

Jumano Indians

Discovered in 1581, the Jumano Indians lived in Texas and New Mexico. By the 1750s, they had been pretty much wiped out. The few that remained were taken in by other tribes, such as the Apaches. The Jumano were known for trading skills and politics.

500 Questions

What did the Jumano eat?

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The Jumano people were mainly farmers who grew crops such as maize, beans, squash, and melons. They also hunted game such as deer, rabbits, and birds for meat, and gathered wild plants and seeds. Additionally, they traded with other tribes to supplement their food sources.

Are there any examples of Jumano Indian Folktales?

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Yes, one example is the legend of the Great Rabbit or Trickster Rabbit, which is a common figure in Jumano folklore. This rabbit outwits other animals through cleverness and cunning. Another story is "The Legend of the Corn Maidens," which tells the tale of how the Jumano people received the gift of corn from the Corn Maidens.

Where did the jumano tribe live?

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It is believed the Jumano Indians came from Western Texas somewhere between the Rio Grande and Rio Concho. I cannot recall but I believe there is a reference to them also living in another two areas within Texas.

I do know that after the Cherokee War they were sent or went to Fort Worth. There is a book "The Jumanos" by Nancy Hickerson which is meant to be a good source of information about this particular tribe. You may wish to see if it is available in your library or if it can be sourced as I am sure this will help your research.

Why did the Jumano Indians settle in western Texas?

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They used the Rio Grande becasuse they were farmers that used natural irrigation methods.Long before the spanish came-anonymous tipper

I do hope i helped you're question :)

How did the jumano cook there food?

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The Women Seminoles were the ones who Cooked all the meals and they did so above a fire with a pan and cooking utensils.

Who was the leader of the Jumanos group?

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In 2013, their tribal chieftain was Gabriel Carrasco.

What did Jumanos trade?

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They traded corn, squash, beans, animal skins, meats, and arrows.

What were the jumano weapons?

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bows and arrows and also spears

What did the jumano women do?

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The Jumano women roles were to plant crops like corn,squash,and beans.

Luckly the Jumano women didn't do everything . The men would sometimes

hunt for food.Even though the womens would do more than the men.

What do the Jumano Indians wear?

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they made beaded necklaces and alot of other things

Jumano Indians childaren do in the tribe?

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They make pottery and wove cotton for clothing and blankets

What was a method of survival for the Jumano?

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find a better site to answer this quetion. any one can answer it

What did the Jumano use pottery for?

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The Wintu Tribe used pottery for trading. The Wintu Tribe were active traders, even more so than other Native American tribes.

What was the Jumano transportation?

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The Jumano Indians were very peaceful for most of their history, living off of farming and hunting. However, they did fight against the Spaniards when they arrived, and many were killed.

What are the customs for a jumano Indian?

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They grewcorn, beans, and squash for food. They made good pottery to keep the food in. And they traveled a lot.

What was the jumano shelter?

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The Pueblo Jumano lived in cities built on the sides of cliffs and the Plains Jumano lived in tepees.

Did jumano indians hunt gather and farm?

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the jumano are a hunter-gatherer tribe

Is the jumano tribe still around today?

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No. The last records of them are from the mid 1700s in west Texas.

What kind of designs did jumano Indians have for clothes?

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In warm seasons they went naked. In the colder parts of the year they wore simple blankets.
Sometimes men wore moccasins made from the deer hide and feathers in their hair. Women were more likely to wear clothing made from the deer or buffalo hide. They wore nothing above the waist save for intricate tattoos, but favored long skirts and moccasins.

Who was the tribe leader for the Jumano Indian tribe?

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There were leaders for every village so there is no leader of them in general.