


Parenting and Children

Parenting is the promoting and supporting of intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of a child to adulthood.

500 Questions

Mom force a boy wear girl cloth?

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It is important to respect a child's autonomy and personal choices when it comes to clothing. It is not appropriate to force a child to wear clothing that they are not comfortable with or that goes against their gender identity. It is essential to have open communication and understanding within the family to address any concerns or issues in a supportive manner.

How do you tell mom I am a sissy?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to have an open and honest conversation with your mom about your feelings. You can start by expressing your emotions and explaining what being a sissy means to you. It's key to approach the conversation with understanding and patience, and be prepared to answer any questions she may have.

What makes teenagers rebel?

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Teenagers may rebel due to the natural process of asserting their independence, testing boundaries, seeking autonomy from authority figures, and exploring their identities. Rebellion can also be a response to feeling misunderstood or unsupported, as well as a way to cope with underlying issues such as stress, peer pressure, or emotional struggles.

What are the classification of family structure based on authority?

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Asked by Wiki User

Family structures based on authority can be classified as patriarchal (male-dominated), matriarchal (female-dominated), or egalitarian (equal power shared between partners). These classifications determine how decisions are made within the family and the roles each family member plays in the household.

What is the American Psychological Association's stand on same-sex marriage and same-sex parenting?

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The American Psychological Association supports same-sex marriage as a fundamental human right and recognizes that same-sex parents are just as capable as opposite-sex parents in providing a nurturing and healthy environment for their children. Their stance is based on research showing that children raised by same-sex parents do not differ in emotional, cognitive, or social functioning compared to children raised by heterosexual parents.

What is the meaning of electra complex?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Electra complex is a psychoanalytic concept proposed by Carl Jung that describes a girl's unconscious feelings of competition and desire for her father and feelings of resentment and rivalry towards her mother. It is considered the female counterpart to the Oedipus complex in boys.

Why do people say that's so gay?

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People say "that's so gay" as a derogatory phrase to express that they find something undesirable or uncool. This language is hurtful and perpetuates negative stereotypes about the LGBTQ+ community. It is important to avoid using such phrases and instead choose language that is respectful and inclusive.

What happens if the electra complex is not resolved?

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Asked by Wiki User

If the Electra complex is not resolved, it can lead to psychological issues such as difficulties in forming healthy relationships, identity issues, and feelings of inadequacy or inferiority. Unresolved Electra complex may also contribute to emotional conflicts and challenges in navigating intimate relationships in adulthood. Therapy and self-reflection can help address and resolve these lingering issues.

Why do people bully other people?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may bully others due to insecurities, seeking control or power, wanting to fit in with a certain group, or having experienced bullying themselves. It can also be a way for individuals to cope with their own stress or emotions.

Are women are better parents than men?

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Both women and men can be equally good parents, as parenting abilities are not determined by gender. The most important factor is the individual's commitment, love, and dedication to their children. Each parent brings unique strengths and qualities to their parenting role.

Why do some people bully?

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Some people bully others due to underlying issues such as low self-esteem, insecurity, or a need to feel powerful and in control. Bullying can also be a learned behavior from observing or experiencing similar actions. Additionally, external factors such as peer pressure, family dynamics, or societal influences can contribute to someone engaging in bullying behavior.

Can your parents legally tell you who you can and can not see after you turn 18?

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No, once you turn 18, you are considered an adult and can make your own decisions about who you see. Your parents cannot legally control your relationships at that point.

How guidance and discipline effect on child personality?

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Asked by Zaara

Positive guidance and discipline methods help children develop self-control, empathy, and problem-solving skills, leading to healthier emotional development and better social interactions. Consistent and non-punitive discipline helps children understand boundaries and consequences, fostering a sense of responsibility and respect towards others. It can also contribute to the development of a child's self-esteem and overall well-being.

What are the primary factors in political socialization?

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Asked by Wiki User

The primary factors in political socialization are family influences, education, peers, media, and personal experiences. These elements shape an individual's political identity, beliefs, and behaviors from a young age.

Why are parents so embarrassing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Parents may sometimes come across as embarrassing because they are often more experienced in life and tend to prioritize safety and caution. Their behavior may be perceived as embarrassing by their children because it contrasts with a teenager's desire for independence and coolness. Additionally, parents may not always be aware of current trends or social norms that can lead to awkward situations.

Was suggested in one of your responses leave the narcissist out of your life - how can you do that when the person is your adult child?

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Asked by Wiki User

When dealing with a narcissistic adult child, setting and maintaining firm boundaries is essential. This may include limiting contact, seeking support from a therapist or counselor, and focusing on your own well-being. It's important to prioritize your mental and emotional health while also recognizing that you cannot change someone who is not willing to change themselves.

You feel guilty about having an affair should you stop?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is important to stop the affair because continuing it can cause further harm to all parties involved. It is essential to address the underlying issues that led to the affair and to seek support, such as therapy, to navigate feelings of guilt and work towards healing and making amends.

Why are parents so controlling?

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Parents may exhibit controlling behavior due to a desire to protect their children, fear of the unknown, or a need to maintain authority. It can also stem from their own past experiences, cultural beliefs, or societal pressures. Communication and understanding can help alleviate some of the controlling tendencies.

Why do mentally ill rock back and forth?

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Rocking back and forth is a coping mechanism for some individuals with mental illnesses, as it can help soothe anxiety or provide a sense of comfort. It may also help regulate sensory input and provide a rhythmic, repetitive movement that can be calming.

What is Nature and Nurture . Summarise with examples the strengths and weaknesses given on both sides of the debate?

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Asked by Simiorem

Nature is the influence of genetics and biology on human behavior and traits, while nurture refers to environmental factors and experience. The strengths of the nature argument include the role of genetics in determining certain traits, like eye color or height. Weaknesses include overlooking the impact of environmental factors such as upbringing and education. On the nurture side, strengths include the ability to change behaviors through environmental interventions, while weaknesses can arise from underestimating the biological basis of certain traits, like intelligence.

How can you spot people with self-confidence?

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Asked by Wiki User

People with self-confidence often display good posture, make direct eye contact, speak clearly and assertively, and handle challenges or setbacks with resilience. They tend to be comfortable in their own skin, accept themselves for who they are, and are not easily swayed by others' opinions.

Should your parents see you in drag you think they already know?

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Asked by Wiki User

It ultimately depends on your relationship with your parents and their level of acceptance. If you have a strong and supportive relationship, they may already know or be open to learning more about this aspect of your life. However, it may be helpful to have a conversation with them beforehand to gauge their feelings and communicate openly about your identity.

How does a child learn?

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A child learns through a combination of observation, imitation, repetition, and practice. They also learn through exploration, play, interaction with others, and receiving guidance and feedback from caregivers and educators. Additionally, cognitive development theories such as Piaget's stages of development and Vygotsky's social constructivism help explain how children learn and acquire new skills.

What is the macro system response to maltreatment of children?

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The macro system response to maltreatment of children involves the implementation of policies, laws, and programs at a societal level to prevent child abuse and provide support to those affected. This includes initiatives such as child welfare services, community education programs, and legal frameworks aimed at ensuring the safety and well-being of children. Additionally, collaboration between various institutions and agencies is essential to address the systemic issues contributing to child maltreatment.

How do children play or do activities with other children?

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Children typically engage in cooperative play by participating in group games, make-believe scenarios, or outdoor activities. They often take turns, share toys, and communicate to collaborate on tasks or projects. This interaction helps them develop social skills, teamwork, and empathy.