



The Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia that comprises more than 7,000 islands and has a population of 92 million.

500 Questions

When the Philippines had that big storm was it a tsunami?

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No, the big storm that hit the Philippines was a typhoon named Haiyan in 2013. It was one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever recorded and caused widespread destruction. A tsunami is different from a typhoon; it is generated by underwater seismic activity and can cause massive waves when it reaches the shore.

Bank of the Philippine islands hotline?

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You can reach Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) hotline at 889-10000 for domestic calls or +632-889-10000 for international calls. They are available 24/7 for customer assistance.

How do typhoons effect the economy of Philippines?

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Typhoons in the Philippines can have a significant impact on the economy by causing damage to infrastructure, agriculture, and property, leading to disruption of businesses and tourism. The costs of recovery and reconstruction can strain government resources and slow economic growth. The Philippines relies heavily on agriculture, so typhoons can have a particularly devastating effect on the country's economy.

Ozone-Depleting Substances in the Philippines?

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The Philippines has been taking measures to phase out ozone-depleting substances (ODS) in compliance with the Montreal Protocol. Key actions include setting regulations to control the production, import, and consumption of ODS, as well as implementing programs to raise awareness and promote the use of ozone-friendly alternatives. The country is also monitoring and reporting its progress in phasing out ODS to the United Nations Environment Programme.

Agricultural products of region 3 Philippines?

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Some agricultural products of Region 3 in the Philippines include rice, sugarcane, mangoes, bananas, and tobacco. The region is known for its fertile lands and favorable climate, making it ideal for cultivation of various crops. Livestock farming, particularly of pigs and poultry, is also prominent in the region.

Is manila north or south of the equator?

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Manila is north of the equator.

Why did the typhoon in the philippines happen?

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Typhoons in the Philippines occur due to the country's location along the Pacific Typhoon Belt, where warm ocean waters and atmospheric conditions create ideal conditions for typhoon formation. Climate change may also contribute to the intensity of typhoons in the region.

What is the opposite country of the philippines in the globe?

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The opposite country of the Philippines on the globe is Senegal in Africa. When you draw a straight line from the Philippines through the Earth's center, it comes out near Senegal on the opposite side.

Why does the Philippines have warm temperature throughout the year?

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The Philippines is situated near the equator, which results in consistent high temperatures due to receiving direct sunlight. Additionally, the country's tropical climate is influenced by the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean, further contributing to the warm temperatures year-round.

What body of water separates the Philippines from the rest of Asia?

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There are actually four bodies of water that separate the Philippines from the rest of Asia. These are the South China Sea and the East Vietnam Sea to the west of the Philippines, and the Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea to the south of the Philippines.

The West Philippine Sea separates the Philippines from Taiwan and China; the East Vietnam Sea from Vietnam; the Sulu Sea from Borneo; and the Celebes Sea from Indonesia.

Who can be blame of having a typhoon?

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No one person can be blamed for causing a typhoon as they are natural weather phenomena that result from complex interactions between the ocean and atmosphere. Typhoons can be influenced by climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, and other human activities, but they are ultimately a natural occurrence.

What is the larget island in the Philippines?

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The largest island in the Philippines is Luzon. It is located in the northern part of the country and is home to the capital city of Manila.

Who are the 5 Filipino physicists and what are their contributions?

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  1. Francisco Quisumbing - known for his invention of the Quink pen ink and aeronautic technologies.
  2. Angel Alcala - recognized for his work in marine biology and environmental conservation efforts.
  3. Gregorio Zara - inventor of the two-way television communication system and the lunar rover.
  4. Delfin Tolentino - contributed to the development of the first successful satellite of the Philippines, Diwata-1.
  5. Teodoro Agoncillo - his work focused on Philippine history and national identity.

What are harmful or poisonous plants in the Philippines?

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Some harmful or poisonous plants in the Philippines include the Manchineel tree, Dumbcane plant, Oleander, and Castor bean plant. These plants can cause skin irritations, nausea, and other serious health issues if ingested or touched. It is important to be cautious and avoid contact with these plants.

Which are the least typhoon prone cities in the Luzon Philippines?

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Some of the least typhoon-prone cities in Luzon, Philippines are Vigan, Laoag, and Baguio. These cities are located further inland and are shielded by mountain ranges, making them less susceptible to the full impact of typhoons compared to coastal cities.

Who are the Filipino Physicists and what are their contributions to Physics?

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Some notable Filipino physicists include Dr. Edgardo T. Roces, known for his work on theoretical physics, particularly in the field of quantum mechanics; Dr. Caesar Saloma, recognized for his contributions to optics and biophotonics research; and Dr. Christopher David, who has made advancements in the study of semiconductor physics. These physicists have made significant contributions to their respective fields, furthering our understanding of the physical world.

Where can you buy glycerin in the Philippines?

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Glycerin can be purchased in the Philippines from stores specializing in soap and cosmetic-making supplies, online platforms like Lazada and Shopee, or from chemical suppliers. Pharmaceutical and health stores might also carry glycerin due to its common usage in skincare products.

Bank of the Philippine island trust product?

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Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) offers trust products such as Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs) and Trust Services. These products allow clients to have their funds managed by professionals for investment or estate planning purposes. BPI's trust products are designed to help clients achieve their financial goals with the expertise of the bank's trust professionals.

What is the difference between African and Philippines?

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Africa is a continent that has 54 countries and a diverse population speaking different languages and belonging to various ethnic groups. The Philippines is an archipelago in Southeast Asia composed of over 7,000 islands and is a single country with a predominantly Filipino population. The two regions have distinct cultures, histories, and geographical locations.

Largest deposit of marbles in the Philippines?

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The largest deposit of marbles in the Philippines is located in Romblon province. Romblon is known for its high-quality marble quarries which produce a wide range of marble products such as tiles, slabs, and decoratives. The province's marble is valued for its unique colors and patterns, making it a sought-after material for construction and decoration.

How is the mean monthly rainfall calculated?

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The mean monthly rainfall is calculated by taking the sum of all monthly rainfall measurements recorded over a period (e.g., a year) and dividing it by the number of months. This gives an average of the rainfall amount for each month over the specified period.

Is Philippines a peninsula?

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No, the Philippines is not a peninsula. It is an archipelago of more than 7,000 islands located in Southeast Asia.

Where to buy sodium acetate here in philippines?

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You can try searching for sodium acetate online through chemical suppliers or laboratory equipment stores in the Philippines. You may also check with local universities or research institutions that may have access to such chemicals. Alternatively, you could explore international online retailers that ship to the Philippines.

What is the fastest growing city in the Philippines?

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As of recent data, Davao City is considered one of the fastest-growing cities in the Philippines. It has experienced rapid economic development and population growth, attracting businesses and investments. Its strategic location and good governance have contributed to its growth.

What are the different ecosystem in the Philippines?

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The Philippines is home to various ecosystems such as coral reefs, mangrove forests, tropical rainforests, and marine habitats. These ecosystems support a diverse range of flora and fauna, many of which are endemic to the region. It is important to protect and preserve these ecosystems due to their ecological significance and biodiversity.