

Herb Gardening

The planting, growing, propagating, maintenance, harvesting, and uses of various herbs, for culinary, medicinal, decorative, and magical purposes.

500 Questions

What Dry sage leaf in kannada?

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Dodda Patre is Plectranthus amboinicus or Coleus aromaticus & it belongs to Lamiaceae Family

Sage Leaf is Salvia officinalis & it is not Dodda Patre though it belongs to the same Family.

Where do herbs grow?

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paddy is grown in clayey soil

Can you grow Italian heather in a pot?

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Italian heather is one of the more hardy versions of plant. It is a hybrid of Erica carnea and E. Erigena, typically flourishing best in moist outdoor conditions with full sun. Northern and Western Europe are also considered its native home. Therefore, outdoor conditions that are prone to soggy or dry soil and harsh cold are fatal to the plant.

Where does mint come from?

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in large forests by streams, rivers, lakes, or ponds

How much dried dill weed equals head of dill weed?

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When using dill, you will find that both the feathery leaves and the flower heads can be used.

Most often the flower heads are allowed to mature and harvested as dill seed. I usually get about a tablespoon of dried dill seed per plant (plants often have more than one seed head).

I also dry the leaves, and because they are so fine I don't get much dried dill (1 -3 tablespoons per plant) from each plant.

How long does it take to grow canola?

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it takes 2 and a half months

Will true lavender grow in part sun?

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Answer Yes, it will. It prefers full sunlight, but it will take partial sun. You can use lavender as an oil. Rub some oil on sores and they will heal right up. You can also add 2 to 3 drops of essential oil in your bath. Lavender is said to promote sleep so you can spray it on your pillow case.

How long does it take for a leaf to grow?

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If you think about it, only a few seasons, because leaves grow in spring, stay intact in summer, then start to lose color and fall off their food and water source in fall. After that, the buried in snow and biodegraded into earth

Why holes are put in a plant pot?

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The holes are there to drain off excess water. If the planter doesn't have holes in the bottom, it acts as a pail, pooling water at the bottom. This makes the plant roots wet all the time. The roots of most plants can rot if submerged in water all the time. This can kill the plant, as would not enough water.

In hydroponics, they grow the plant in pea gravel and have the nutrition spray on a continuous off/on/off cycle. Growing plants this way allows them to control the quantities of the nutrients being fed to the plants. This also allows the plants' roots to dry out some during the feeding cycle, which is healthy for the plant; if not allowed to dry too much.

How long does it take for jarrah to grow?

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Jarrah Timber is grown in Northern Australia.

When do you plant Italian heather?

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by growing it. usually you would need lots of sun, a balanced amount of water and some plant food occasionally.

Why do desert plants bloom very quickly and why their flowers have brilliant colors?

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because, they are adapted in such a way to optimise the available water resources. and moreover the bright colours will attract insects for a possible pollination

How long does it take a jack pine to grow?

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There are many varieties of Pine trees. The various varieties grow to 3-80 m tall, with the majority of species reaching between 15-45 m tall. The smallest are Siberian Dwarf Pine and Potosi Pinyon, and the tallest, Sugar Pine. Pines are long-lived, typically reaching ages of 100-1,000 years, some even more. The longest-lived is the Great Basin Bristlecone Pine Pinus longaeva, one individual of which at 4,840 years old in 2008 is one of the oldest living organisms in the world.

For Age of tree (years) 14 21 28 35 42 49

Diameter of tree (inches) 6 9 12 16 18 20

Height of tree (feet) 41 54 64 72 78 83

How long does it take for a White trillium to grow?

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It takes 3 to 5 years for it to reach flowering size if everything goes perfectly. If you pick them they may never grow back

Why are they encouraging gardeners not to use peat moss?

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Because they are so PC they want to stop us doing sensible things.

How long does it take for jasmines to grow?

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There are 2 popular types so we will deal with those.

First is the Carolina Jasamine which little fragrance and a yellow flower. Once established a very fast grower. Heavy feeder and needs organic rich soil. Mine took 2 years than it just exploded.

Second is the Confederate Jasmine that has a dainty white flower and is very fragrant. Likes organic rich soil and is also a heavy feeder. Should establish between 1 and 2 years. This vine should be planted by a lanai,deck or porch to take advantage of it's fragrance.

There is a third but unless you live in southern Florida don't worry about it.

When I say heavy feeder I mean they should have a slow release fertilizer when planted and sprayed with a bloom booster. Nitrogen should be low as possible or all you will get is green vines and no flowers.

On Dogz 5 how long does it take for them to grow up?

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A dog is a puppy as long as you want it to be.
You can call your dog a puppy as long as you want because it will always be your puppy. But once it hits 3 or 4 it will be considered as a dog. But that doesn't mean that it will not be active once it's maybe 10 it won't really play that much. My dog is 3 and I still call it a puppy. My cousin has a dog and it's 8 and she still calls it a puppy. But my dog is very playful and active still. It's a Border Collie.

Which veggies grow faster?

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In most cases salad crops and herbs give the quickest edible return.

What is rhodendron?

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Any of numerous usually evergreen ornamental shrubs of the genus Rhododendron of the North Temperate Zone, having clusters of variously colored, often bell-shaped flowers.

Where does German chamomile grow?

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Chamomile is a traditional medicinal herb native to western Europe, India, and western Asia. It has become naturalized in the United States, to grow freely in sunny, well-drained areas.