


This category covers questions over Macau, one of two special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China, and a former Portuguese colony. Known as "the Las Vegas of the East," Macau is famous for its high-end luxury hotel-casinos.

500 Questions

What are the chinese characters for Macau?

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The current Chinese name of Macau is 澳門 pronounced Oumún in Cantonese.

What year did the Wynn Macau open?

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The Wynn Macau Casino and Hotel opening date was 6th September, 2006. It is the first Las Vegas style resort to open in Asia featuring 600 rooms, 5 restaurants, casino, spa and swimming pool, a man-made lake and an atrium with a "golden Tree of Prosperity" to name a few features.

Why was the statue of João Maria Ferreira do Amaral removed in Macau?

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Governor João Maria Ferreira do Amaral was assassinated on the 22nd of August, 1849. He died of a violent murder most foul while serving his country Portugal as Governor of Macau. Governor Amaral was notable in that he made significant reforms in Macau that is still in use today in the former Portuguese province / colony. Part of those reforms were to assert Portugal's sovereignty over Macau, something Governors before him did not have the courage to do, and would rather resign themselves to living under Chinese intimidation, domination and influence, i.e. Chinese bullying (sound familiar today?). But not Governor Amaral. One of the things he did that significantly irked the Chinese at the time was to stop paying them "gratuity" or "rent" money to justify the ongoing Portuguese presence since 1557 in Macau and to send the money receivers, the Chinese Customs House packing and out of Macau. Do you think that the Chinese being Chinese will not do anything about this loss of face? Of course the Chinese would hire assassins (who were actually fishermen), led by a villager named Shen Zhiliang, to stab him to death, then cut his head off (as well as his remaining arm) and leave him there to rot (minus said head and arm) at the present day "Istmo de Ferreira do Amaral" at or near the Lin Fong Temple in Macau where the assassins hid in waiting for the Governor to arrive on his daily scout around Macau on his horse. In essence, the Chinese has stubbornly deemed Governor Amaral as the icon of unacceptable Portuguese colonialism in Macau since that time, unacceptable, that is to say, to the Chinese. Hence, the direct answer to the posted question was that the beautiful equestrian statue in memory and in recognition of the late Governor's ultimate sacrifice (his very own life), sculptured patriotically and unveiled by Maximileão Alves in 1940, was dismantled and removed from Macau at the direct request of the Chinese government in 1993 in light of the Chinese dictated impending transfer of sovereignty AND administration of Macau in 1999. The request was made acerbically on 28th June 1990 by the then Vice-Director of the People's Republic of China State Council's Office for Hong Kong and Macau affairs, Lu Ping. On this issue, Chinese education and Chinese commentary in Macau today are obliged to add or twist certain facts by way of propaganda to give the Chinese more face, as is always typical with the Chinese in historical and political matters. Obviously, there is much more to this issue but for the purposes of answering the posted question relevantly, this discussion will now be limited.

Maximileão Alves also designed and built a fitting pedestal support of Portuguese patriotism for the statue itself to rest on. The support consisted of a thick quadrangular table that the statue had rested. This table was supported at its four corners by substantial cylindrical columns. Affixed to the base of these columns were two shields carved with Portuguese royal arms in bas-relief, and two marble tablets carrying Portuguese inscriptions that read in Portuguese: "Homenagem da Colónia ao Governador João Maria Ferreira do Amaral. 22 de Agosto de 1849. Este monumento foi eregido por subscrição pública e auxílio do Governo da Colónia. Foi inaugurado em 24 de Junho de 1940 por ocasião das Festas do Duplo Centenário da Fundação e Restauração de Portugal. Oferta do Leal Senado." English translation: "Homage to the Governor of the Colony João Maria Ferreira do Amaral. 22 August, 1849. This monument was erected by public subscription and support of the Government of the Colony. It was inaugurated on 24 June, 1940 on the occasion of the Centenary Celebrations of the Double Foundation and Restoration of Portugal. Offering of the Leal Senado." The pedestal support was about 50 feet high and the equestrian statue itself is 15 feet high. The total height of the statue cum pedestal support was about 65 feet high and was positioned at the southern corner of what was then the new reclamation overlooking Macau's Outer Harbour, at the elbow end of Avenida da Amizade. The view from that point was appropriately commanding for the memorial. It was Macau's most eloquent statue.

