, wealth, and fame.