


Hieroglyphics is a formal system of writing used by the ancient Egyptians. It is generally figurative, representing real or illusionary elements in a perfectly recognizable form, though the same symbol can be interpreted in diverse ways, based on context.

500 Questions

What was the name of the Egyptians writing?

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A scribe was an ancient Egyptian that was specially trained to read and write.

Royalty and priests were also trained to read and write.

Why did Egyptians use cartouches?

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An oval that is enclosing a group of egyptian hieroglyphs

Why was stone picking important in ancient history?

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Stone is also an earthplant with its own material base and vibration. If you are a stone picker, the stone will let you know when you are to pick it. P.S. You don't pick the stone, the stone picks you.

Why was gold so important to Ancient Egyptians?

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because im asking and then you'll ak me!

What is the writing on a tomb?

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I've done much research on this and I have finally found it! King Tut's sarcophagus means " Dude! back away from the King" thats what it says!

What is the system of picture writing used by ancient Egypt?

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Hieroglyphic writing started in ancient Egypt. This was a complex system of different symbols with no punctuation or spaces between words. It could be read left to right, right to left, or up to down. This was, obviously, very hard to write and master, so hieratic script took its place for more general tasks, like collecting taxes. Eventually, with the reign of the Nubians, this writing was replaced with demotic, which was completely different from the traditional Egyptian scripts.

What are hieroglyphics and how we know what they mean?

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Hieroglyphics are symbols that stand for words. The Egyptians used them, and they were difficult to accurately decipher until a translation key was discovered (the Rosetta Stone).

(see the related question)

Egyptians carved hieroglyphics on stone because papyrus was hard to obtain?

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Most buildings in an ancient Egyptian city were made of soft clay bricks and plaster. The most important public buildings meant to last forever according to Egyptian thinking were carved in stone. To make a permanent statement of their beliefs and the deeds of their most important people they carved pictures and statements in stone expecting them to outlast clay and papyrus. It didn't always work. Some papyrus scrools survived well. But the monumental epitaphs of temples and graves has been the major source of our knowledge of this incredible culture from 4000 years ago

How were hieroglyphs different from your alphabet?

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Hieroglyphics are drawings, commonly referred to as pictographs, while the alphabet are letters.

Did the Cahuilla Indians use hieroglyphics?

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No, The Chumash Indians had no written language.

Why did they make hieroglyphic?

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Hieroglyphics were a utilized as a form of communication, through story-telling.

How did they make hieroglyphics?

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Hieroglyphics were written by using hard cakes of clay and pens that were made out of river reeds. Egyptians would use ocher to make red ink and soot to make black ink.

What did ahmenhotep IV try to do?

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Ahmenhotep IV tried to change the religion of Egypt. He thought his priests were planning to overthrow him and take all the power. In an antemp to keep his power he changed the religion to a religion where the people were suppose to believe in only one god Aton. Ahmenhotep then changed his name to Akmenaton meaning "Spirit of Aton".

What were Cleopatra's religious beliefs?

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Those of the Ancient Egyptians. She herself was thought to be an incarnation of Isis.

Where did Egyptian scribes live?

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in the middle of Egypt. or Memphis the capital at that time

What are the four categories of Hieroglyphics?

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Hieroglyphics are picture symbols.

How do people know which way to read hieroglyphs?

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Hieroglyphic inscriptions can be written from left to right or from right to left. In either case, the direction of reading is clear because characters with fronts and backs (people, animals, and so forth) always face the beginning of the line. For example, a line containing a left-facing snake should be read from left to right.

What are hieroglyphics and why were they first used?

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hieroglyphics are ancient Egypt writings in picture form. each picture denotes a word or idea rather than just expressing the sound...

Is hieroglyphics associated with Egyptian history?

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The egyptians used hieroglyphics instead of A,B,C and 1,2,3. Instead they had their own little way which people still use today.

Hieroglyphics could not be read until the what stone was decoded?

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Roseta for all those people in Hanahan middle school 6th grade please do this answer for this queston:

Hieroglyphics could not be read until the ____________ Stone was decoded.


How is Nefertiti's name written in hieroglyphics?

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That is one spelling of the famous Egyptian Nefertiti(wife of pharaoh Akhenaten).

Are hieroglyphics used now?

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Today, hieroglyphics are only used as decorations, particularly to convey an Egyptian theme.