The statue itself no longer possesses the former glorious appearance that the sculptor Alves had intended. It is now situated just outside Lisbon aeroport at the top of a road in the Bairro da Encarnação without the original 50 feet pedestal support that the statue had rested on in Macau.

Historical fact behind the statue: The Chinese communist sympathizers came out in their thousands to protest against the Portuguese authorities for quite rightly so refusing them the "tea money" to build the communist school Escola dos Moradores de Macau. So they rioted, smashed the windows of the Leal Senado building, torched priceless and irreplaceable books in the Leal Senado library and tried to pull down the firm and tall statue during the chaos and unrest they created that is known as the "1-2-3 incident" of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of December 1966. When the Chinese communist rioters failed, the went to Largo do Senado instead to pull down the other beautiful Alves statue also unveiled in 1940 in memory of the courageous Macanese Colonel, Vicente Nicolau de Mesquita that was situated in front of the Leal Senado building in Senado Square where the present fountain and large Portuguese armillary sphere is located. They dumped Mesquita's statue outside the public lavatory next to the Macau Central post office with a sign in Chinese that said "this is where you belong". Badly damaged, Colonel Mesquita's statue was sent back to Portugal in 1986, and is still in the process of repairs for eventual public display again on safer, calmer and stabler grounds, in Portugal.

Historical fact: On the 25th of August, 1849, Coronel Mesquita, with about 36 soldiers, defended Portuguese Macau by defeating an overwhelming and much greater Chinese invasion force intent on taking Macau three days after Governor Amaral's assassination. Colonel Mesquita attacked and occupied the Passaleão Fortress on the other side of the border in Chinese territory thus saving Portuguese Macau. Colonel Mesquita was thus an outstanding figure in the history of the former Portuguese colony / province, justly deserving of his memorial monument, a street named after him in Macau called Avenida do Coronel Mesquita and more.

Written and submitted on 12 January, 2013 by a former non-permanent resident of Macau of nearly (but not quite) seven years by reason of refusing to become a permanent resident of Macau under Chinese administration.

Viva A Cidade do Nome de Deus de Macau, Não Há Outra Mais Leal (para Portugal).

Why does Macau have no capital?

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Is JWH-018 or other synthetic cannabinoid illegal in china or hong kong or Macau?

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They are not controlled by any law to the extent of my knowledge- it is sold online freely.

Where is the Macau Tower located?

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The Macau Tower is located in the Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Construction was completed in 2001 and the tower is 338m (1,108.9 ft.) high.

Where are the macau hotels located?

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The Macau Hotels are located all over Macau. They have about 82 hotels ranging in price from about eighty dollars per night to over three hundred dollars per night. One of the nicest is the Wynn Hotel in Macau another would be the Four Seasons.

When did Portuguese traders first settle in Macau?

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Portuguese traders first settled in Macau, also known as Macao, in the 1550's. It is located in China and was rented to Portugal by the Chinese empire as trading port in 1557.

How many square kilometers in Macau?

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Macau is 31.3 square kilometers.

Who conquered macau?

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What do the colors of feathers on Native American headdresses mean?

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There is no simple answer to a question like that, since the feather headdress of the (for example) Kayapo or Bororo people of Brazil have no connection at all with the historic Sioux warbonnet, and neither has any connection with modern dance headdresses worn at powwows and Indian fairs.

Modern dance dress is simply made to impress, so bright silks and gaudy coloured ribbons are combined with chemical-dyed feathers to produce a deliberately startling appearance. None of this has any meaning at all. Today many tribes use the Sioux-style warbonnet, when it was never worn by their ancestors.

Historically, eagle feathers were generally left in their natural colour (off-white with very dark brown splotches and tips), sometimes with dyed or natural horsehair glued to the tips. A few Plains tribes might paint small parts of a feather, such as red stripes or spots to indicate wounds received, or black bars for war honours; in some cases entire feathers would be painted a solid colour - but this was rare and might have different meanings among different groups (or simply a specific meaning for the man wearing that feather).

So in historic terms, feathers did not usually have "colours" - but in some cases a small amount of paint had a specific tribal meaning; the gaudy and bright feathers on modern headdresses worn by native dancers have absolutely no meaning at all.

