


Hyperthyroidism is the result of an over-active thyroid. Symptoms include: sudden weight loss, rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat or pounding of your heart, increased appetite, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, tremor, sweating, changes in menstrual patterns, increased sensitivity to heat, more frequent bowel movements, an enlarged thyroid gland, fatigue, muscle weakness and difficulty sleeping. This problem can be controlled by your doctor with medications, tests and possibly surgery if severe enough.

500 Questions

Is goitre hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism?

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A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland which is situated at the front of the throat, below the larynx. It is made up of two lobes on either side of the windpipe, joined in front by an isthmus. The thyroid gland secretes hormones that regulate metabolic processes, such as growth and energy expenditure. This gland is controlled by the pituitary gland, which is located in the brain. The pituitary prompts the thyroid to make its hormones including thyroxine (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3) by releasing a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). However, if a persons diet is too low in iodine the thyroid can't manufacture hormones. Never the less the pituitary keeps sending chemical messages to the thyroid, without any result . The thyroid gland then enlarges as it unsucsesfuly trys tos to comply with the pituitary's glands instruction. Apart from iodine deficiency, other causes of goiter involve conditions of the thyroid - such as nodules, cancer, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

The symptoms of a goiter include: * Enlargement of the throat, ranging from a small lump to a huge mass. * Swallowing problems, if the goiter is large enough to press on the esophagus. * Breathing problems, if the goiter is large enough to press on the windpipe (trachea).

Can you remove your thyroid without removing your parathyroid and if so how?

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The surgeon will try to identify and preserve your parathyroid glands if possible. Unfortunately this difficult and sometimes impossible as these glands are very tiny and literally embedded in the thyroid. If the parathyroids are inadvertently removed it results in a condition called "hypoparathyroidism," which is common and treatable.

Why use the Thyroid Uptake and scan on the thyroid?

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Because the results of the uptake will determine whether you will need surgery to remove your thyroid glands.

Who discovered hyperthyroidism?

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'Thyroid' disorders have been noted for centuries, since at least the 1100s. However, as the thyroid gland wasn't identified until 1656, the cause of these disorders was a medical mystery for a very long time. In 1656, the thyroid gland was at last located and identified by Thomas Wharton, an anatomist. For more information see 'Related Links' below.

If you have hyperthyroidism can you take Ibuprofen?

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I have been on Synthroid for a year. After a bad cold I called my Doctor and she said to take the Synthroid and wait 1 hour before taking ibuprofen.

What is propylthiouracil used for?

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Propylthiouracil is used to treat hyperthyroidism. It works by stopping the thyroid gland from making thyroid hormone.

Propylthiouracil should usually be given only to people who are allergic to or cannot tolerate methimazole (Tapazole) or who are in the first trimester of a pregnancy.

What are the affects of Hyperthyroidism?

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Because thyroid hormones affect each and every living cell in the body, hyperthyroidism also affects these cells by revving up their metabolism beyond the point they are designed to function optimally.

For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of thyroid dysfunction, please seek the help of a board certified endocrinologist who specializes in thyroid problems.

A common result of hyperthyroidism is?

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Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormones. The result are symptoms such as fast heart rate, anxiety, significant weight loss, hair loss, loose bowel movements, muscle weakness, smooth skin, irregular menstrual cycles, and increased miscarriages.

What is a autoimmune disorder caused by hyperthyroidism?

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Grave's Disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis are two that I know of. Grave's tends to have a steady stream of hyperthyroid symptoms while in Hashimoto's tyroiditis it might start out hyperthyroid and as the antibodies attack it will eventually dwindle down to hypothyroidism. Somtimes there will be bursts of hyperthyroid behavior as the thryoid gland is destroyed by antibodies in Hashimoto's thryoiditis.

Can hyperthyroidism cause lymphadenopathy?

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No. But it can coexist with a swelling of the thyroid which may superficially look a bit like lymphadenopathy.

How is hypercalcemia diagnosed?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

High levels of calcium in the blood are a good indication of hypercalcemia, but these levels may fluctuate. Calcium levels are influenced by other compounds in the blood that may combine with calcium.

Hypercalcemia is ultimately diagnosed by Calcium blood tests which should be done over the course of several months.

Sore head to touch?

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For women it could be as simple as wearing a pony tail or bun on the top of their head (twists the hair and irritates the scalp) feels like someone has been pulling on your hair. It also could be how the person sleeps at night. We dream every 1/2 hour and some of the dreams (we won't remember most) could have a person tossing and turning and pushing their head into the pillow which will also twist the hair and cause a sore spot. If you wake up and see your hair flattened on the top then 9 chances out of 10 you have been shoving your head into the pillow because you were restless. If it continues it's always wise to have a doctor look at it.

Food not to eat in hyperthyroidism?

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Patients cannot have foods high in iodine, such as edible seaweeds and kelps.

Thyrotoxicosis may also occur by the ingestion of excessive amounts of exogenous thyroid hormone in the form of thyroid hormone supplements such as the most widely used supplement levothyroxine, liothyronine, in weight-reducing dietary supplements that contain thyroid hormone, synthetic forms of T4 and T3 or thyroid extract (desiccated thyroid).

Increase calories.

Why is hyperthyroidism commoner in women?

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Most hyperthyroidism is a result of an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune disorders are more common in females.

What is the best diet for hyperthyroidism patients?

