

Mexican Culture

Mexico has a rich history in the fields of performing and visual arts and is particularly notable for Mexican cinema, music, folk art and murals.

500 Questions

Why did the zapotec abandon Monte alban?

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The Zapotec abandoned Monte Alban possibly due to environmental degradation, overpopulation, or repeated invasions by neighboring groups. It is also believed that changes in political or economic structures may have contributed to the decline of the city.

Where can you find pictures of the nahuatl symbol for star?

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You can find pictures of the Nahuatl symbol for star in books, websites on Mesoamerican art and symbolism, or by visiting museums with collections of Aztec art and artifacts. Online databases and academic resources may also offer images of Nahuatl symbols for further research.

Where was the chichen itza pyramid built?

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The Chichen Itza pyramid was built in Mexico, on the Yucatán Peninsula in the state of Yucatán. It is one of the most famous and well-preserved Mayan archaeological sites in the region.

What time period did zapotec live in?

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The Zapotec civilization flourished from about 500 BCE to 800 CE in the Oaxaca Valley of present-day Mexico. They are known for their complex society, advanced art, architecture, and writing system.

What percentage of mexicans speak spanish?

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Approximately 98% of Mexicans speak Spanish as their native language.

What year did the Mayan people build an observatory for viewing the stars and planets at Chichen Itza in Mexico?

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The Mayans built the observatory known as El Caracol at Chichen Itza in Mexico around the 9th century AD. This structure served as a viewing platform for observing celestial events such as the movement of stars and planets.

Where are the Chichen Itza ruins?

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Chichen Itza is an archeological site located in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, in the state of Yucatan. It was a major city of the Mayan civilization and is known for its well-preserved pyramids and other structures.

What was Chicen Itza and where was it located?

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Chichen Itza was an ancient Maya city located in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. It was one of the largest and most important archaeological sites in the region, known for its impressive pyramids, temples, and ball courts. Chichen Itza was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988.

How did Mexican culture develop out of both Spanish and Native colonies?

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Mexican culture developed from a blend of Spanish and Native influences through processes of colonization, mestizaje (racial mixing), and syncretism. The Spanish colonization brought aspects like language, religion, and traditions, while Native cultures contributed elements such as food, art, and spirituality. Over time, these influences merged to create a rich and diverse cultural identity in Mexico.

How do you say your welcome in Nahuatl?

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In Nahuatl, "you're welcome" can be translated as "tlazocamati".

Who lived in chichen itza?

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Chichen Itza was a major city of the Maya civilization, inhabited by the Itza people. It was a thriving urban center in the Postclassic period, between the 10th and 15th centuries. The city was eventually abandoned, and today it is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular tourist destination in Mexico.

When was the pyramid of Chichen Itza built?

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The pyramid of Chichen Itza, also known as El Castillo, was likely built between the 9th and 12th centuries by the Maya civilization in present-day Mexico. It served as a temple and astronomical observatory.

How much money did it cost to build the chichen itza pyramids?

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The exact cost to build the Chichen Itza pyramids is unknown, as it was constructed by the Mayan civilization over centuries. It is estimated that it would have required a significant investment of resources and labor to build these impressive structures.

Who made the chichen itza?

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Chichen Itza was built by the Maya civilization, with contributions from different groups over several centuries. The site features a mix of architectural styles reflecting this long history of construction and influence.

Why was chichen itza made?

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Chichen Itza was likely built as a large pre-Columbian city by the Mayan civilization for various purposes, including religious ceremonies, astronomical observations, political activities, and trading. It served as a major center of political and economic activity in the region.

What were the reasons they built the Mexican pyramids?

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The Mexican pyramids were built as religious and ceremonial structures to honor gods and ancestors, to demonstrate power and wealth, and to serve as astronomical observatories. They were also used for human sacrifices and rituals to ensure the well-being of the community.

Why was Chichen Itza abandoned?

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Chichen Itza was likely abandoned due to a combination of factors, including drought, resource depletion, and social unrest. These factors may have led to a decline in agricultural productivity, making it unsustainable for the population to remain in the area. Additionally, increased political instability and warfare could have contributed to the eventual abandonment of the site.

How wide is the Chichen Itza?

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The Chichen Itza is actually the name of an archeological dig site in present-day Mexico. What we know as the Chichen Itza is actually just one structure unearthed at the site. It is called El Castillo, or The Castle. It is 55.3 meters wide and 24 meters tall (30 if you include the temple at the top).

How old is chichen itza?

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Chichen Itza was likely founded around 600 AD and reached its peak between 800-1200 AD. The site continued to be inhabited and used for ceremonial purposes until the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century.

How long did it take to build Chichen itza?

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Chichen Itza was built over several centuries by the Maya civilization, with the main structures constructed between the 9th and 12th centuries AD. The exact time span it took to complete the construction of Chichen Itza is not precisely known, but it was a gradual process that evolved over time.

The Olmec practiced farming?

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Yes, the Olmec civilization practiced farming. They cultivated crops like maize, squash, beans, and chili peppers. Agriculture was essential to their society and helped support their large population.

Why did la llorona kill her children?

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There is many versions of La Llorona.But one I mostly know is "La Llorona y el Diablo". In that story is about the beautiful woman who married the devil by not knowing he is the devil. One night the devil came early from his work, he was so hungry. The lady went to buy groceries. But, when she came from the market she was too late. The devil has eaten the children. The woman started crying for weeks. Until the devil got annoyed from her weeping. He tied her to the bed with chains. And got the knife and stabbed her right in the heart. People sware that she's crying, and her chains tied around her. The other one I know is that a the most beautiful woman in Mexico married the most handsome man in Mexico.They fell in love the minute they saw each other. They got married, they had children. 11 years past. There was a new girl in town. The handsome man was cheating on the llorona.The llorona noticed that her husband was coming late every night. The llorona saw that her husband was making out with a other woman. Till' that time he never came back to town. The woman's sadness became to anger. She took her children to the nearest lake and drowed them. She didn't know was she was ding so she killed her self. Every night night she is wepping.

How do you say brother in Nahuatl?

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The word for brother in Nahuatl is "tlalmanalli".

How many people speak Mexican spanish?

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Approximately 120 million people speak Mexican Spanish as their native language, primarily in Mexico. Additionally, millions of people around the world learn and speak Mexican Spanish as a second language due to Mexico's cultural influence and economic ties with other countries.

What Western Hemisphere people spoke Nahuatl?

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The people who spoke Nahuatl were the Aztecs and other indigenous groups in Mesoamerica, including the Mexica, Tlaxcalans, and Tetzcocans. Nahuatl was the language used by these civilizations for communication, trade, and record-keeping.