

Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover was the 31st President of the United States and served from March 4, 1929 to March 4, 1933.

500 Questions

Did Herbert Hoover help America recover from the Great Depression?

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To some extent yes. It can be argued that without him and the New Deal America may not have recovered from the Depression.

Now before Roosevelt, Hoover was in power, he believed in 'rugged individualism' and refused to help the people as he felt they neeeded to sort it out for themselves. However, it was then that Roosevelt was elected as President.

He set up a number of schemes to help people including the alphabet agencies. These included:

  1. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) - responsible for flood control, building dams and constructing new towns.
  2. The National Recovery Administration (NRA) - this agency negotiated with the major industries to create fair prices, wages and working hours.
  3. The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) - aimed at reducing farm production and boosting farm prices.
  4. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) - offered short-term work to young men on conservation projects.
  5. The Public Works Administration (PWA) - constructed schools, hospitals and other public buildings.

Alot of people argued that sometimes the jobs he was paying people to do were uneccessary but the point was he was giving people jobs, he was giving them a reason not to give up hope, he was giving them money for their family ot survive on.

He also helped restore belief in the American people and their faith in the government, with his 'Fireside chats' he would address the nation with his friendly, comforting speeches.

He also stabalised the banking situation, he closed down all banks for the day and then the Emergency Banking Relief Bill brought all banks under government control. If the banks were considered to be good and not corrupt they could then reopen. He helped here because he had stopped all the panic and had solved the banking crisis. He told the American people:

I can assure you that it is safer to keep your money in a reopened bank than under the mattress

The only problem with Roosevelts solution was that is constantly needed money pumping into it and some people thought this was doing less good than the depression. Therefore it can be argued that without the second worl war America probably still wouldn't have recovered from the Depression even with Roosevelt.

However, others believe if he hadn't done all the things he had done and restored faith in the American people then there would have been no hope of recovery.

Really it's up to the individual to make their mind up.

What Presidents were not elected?

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There were two Presidential elections decided in the House of Representatives

because no one won a majority of the electoral vote.

The first occurred in 1800 when of a glitch in the original Constitutional system (repaired by the 12th amendment not long after!) resulted in a tie between running mates Thomas Jefferson & Aaron Burr. The House eventually decided in favor of Jefferson, whom all understood to have been his party's intended nominee for President. Jefferson also won the electoral vote in 1804.

The second was the multi-candidate race of 1824, in which no candidate received a majority of electoral votes. The House voted for John Quincy Adams. (This infuriated Andrew Jackson, who had received the most popular votes, and charged a "corrupt bargain" when eliminated candidate Henry Clay threw his support to Adams and was later named as Adams's Secretary of State. Likely there was no "bargain" -- and the move made sens in light of the similarity of Adams & Clay's policy views -- but the matter was very ineptly handled by Adams & Clay.)

The presidents never elected "president" by the electoral college are:

John Tyler

Millard Fillmore

Andrew Johnson

Chester Arthur

Gerald Ford

They were elected "vice-president" by the electoral college before ascending to the presidency due to the death/assassination/resignation of their predecessors (with the exception of Gerald Ford who was never elected president or vice president by the college and Millard Fillmore who was elected by the Whig National Convention in 1848 for his vice presidency).

(Lyndon Johnson, Harry Truman and Theodore Roosevelt also ascended to the presidency due to death/assassination of their predecessors, but one can not say they were never been elected president by the electoral college because they ran again and were elected to be President.)

What are some qualities of Herbert Hoover?

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Personal info: Herbert hoover was the 31st president of the United States. He was blamed for the stock market crash. Hoover did not get along with Roosevelt when they were running against each other for presidency. The Hoover dam is named after him. He traveled around the world five times in five years.

He was born on August 10th, 1874 in West branch Iowa.

Father: Jesse hoover. Mother: Hulda Hoover.

He did not attend high school. He went to a night school to learn math. He studied geology at Stanford University.

He sent people to help stop the Bonus March by having them throw teargas at the veterans and burning down their makeshift homes.

31st president of the US.

He was president, and died at the age of 90.

He died on October 20th 1964 in New York.

During WW1, he helped 100,000 Americans return home from Europe.

He helped send food to Belgium when they had a food crisis.

He initiated the construction of the hoover dam.

Ran for president again in 1932, but lost to frank Roosevelt.

What did Herbert Hoover at the age of nine?

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He picked strawberries and collected scrap iron to earn pocket money. He did farm chores, such as clearing fields, chopping wood, tending the horses for his uncle and hired out as a farm worker in a nearby onion fields and as an office boy for a lumbering company.

What did Hoover do during the Great Depression?

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He set up the Reconstruction Finance Corp. to bring federal aid to hard pressed banks and businesses. Just as it seemed that this might work and that recovery was at hand, in the winter of 1932-33 the banking system in America went into a tailspin. On March 4, 1933, the American banking system ground to a complete halt.

* Finance public works programs

What impact did Hoover Dam had during the great depression?

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Irrigation, water, and prevents floods.

The provision of electrical power as well as potable water for the Las Vegas valley.

Please click on the related link(s) below for more information:

Did Herbert Hoover start the Great Depression?

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N0. One man can not start a great depression even if he tries to start one and most certainly Hoover did not want to start any kind of depression, let alone a great one.

