


Parenting and Children

Parenting is the promoting and supporting of intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of a child to adulthood.

500 Questions

Why do sisters yell and be mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sisters may yell and be mean due to competing for attention, jealousy, misunderstandings, or differences in personalities. Communication and conflict resolution skills can help improve their relationship and address underlying issues.

What do you do if your dad is phyco?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you believe your dad is behaving in a manner that is harmful to you or others, it's important to seek help from a trusted adult, such as a family member, teacher, or counselor. You can also contact local authorities or organizations that specialize in family support for guidance on how to address the situation. Your safety and well-being are the top priority.

Why do retarded people try to act smart?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to remember that people with intellectual disabilities may have different ways of expressing themselves. It's possible they may be imitating behaviors they've seen or trying to fit in with others. It's crucial to approach these situations with understanding and empathy.

How can you tell if someone is emotionally unstable?

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Asked by Ditzygirl

Signs of emotional instability can include extreme mood swings, intense and disproportionate reactions to situations, impulsive behavior, and difficulty managing emotions. Additionally, individuals may struggle with regulating their emotions, have a history of unstable relationships, or display frequent outbursts of anger or sadness. It's important to approach the situation with compassion and encourage them to seek professional help if needed.

Is good parenting a learned or innate behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

Good parenting is a combination of both learned and innate behavior. While some parenting skills are instinctual, others are learned through experience, observation, and education. By being open to feedback, reflecting on their own upbringing, and seeking support when needed, parents can continue to develop their parenting skills over time.

Are nudist websites legal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nudist websites are legal as long as they comply with relevant laws and regulations in the jurisdictions they operate. Nudism itself is not illegal, but adult content regulations and laws regarding obscenity may apply depending on the content displayed on the website. It is important for nudist websites to adhere to laws related to age restrictions, consent, and privacy.

Is nudity in the home good or bad?

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Asked by Wiki User

Whether nudity in the home is considered good or bad is subjective and varies depending on personal beliefs and cultural norms. Some individuals may feel comfortable being naked in their own homes and view it as natural, while others may find it inappropriate. It ultimately comes down to personal preferences and boundaries.

What causes people to bully?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may bully others due to a desire for power, control, or attention. In some cases, bullies may also have a history of being bullied themselves or have underlying issues causing them to lash out at others. Social dynamics, peer pressure, and a lack of empathy can also contribute to bullying behavior.

Subtopics for children exposure to tv violence and aggressive behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Impact of TV violence on children's behavior
  2. Strategies for parents to limit children's exposure to violent TV content
  3. Effects of violent TV shows on children's emotional development
  4. Intervention programs to reduce aggressive behavior in children due to TV violence

How do you get your mom to stop being mad at you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Try apologizing and acknowledging your mistake, listen to her perspective, and make an effort to change your behavior in the future. Showing that you understand and respect her feelings can help mend the situation.

What size clothes does a two year old girl wear?

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Asked by Wiki User

The different places you go, the sizes change. For instance a five year old might have to get a size 7 in order to fit because of the store's sizing.

For a 4 year old, generally it is toddler size 4,5, and some cases 6. Make sure it fits well! :)

How can you tell your parents about crossdressing?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can approach the conversation by being open and honest, choosing a time when they are calm and receptive. Explain your feelings, provide information about crossdressing, and reassure them that it doesn't change who you are as a person. Be prepared for a variety of reactions and give them time to process the information.

According to Freud children possess the impulses that adults do?

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Asked by Kclark71

Freud believed that children possess similar impulses as adults, but they lack the ability to control or sublimate them due to their underdeveloped egos. This can manifest in behaviors like temper tantrums or aggression. Freud argued that these impulses need to be carefully managed and directed towards more socially acceptable outlets as the child grows.

Why do bullys bully people?

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Asked by Sophieblack

may be because the bully feels weak and must show some strength by bothering others or they may have low self-esteem and may want to pick on someone that is weaker for attention.or it may be because the bully dose not like the person because of there size, looks, personality or there coulour.

What is a good characteristic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Empathy is a good characteristic to have as it allows individuals to understand and share the feelings of others, fostering positive relationships and mutual respect.

What can parents do to help there children develop?

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Asked by Wiki User

Parents can help children develop by providing a nurturing and supportive environment, engaging in meaningful conversations and activities, setting boundaries and discipline when needed, fostering a love for learning, and encouraging independence and problem-solving skills. Regularly spending quality time with children and being positive role models are also important in their development.

Is it normal for moms to yell at there kids a lot because of school or do they have anger management problems?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not normal for moms to yell at their kids a lot for school-related issues. If a mother finds herself frequently yelling or having difficulty managing her anger in response to school stress, it may indicate underlying issues such as stress, inadequate coping mechanisms, or unresolved emotions. Seeking support from a therapist or counselor can help address these challenges and develop healthier ways of managing emotions.

What child development theory places emphasis on the importance of discussion and interaction with adults and older children?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sociocultural theory, proposed by Lev Vygotsky, emphasizes the role of social interactions in cognitive development. According to this theory, children learn through discussions and interactions with more knowledgeable individuals, such as adults and older children. Vygotsky believed that these social interactions help children internalize knowledge and skills.

Do midgets have short attention spans?

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Asked by Joker17

There is no scientific evidence that suggests people with dwarfism have shorter attention spans than individuals of average height. Attention span is a cognitive trait that can vary among individuals regardless of their stature. It is important not to make generalizations about a group of people based on physical characteristics.

My mum thinks she knows it all just because she's 31 years older than me Do people get stupider as they get older?

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Asked by Wiki User

People do not necessarily get "stupider" as they get older. However, older individuals may have more life experience and knowledge in certain areas. It's important to respect your mother's wisdom while also valuing your own perspectives and opinions. Communication and understanding can help bridge any generational gaps.

Why do you like to wear girl clothes?

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Asked by Wiki User

I enjoy wearing clothes that make me feel confident and comfortable, regardless of gender norms. Fashion is a form of self-expression, and I choose to wear what makes me happy.

Is encouraging a mood?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, encouraging can positively influence someone's mood by providing support, motivation, or inspiration. It can help uplift and empower individuals to feel more confident, optimistic, and resilient in facing challenges or pursuing goals.

How is addictive behavior in parents affect their children?

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Asked by Wiki User

For specifics, one would have to know the behaviors in more detail. Since, however, all addictions and addictive behaviors are ultimately about the addict (selfish), it is highly unlikely that many of them would benefit children, even though a preoccupation with the children might be part of the addiction.

What does child development mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Child development refers to the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social growth that occurs from infancy through adolescence. It involves the progression of skills, abilities, and behaviors that enable children to interact with their environment and fulfill their potential. Understanding child development helps caregivers and educators support children in achieving important milestones and reaching their full capabilities.

Mom force a boy wear girl cloth?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is important to respect a child's autonomy and personal choices when it comes to clothing. It is not appropriate to force a child to wear clothing that they are not comfortable with or that goes against their gender identity. It is essential to have open communication and understanding within the family to address any concerns or issues in a supportive manner.