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The meaning to the name Lori?

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The meaning of the nqme Lori is "Of Lothair". Shortened form of Lorraine. Is is of French origin.

Who colonized Hong Kong and Singapore and Macau?

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Britain colonized Hong Kong and Singapore. Portugal colonized Macao

Macau - maestro pinto de sá?

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José Amável Pereira Pinto de Sá, nasceu em Montemor - o - Novo, a 8 de Julho de 1939.

Iniciou os estudos musicais com o seu pai aos 11 anos de idade.

Possui o Curso de Trompa do Conservatório Nacional de Música onde teve como professores, entre outros, o Professor Armando José Fernandes em composição e em Trompa Edmond Colli Vignarelli, Adácio Pestana e Gabriel Bellini num curso de Trompa na Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

A sua carreira musical, foi iniciada aos 14 anos em Bandas de Música Amadoras, tendo aos 18 ingressado como trompista na Banda de Música do Batalhão de Caçadores Nº.5.

Como executante de Trompa em outras Bandas Militares foi solista e professor. Fez parte do quadro da Orquestra Filarmónica de Lisboa, Orquestra de Salão do Rádio Clube de Moçambique e Orquestra de Ópera do Teatro Nacional de São Carlos, tendo também actuado noutros agrupamentos musicais, nomeadamente na Orquestra Sinfónica da Emissora Nacional.

Como Maestro: para além de ter sido o maestro titular da Orquestra de Câmara Lusitânia, regeu a Banda Sinfónica da Mocidade de Hong Kong, reorganizou e chefiou a Banda de Música do Corpo de Polícia de Segurança Pública de Macau (1980-1986), tendo feito com esta Banda de Música vários programas para a Televisão de Macau (TDM) entre eles a série "Música Maestro".

Em 1982 dirigiu a Orquestra de Câmara de Hong Kong num concerto realizado em Macau nas celebrações do Dia de Portugal, cujo programa foi totalmente preenchido com obras de autores portugueses do Séc. XVIII e XX.

Ainda, em Macau, foi professor e Director Adjunto da Academia de Música S. Pio X, tendo leccionado a disciplina de Educação Musical no Liceu Nacional Infante D. Henrique e Expressão Musical no Magistério Primário.

Em 1986 foi nomeado para organizar a Escola de Música a funcionar no Regimento de Infantaria Nº.1, onde formou pouco depois a Banda de Música da Região Militar de Lisboa, que chefiou até 30 de Novembro de 1992, (data em que passou à situação de Reforma no posto de Sargento-Mor Músico).

É de salientar os "Concertos comentados", assim como os vários concertos em que dirigiu a Banda de Música da RML em conjunto com a Banda dos "Royal Green Jackets" do Exército Britânico.

A sua actividade pautou-se também no campo do Ensino, tendo sido Professor de História da Música nos Cursos de Formação de Sargentos e de promoção a Sargento - Chefe Músico (Exército).

Leccionou e coordenou pedagogicamente o Centro Sócio - Cultural de Rio de Mouro (1977/1978) e entre 1993/2003 foi professor de Educação Musical do Ensino Básico do 2º e 3º ciclos.

É possuidor de vários Louvores e Condecorações, destacando-se a Medalha de Serviços Distintos e a Medalha de Mérito Cultural de Macau.

De 31 de Julho a 4 de Agosto de 2006 participou como Maestro convidado pela Associação de Regentes de Banda de Macau no "Festival de Bandas Ásia-Pacífico" realizado em Macau.

No Ginásio Desportivo de Macau dirigiu o Concerto de Abertura do Festival com uma Banda de Música composta por elementos pertencentes às Bandas participantes, num total aproximado de 850 elementos. Para além deste concerto dirigiu ainda a "Macau Youth Symphonic Band" no Centro Cultural de Macau.

What province is macau in?

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What famous Indian leader was a mix of Anglo and native American cultures?

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idk... srry! this is a hard one! ~Edited 9/3/09~ If you don't know than don't even answer. Either way, the correct answer is Quanah Parker.

Do Indians require a visa to visit Malaysia?

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Yes, they do. Indians didnt need a visa previously but they do require one to travel to Malaysia for any purpose. Check the related links to know the exact requirements.