How did the Hoover administration react to the crisis of the Depression?

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Asked by Kaylee69

At first President Hoover tried to organize national optimism by summoning business execs to DC to declare that conditions were sound and that there would not be wage cutting. When that did not work (stop the depression), he became inactive for a while, trusting to the idea that it all would self-correct. When that did not work, he organized an international moratorium in war debts and reparations. This actually did help stem the slide further into depression, but only briefly. Then he set up the Reconstruction Finance Corp. to bring federal aid to hard pressed banks and businesses. Just as it seemed that this might work and that recovery was at hand, in the winter of 1932-33 the banking system in America went into a tailspin. On March 4, 1933, the American banking system ground to a complete halt. Hoover was an able and intelligent president who attempted orthodox economic ideas, but became a victim to the collapse of the system.

When did the Great Depression start?

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The Great Depression started in about 1929, official start date of it considered as Black Tuesday on October 29, 1929.

NBER says the recession started in August 1929. Many attribute the start to the stock market crash of October 1929, aka Black Friday, however that is not the case. The stock market rebounded by April 1930. Black Friday was just a symptom of a larger problem, but not the actual cause of the GD.

What did Herbert Hoover do to help his people and country during the great depression?

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Hebert Hoover did do nothing really!! He did try Little to fight the Depression but his actions often backfired. For example, he tried to balance the the Federal budget by cutting by cutting government spending and raising taxes. This pulled money out of the economy which made the slump worse. Some of Hoovers actions made him very unpopular. For example, he believed that Federal Relief- aid to the poor- would make people dependent on government. so he would not support giving Relief.

What did Herbert Hoover study?

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Herbert Hoover got a degree in engineering at Stanford- he was a mining engineer of note and worked all over the world in that capacity.

How old was Herbert Hoover when he died?

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Herbert Clark Hoover was the 31st President of the United States (1929-1933). In June, 1928, the Republican Party chose Herbert Hoover as its candidate for President of the United States. In November, 1928, Herbert Hoover was elected President of the United States. He was 54 years of age.

Hoover's response to the Great Depression?

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he didnt really do anything. he actually spent most his time fishing. He thought of it as a sort of symbolism to man.

What are the main messgaes of Franklin D Roosevelt's first inaugural?

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FDR's first inaugurall address contained the famous "the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself" quote. Without being too specific, FDR outlined how he hoped to govern and help get the nation out of the Great Depression. He protrayed a leader with confidence and assurance, just what the nation needed at this time. He noted that the country had "common difficulties" but those difficulties were "only material things." This seemed to indicate that the nation was still healthy, the economy would rebound, and the government was going to do its best to help solve the problems.

What did President Hoover do to get the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

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At first President Hoover tried to organize national optimism by summoning business execs to DC to declare that conditions were sound and that there would not be wage cutting. When that did not work (stop the depression), he became inactive for a while, trusting to the idea that it all would self-correct. When that did not work, he organized an international moratorium in war debts and reparations. This actually did help stem the slide further into depression, but only briefly. Then he set up the Reconstruction Finance Corp. to bring federal aid to hard pressed banks and businesses. Just as it seemed that this might work and that recovery was at hand, in the winter of 1932-33 the banking system in America went into a tailspin. On March 4, 1933, the American banking system ground to a complete halt. Hoover was an able and intelligent president who attempted orthodox economic ideas, but became a victim to the collapse of the system.

How did Franklin D. Roosevelt get the U.S out of the Great Depression?

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Franklin Roosevelt did not get the US out of the great depression he streached out the depression and made it worse. We may be in for a very long depression if Obama tries to do the same things that Roosevelt did. Look how long the Roosevelt depression lasted.

How was Hoover related to his wife?

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William Henry Hoover as married to Nellie Quarles.

Why did Hoover's volunteerism fail?

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once people understood exactly what war was like after World War 1 nobody wanted to volunteer anymore, Businesses and citizens acted in their individual best interests.

Did president hoover have alligators?

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No, the only president to own alligators, or at least was known to, was John Quincy Adams.

Why were the American people unhappy with President Hoovers's decisions around the time of the Great Depression and New Deal?

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Hoover was in charge when the stock marketcrashed, and firmly believed that the market would correct itself. Thus he didn't do much of anything, which failed spectacularly, and FDR was able to win the election easily and then implement the New Deal which helped slow and eventually reverse the Great Depression.

What was Herbert Hoover's religion?

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NO, Hoover was not a Catholic. He was a faithful Quaker.

Why did hoovers policies fail?

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Hoover did not have any support from the Bank. Moreover he tried to overcome economic recession with government intervention which did not gain him any favors among the people.

Which quotation sums up Herbert Hoover's beliefs about government's role?

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Herbert Hoover was against goverment intervention he hated big goverment and this won him few fans especialy when the great depresion hit, he did not want to bail people out and wanted to let things work out on their own. this led to his loss to FDR

When did herbert hoover win the presidential election?

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Herbert Hoover won the 1928 presidential election defeating Alfred Smith. In the 1928 presidential election Herbert Hoover received 444 electoral votes and Alfred Smith received 87 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Hoover 21,437,277 and Smith 15,007,698.