


Pokemon Ruby Sapphire and Emerald

Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald are the exciting third generation of the Pokemon gaming series which takes place in the Hoenn Region.

500 Questions

Get the claw fossil or the root fossil in sapphire?

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In Pokémon Sapphire, you can choose to revive either the Claw Fossil into Anorith or the Root Fossil into Lileep. The decision is up to personal preference based on which Pokémon you prefer to have on your team.

Should you choose claw or root fossil?

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It depends on which Pokémon you prefer as each fossil regenerates into a different Pokémon. The Claw Fossil regenerates into Anorith, a Rock/Bug type Pokémon, while the Root Fossil regenerates into Lileep, a Rock/Grass type Pokémon. Consider which type combination and Pokémon design you prefer before making your choice.

Is the Avon ruby red glassware a profitable collectible?

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Avon ruby red glassware can be a profitable collectible, especially if it is vintage or part of a limited collection. The value will depend on factors such as the condition, rarity, and demand among collectors. It's advisable to research current market trends and consult with experts before investing in Avon ruby red glassware.

Are meteors small?

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Meteors can vary in size, ranging from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a boulder. When a meteor enters the Earth's atmosphere, it heats up and creates the glowing streak of light we see, known as a meteor or shooting star.

When is high tide in Pokemon Emerald?

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In Pokemon Emerald, the high tide occurs every day at Mossdeep City, when the water level rises, allowing the player to access certain areas that are otherwise unreachable. It happens twice a day - once in the morning and once in the evening.

What do the fossils in Pokemon Sapphire turn into?

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The fossils in Pokemon Sapphire can be revived into two different Pokemon. The Root Fossil can be revived into Lileep, a Rock/Grass type Pokemon, while the Claw Fossil can be revived into Anorith, a Rock/Bug type Pokemon.

In Pokemon emarld where is doven he research on reviving Pokemon fossils?

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In Pokemon Emerald, the researcher on reviving Pokemon fossils is located in the Fossil Maniac's house in Fallarbor Town. You can find him by entering the house and interacting with him to revive fossils into Pokemon.

What is the strongest starter?

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The strongest starter Pokémon is typically considered to be Charmander's final evolution, Charizard. Charizard has a strong Fire/Flying typing and high offensive stats that make it a formidable battler. Additionally, it has received Mega Evolutions and Gigantamax forms in some games, further boosting its power.

How do you make the fossils come back to life in sapphire?

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Asked by BboyCStylez

You cannot make fossils come back to life in Pokémon Sapphire. Fossils are used to revive prehistoric Pokémon by taking them to the Devon Corporation in Rustboro City to bring them back as living Pokémon.

Why is antraitica the best place to find meteorites?

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Antarctica is a good place to find meteorites because the dark meteorites stand out against the white snow and ice, making them easier to spot. The slow movement of the ice sheets also helps to concentrate meteorites in certain areas, increasing the likelihood of finding them. Additionally, the cold and dry conditions in Antarctica help preserve meteorites, making them more pristine for scientific study.

In Pokemon Ruby how do you get up mudslides?

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Ok, first go to mauville and go to the place were you can get bikes..... you can't really miss it, then when he gives you the option of two bikes pick the MACH BIKE then go to a mudslide, back up a little bit and ride towards it hope this helps.

What is a rarer medium?

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A rarer medium refers to a cooking term used to describe meat that is cooked less than medium-rare, meaning it is cooked for a shorter time period and is usually pink and juicy in the center. This term is often used in culinary contexts to describe the doneness of meat.

How does magma build up?

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Magma builds up beneath the Earth's surface through the melting of rocks in the mantle or crust. Once melted, the magma rises towards the surface due to its lower density compared to the surrounding rocks. As it moves upwards, it can accumulate in magma chambers before eventually erupting as a volcano.

What age are you the strongest?

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Peak physical strength typically occurs in your late 20s to early 30s, but it can vary depending on individual genetics, training, and lifestyle factors. After this peak, strength gradually declines with age due to natural processes of muscle loss and decreased hormone levels. However, with proper exercise and nutrition, you can maintain strength and muscle mass well into old age.

What are the units for planks constant?

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Planck's Constant units are energy-seconds.

Planck's Constant is the product of two fundamental Quantum constants, W and C. W is the magnetic charge of "free space" and C is the electric charge of "free space". The value of W= 500 atto Webers and C= 4/3 atto Coulombs. The "free space" impedance z is the ratio of the two quantum constants z=W/C = 375 Ohms.

How do you get in team magma base?

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To get into Team Magma's base in the Pokémon games, you usually need to advance through the game's storyline until you reach the part where access to the base is granted. This often involves completing specific tasks or defeating key characters to open up new areas. Follow the game's narrative and objectives to progress to Team Magma's base.

Where can you buy plain Ruby's Sapphire's and Emerald's?

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You can buy plain rubies, sapphires, and emeralds from reputable jewelers, gemstone dealers, online stores, gem shows, and auctions. Make sure to ask for a certificate of authenticity and do your research to ensure you are getting genuine and high-quality gemstones.

Where is earthquake in Pokemon ruby?

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In Pokémon Ruby, Earthquake can be found as a TM (Technical Machine) in the Seafloor Cavern, which is located near Mossdeep City. You can obtain it by navigating through the cavern and reaching the room where the TM is located.

What are the Pokemon in the fossils in ruby?

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In Pokemon Ruby, the fossils that can be revived are the Root Fossil, which revives into Lileep, and the Claw Fossil, which revives into Anorith. Lileep is a Rock/Grass type Pokemon and Anorith is a Rock/Bug type Pokemon.

How are emeralds refined?

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Emeralds are refined through a process called cutting and polishing. Skilled craftspeople use specialized tools to shape the raw emerald into a desired shape, removing impurities and enhancing its clarity and brilliance. The final step involves buffing and polishing the emerald to bring out its natural shine.

How do you find emerald in layers of sediment?

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Emerald can be found in layers of sediment through the process of weathering and erosion, where the emerald-containing rock is broken down into smaller pieces and transported by water or wind. As the sediment accumulates, the emerald crystals may become concentrated in certain layers due to their density. Prospectors can search for these layers by studying the geology of the area and looking for signs of emerald deposits.

What level does Pichu evolve in diamond?

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Pichu evolves into Pikachu when its friendship level is high during the day.

Where do you get the Root Fossil in Pokemon Emerald?

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In Pokemon Emerald, the Root Fossil can be obtained by choosing it as your fossil reward after defeating the Mirage Tower. The Mirage Tower only appears under certain conditions, so it may take a bit of time and effort to access it. Once you have the Root Fossil, you can take it to the Devon Corporation in Rustboro City to have it revived into Lileep.

Do matches work on the moon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Without an atmosphere or oxygen, a match wont even spark, or even light up.