

John Hancock

John Hancock was an American founding father who was President of the Continental Congress before the Americna Revolution. His signature on the Declaration of Independence was the largest; that made his name an idiom for signature.

500 Questions

How much money did John Hancock have?

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John Hancock gave his signature to the Declaration Of Independence. That's where we get the phrase "sign your John Hancock" came from. John Hancock also gave money! And lots of it. He backed some of the major events in the American Revolution. He was very wealthy. He got most of his money from illegal ways. Smuggling was a big one. He found ways to get around the laws that Britain had set forth.

How many indivaduals signed the declaration of indapendence?

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how many indivaduals signed the declaration of independence

What is the height of the John Hancock Center building in Chicago?

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The tallest building in Chicago is the Willis Tower, but it used to be called the Sears Tower. The Willis Tower is 1,451 ft. tall from the ground to it's roof and it 1,730 ft. tall from the ground to the top of it's Antenna. The Willis Tower has 108 floors.

Does the John Hancock building have a rotating bar or restaurant?

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Yes, the John Hancock Building is in Chicago IL on North Michigan Ave. at Pearson St.

What was John Hancocks personality like?

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honorable person, good citizen, important person.

What was John Hancock's role in the decloration of independence?

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Signer of the Declaration of Independence who was also a wealthy Massachusetts merchant who liked to defy the British authorities. He was also president of the Continental Congress and governor of Massachusetts. His main contribution, however, to the American Revolution was using his fortune to help finance the struggle

Did John Hancock fight in the Revolutionary War?

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John Hancock was a wealthy man. He was the 2nd President of the continetial congress. He was the coolest guy ever!!!

Did John Hancock have any weaknesses?

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Yes! He did reading and writing!

Was John Hancock in the Boston massacre?

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No, but he was a rich smuggler and sponsored the Son's of Liberty. The colonial smugglers were loosing money because the price of British tea had been LOWERED and this made the cost of the smuggled Dutch tea higher.

Why did john handcock sign his name so big?

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because he wanted to tell the govt. that he means buisness and that he wants the govt. to know that it was mainly his idea and that he is really involved in it and wants to rub that in the govts. face.

Why did johnny agree to take on the order for John Hancock's sugar basin in Johnny Tremain?

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Because of his confidence in his ability to tackle a difficult job, and because Mrs. Lapbam encourages him to accept the job.

What did John Hancock receive his Bachelors Degree in?

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John Hancock was a prosperous Boston businessman who wanted American independence from Great Britain. He became a Massachusetts representative to the Continental Congress, and was elected president of the Continental Congress in 1775

Why did important leaders like Samuel Adams John Hancock and Patrick Henry not attend the constitutional convention?

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The important leaders Sam Adams, John Hancock, and Patrick Henry did not attend the convection because, they feared that the strong national government would endanger the rights of the states

When did john Hancock's kids die?

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Lydia Hancock 10months old

John George Washington Hancock 8 years old

Why did Mrs. Lapham not think much of John Hancock?

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Mr. Lapham didn't hold much for the fellows that were always trying to stir up trouble between the USA, and England.

Is John Hancock a good role model for people today?

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By todays standards John Hancock would not only be considered a Terrorist but a Traitor as well who used his political position of trust and authority to undermine the exisiting Government of Law and Order to further his and other wealthy traitorous Yankees personal agendas.For allowing Yankee,murdering thugs, to confiscate and banish New England born Tories was a black mark against a new forming Nation.

Any nation whose birth is stained by sneaky malcontent terrorists who hide behind a bush and shoot a policeman [or Redcoat] is destined to have a society and Gov`t in its future system based onmurder,violance,corruption,fear,disrespect,collusion,hate

and will result in Civil Wars,sections,assasination of its Leaders and suppresion.

in my book heros are those who selflessly work and strive to see a wrong and work in the existing Society and Gov`t to gain a position of authority thereby being able to bring about non violent change and fairness for everyone.The Englishmen responsible for the insubordinate revolution of the New England Colonies living in Boston New York and Virginia are in the same catogory as Blackbeard,Captain Kid,

and Durrell.Colourful but not interrested in really advancing Civilization.

John Hancock uncle's name?

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brittany handcock

What was the cause of John Hancock's death?

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John Hancock died because he was old of age. gout i think

What was john hancocks father's name?

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john Hancock is a descendant of the early 17th century footpenises

Is John Hancock related to Samuel Adams?

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Samuel Adams criticized the way John Hancock lived when his wealthy uncle had passed. The way he lived was wealthy like he could do anything!

How did Jean Hancock died.?

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She died in a plane crash.

How did John Hancock get his name?

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From his father John Hancock Jr. and his father John Hancock Sr.