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Yes, there is often weight loss with hyperthyroidism due to increased metabolism of all the cells in the body. Some patients have mild hyperthyroidism that doesn't result in decreased weight. Rarely, some patients may experience weight gain, often due to increased ability to absorb nutrients from the gut.

Does having hyperthyroidism increase your metabolism?

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Synthroid can increase metabolism and promote weight loss in people. This drug is a medication prescribed for people with hypothyroidism who cannot produce sufficient thyroid hormone for metabolic regulation.

What is the intervention of hyperthyroidism?

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It depends on what is causing it.

For example, if it is caused by cancer then obviously the thyroid needs to be destroyed or removed immediately.

However most cases of hyperthyroidism in developed countries are caused by an autoimmune condition called Graves disease. This can be treated with drugs that block the production of thyroid hormone, radioactive iodine that destroys the thyroid, or surgical removal of the thyroid gland. Unfortunately, none of these options treat the underlying problem, ie the production of autoantibodies against TSH receptors on the thyroid gland. Autoimmunity was only really discovered in the 1960s and as yet we have little idea how to treat immune system disorders.

How do you treat infertility in hypothyroidism?

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In general, the condition of hypothyroidism will actually cause weight gain and synthroid generally corrects the problem. If your still struggling with weight gain, talk to your endo about switching to Armour.

I was recently diagnosed with the condition that causes Hypothyroidism; Hashimoto's Disease. It is an auto immune disease that attacks and kills your thyroid. As it is attacking your thyroid, it causes the thyroid to release high amounts of thyroid hormone at times (hyper) and not enough at other times (hypo). Hashimoto's Disease causes a lot of problems for people including infertility. If they get you on the right dose of hormone your fertility should improve. The fertility clinic I was going to found that I had Hypothyoridism and that I also had Hashimoto's Disease. If it wasn't for the fertility clinic, I wouldn't have been diagnosed for a few more years even tho my Thyroid Stimulating Hormone was ranging between 3.1 and 6.2 depending upon the day the labs were drawn. Check out the website www.stopthethyroidmadness for more information. I hope you get your conditions under control. That site sure helped me.

What food not to be taken in hyperthyroidism?

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Dairy, Garlic, Iodine foods, and Licorice. I have a hyperthroid. I lost 20 pounds in 5 months and ate lots of shrimp, crab, beans and nuts. My heart has stopped pounding (although my heart rate is still a little high) and I've gained back 10 pounds.

Take a look at this site:

Can you drink coffee if you have hyperthyroidism?

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Yes, you can drink coffee if you have hyperthyroidism, but it may be unwise or even dangerous to do so. Can and should are very different terms.

For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of thyroid dysfunction, please seek the help of a board certified endocrinologist who specializes in thyroid problems.

Could hyperthyroidism cause a false negative on a pregnancy test?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. There is almost nothing that can cause a false positive pregnancy test, and all of the causes require an urgent visit to a health care provider.


Malfunctioning thyroids can't; they don't produce the correct hormones to trigger a pregnancy test. But to swear nothing can cause a false positive is irresponsible and false in it's own right. I've been the victim of a false positive test. Always be sure to test in the morning when urine is more concentrated. It's also best to avoid drinking a ton of water before testing, or after to try and test again. This can mess with the test and give false results.

1. False positive pregnancy test due to improper testing...

Improper testing can lead to false positive results. Always follow the directions! Instructions will specify when test results are no longer valid. You should time and record the time you perform the test, and read results at the instructed time. Guessing can lead to false results. "Double checking" your results often leads to false positives. Fishing your test out of the garbage after too much time has passed can change the initial results.

2. Evaporation line on a pregnancy test...

With some tests you can see where the testing line is. When urine runs across the test strip it can briefly change the color. Some tests allow you to see what can best be described as a watermark; kind of like what you see on US paper currency. If there is no color or you have to really mess with it in the light to see a line; it could be an evaporation line. Try retesting in a few days or using a digital test is recommended.

3. False positive pregnancy tests can be caused by certain medications...

Sometimes urine can be contaminated with blood or large amounts of protein, which can lead to false positive results.

4. Certain medical conditions can lead to false positive test results...

If you receive a positive result from a home pregnancy test it is important to see your doctor. It's is not common, rare medical conditions can cause false positive results on home pregnancy tests. Certain cancers, can cause higher levels of hCG levels.

5. Defective pregnancy tests...

Expired or faulty tests can also lead to false positive results. Remember, an occasional defective test may come out of a batch.

If you're unsure about the results of your home pregnancy test, ALWAYS consult your doctor.

What is a hypokinetic condition?

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Hypokinetic Condition is a health problem caused partly by lack of exercise.

What doctor treats hypothyroidism?

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Endocrinologists specialize in the endocrine system, including thyroid. There are even thyroidolists that special in thyroid problems. Some endocrinologists specilaze in treatment of thyroid cancer.

What is the cure for an overactive thyroid gland?

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Yes, but only if you keep up with your medication and keep it a the required dosage don't hire it so it makes you lose weight because it will not work. Also do not use weight loss pills they will affect your thyroxine and could make you quite ill.

Remember to eat properly, do exercise and have regular blood tests.

I am only 14 and I have under active thyroids. I was curious if this question was asked so I could answer it and I promise none of this is made up otherwise I would not have

written it.